Do you really want a Kel-Tec?

I do not think that you will ever be able to change the direction of that safety.

Yeah, but you could probably permanently disable it, or get it stuck in the off position. [laugh]

And isn't it highly against the law to modify any "safety" device an a MA pistol? (trigger pull included)

No, it's not.

The handgun compliance BS does not apply to gun owners. Only to dealer

A given modification might make your handgun not compliant, but nobody
really cares about that.

And if you ever used it in self defense the state would look over the pistol very carefully....

I don't really know how they could hold a modification made to make the
pistol safer and more accurate could be held against you, unless you did
something dumb with the handgun to begin with.

Wouldn't any modification be looked upon as seriously as having a hi-cap mag in a 10rd pistol?

You might want to read up on the laws. What you just posted is NOT illegal, if the magazine was made before 9/13/94.

No, it's not.

The handgun compliance BS does not apply to gun owners. Only to dealer

A given modification might make your handgun not compliant, but nobody
really cares about that.

I don't really know how they could hold a modification made to make the
pistol safer and more accurate could be held against you, unless you did
something dumb with the handgun to begin with.


How could modifying a lever safety to 'not work' be construed as making the gun safer?
How could modifying a lever safety to 'not work' be construed as making the gun safer?

All I'm gonna say to that is, In my world safety goes in both directions. [laugh]

Bear in mind the "normal" version of this gun has no safeties and has like a 5 pound DAO trigger. Given that it would seem that taking the cripple gun and repairing it to that standard, would not raise too many eyebrows.

There is a reason that they don't advertise it with a 10lb trigger, if you go to a gunshop and dry fire it you will find out what that reason is.

I'm sure like the M+P's, the new Kahr trigger will be screaming "fix me fix me" when you pull it the first time.

On the MA M+P's the trigger is so horrendous it basically invites repair. [laugh]

I had to chime in on the Kel tec. I bought one in 1999 (p-11 I believe). I put 150 rounds through it. It jammed quite often and worried me. It did not appear reliable. I have read you need to put a lot of rounds through them to work the kinks out. I did not have the patience. I could put 1000 rounds through my 92FS (not a carry gun I know) or have the kel-tec choke on every other magazine. It found its spot in the back of my safe for about 8 years. I just sold it for what I paid for it a year ago. If there is anything good I can say is that I got my money back. To those of you that have had good luck with them congratulations and enjoy!
How could modifying a lever safety to 'not work' be construed as making the gun safer?

Are you suggesting that having a "safety" makes a gun safer? [laugh]

Thanks, I needed a chuckle.

Back on topic... I'm tempted by the sub 2000... It may have a place in my kit..
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PF9 here and have had ZERO issues. Got it cause of the size to CCW and read up on them pretty extensively before I bought. Kind of a diamond in the rough, unless you get one of the first runs and it was a POS. A little fluff and buff on the plastic parts and she shoots great! It is NOT a 6000rd gun though, unless you don't value your hand bones...
I had an SU16, really liked it but decided I don't shoot 223 as much as I'd like or could afford to do at the time, so sold it...made all my money back on it. I miss it BIG TIME!!

I like it too!!! [smile] I upgraded the from the 16A site to the newer style and put a sling on it. It's a fun gun to shoot!
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