Do I need to pin muzzle device on a SBR?

Lots of people will say that it's not defined to be a rifle and therefore not subject to those rules.

Others will say better safe than sorry

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At the LE gun law seminars that I've been to I'm pretty certain that the answer was yes.
Screw em..

Here is the closest thing to an answer that you are going to get:

Short Barrel Rifles

Does the Assault Weapons Ban still apply to SBRs?

Maybe. I'll try to present both sides of the argument.

The AWB does effect SBRs in MA argument: The MA AWB, just like the Federal one, effects "semiautomatic rifles" without any regard to barrel length and does effect SBRs. The MA AWB is at 140 MGL 121. The section of the Federal AWB that applies to rifles is 18 USC 921(a)(30)(B).

The AWB does not effect SBRs in MA argument: The problem with Massachusetts law is that it's poorly written. The MA AWB states, in part "“Assault weapon”, shall have the same meaning as a semiautomatic assault weapon as defined in the federal Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act, 18 U.S.C. section 921(a)(30) as appearing in such section on September 13, 1994". If you go read all of 18 USC 921(a)(30), it does define assault weapons, but does not define the term "rifle". Why does that matter? Because the MA law specifically references ONLY that part of the federal law, and not the federal definition of a "rifle". Therefore, we must use the Massachusetts definition of a rifle, from 140 MGL 121. The definition in Massachusetts law states that a rifle must have a barrel equal to or greater than 16 inches in length. Because your SBR, by definition, has a barrel less then 16 inches, it can't be a rifle under Massachusetts law, and can't be an assault weapon using the specific section of the Federal ban referred to by Massachusetts law.
Here is the closest thing to an answer that you are going to get:

In other words, who knows?, so proceed at your own risk. This makes my head hurt, especially since I want to get a brake and a blast shield device. Do I have to pin them both, or just one, or neither?
I see nothing about Mass law in the question or the forum subgroup.

That's because people from MA forget there are other states that don't suck in the north east. OP is asking about pinning a muzzle device, obviously an AWB question, obviously a MA question.
OP Here. Yes I'm from Mass. And I thank all of you for your comments. I'm trying to gather as much info as I can so I can make my decision. And NES has been a great resource as usual.
As the title says, Do I need to pin the muzzle device on a SBR?

If you are talking about using a muzzle brake on a 223\556 SBR.. you may want to rethink that... no damn way I could shoot my SBR with a muzzle brake, the muzzle blast is unbearable. Had to use a flash hider... My bud from Colt Defense warned me... I tried it and it was unfrickin believable... couldn't get the flash hider on fast enough
If you are talking about using a muzzle brake on a 223\556 SBR.. you may want to rethink that... no damn way I could shoot my SBR with a muzzle brake, the muzzle blast is unbearable. Had to use a flash hider... My bud from Colt Defense warned me... I tried it and it was unfrickin believable... couldn't get the flash hider on fast enough

That is what silencers are for.
OP Here. Yes I'm from Mass. And I thank all of you for your comments. I'm trying to gather as much info as I can so I can make my decision. And NES has been a great resource as usual.

What conclusion have you reached?
If you are talking about using a muzzle brake on a 223\556 SBR.. you may want to rethink that... no damn way I could shoot my SBR with a muzzle brake, the muzzle blast is unbearable. Had to use a flash hider... My bud from Colt Defense warned me... I tried it and it was unfrickin believable... couldn't get the flash hider on fast enough

I had an AAC 2 chamber brake on my 10.5" 5.56 upper to try and prolong the baffle life in my can and that thing was offensive. I took the can off to verify zero with out it and the gun rattled my teeth as the shooter. After shooting it like that, I swapped it out for a 51t Battlecomp and it is much better. Still pretty harsh, but better. My suppressor pretty much spends all of it's time on that upper as it is, so I am not really worried about it.

I have not experienced a BCM comp on a SBR, but I had one on a 14.5" gun and it was similar to an A2 when standing next to it.

But, if you are of the opinion that the AWB does not apply to SBR's, and you can't run a can, a flash hider is definitely the way to go on short 556 guns. The A2 that came on my LMT 10.5"r worked fine and didn't bother anyone. Plus they are like 7 bucks.
What about a linear comp, or using a control shield, like the new one from Lantac?


I have a 10.5" upper because I wanted a short gun. Adding a device that is 2.5"+ to 10.5" barrel seems kind of dumb to me, unless it is a suppressor mount. At that point get a 12.5" barrel and use an A2. At that point, get a 14.5" barrel and pin a Vortex on the end and skip the SBR all together. At that point...see what I mean?

Never mind adding 10.5oz to the muzzle. Jesus. The AAC Mini-4 I want only weighs 3.5oz more.
That's why I'm torn about my first SBR. I have a 14.5" BCM, so 10.5" w/brake isn't saving me much, but I've also read that anything shorter has reliability/cycling issues.
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