Doc got OC from Patient


NES Member
Nov 24, 2005
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I was at the doc Thursday end of day when she opened a gift left for her by another female patient. It was a pink OC unit and pink whistle. The doc was a bit taken aback. The only other patient there, another woman, said it was a fitting gift for any woman working in Boston.

The doc asked if it was legal, so I felt bound to mention that MA requires a simple paperwork license.

The doc then said that she would be hesitant to carry it as she didn't know how to use it. I mentioned that training is always a good idea and that I'd bring her some literature on licensing and training. She might consider an AWARE course, but seem like the type that wouldn't go it alone.

I think the doc is a deer in the headlights but I'll do what I can... Maybe I can get her to talk the person who gave her the gift into taking an AWARE OC class with her?
if someones going to carry OC, they should be exposed to the chemical before they carry it so they are aware of what it does, how it feels and try to avoid panicking after being sprayed.

i accidentally sprayed myself when i was around 4, and when i was 21 i got sprayed by OC while in the army for training, anyone that carries it there has to get it right in the face and then do a course.

getting a full face full of that stuff is like the apocalypse.
I remember my first time getting OC'd, what a great day that was[rolleyes]
I have never been tazed, but Im pretty sure I would definitely choose to be tazed before being oc'd again, maybe even shot in the foot or something [smile]. Sadly requals are coming up next month...
I only carry a gun. Do you think I should pop a cap in myself to know how it feels?

like vell said, it can blow back into your face, it can splatter into your face or you can touch residue and accidentally rub it into your face.

the entire point of getting sprayed for training reasons is so when you do eventualy get exposed to it, its not your 1st time and you know how to react properly.

stop making stupid points.
Yeah, and it does come as a little bit of a shock. I was inside once, discharged less than a fraction of a second's worth of burst to test an old canister (That I had accidentally put through the washer), no wind or draft, and I still felt it a little. In the wind, it's going to screw you up if you don't know what's coming.
Yeah, and it does come as a little bit of a shock.

its the worse thing ive ever had happen to me by far. id rather get exposed to CS all day then get sprayed by OC again.

it was much worse then breaking my hands pain wise also.

like i said, the apocalypse.
Its the Devil.

if someones going to carry OC, they should be exposed to the chemical before they carry it so they are aware of what it does, how it feels and try to avoid panicking after being sprayed.

i accidentally sprayed myself when i was around 4, and when i was 21 i got sprayed by OC while in the army for training, anyone that carries it there has to get it right in the face and then do a course.

getting a full face full of that stuff is like the apocalypse.

Agreed that stuff is like satans jizz, [crying] got full blast 2x for the Border Patrol academy. I would def get tazed, or beat down before getting oc'd. For any women considering using that stuff, they should get hit with hit so they know whats up. Instead they should consider getting a nice lil .357 or something. That's kinder than getting hit with oc'. Decon can take a little while too to make sure you got it all.... lots of johnsons baby soap in the eyes to make sure you got it all, water reactivates it.
I also think that someone carrying OC should be sprayed with it. Something like 90% of the time OC is deployed, the officer (or civilian) deploying it will come in contact with it. If they don't know how it will affect them, they could end up worse off. OC is merely a distraction...after being sprayed you are still able to fight for quite a bit.

And I don't think you need to shoot yourself before carrying a gun. Apples to Oranges. Although I might rather take a bullet before taking another direct spray of OC.
if someones going to carry OC, they should be exposed to the chemical before they carry it so they are aware of what it does, how it feels and try to avoid panicking after being sprayed.

i accidentally sprayed myself when i was around 4, and when i was 21 i got sprayed by OC while in the army for training, anyone that carries it there has to get it right in the face and then do a course.

getting a full face full of that stuff is like the apocalypse.


I'm happy to say, I've never been sprayed.
If OC seems to be that effective then why does it fail as often as it
supposedly does? Is it because the LEOs are using a shitty brand of OC, or is it because they don't manage to get the BG with a full blast of the stuff where it counts?

There are some people that it just doesn't affect... and when you're on substances that resistance is exacerbated.
getting sprayed to learn what it's like, if you're going to carry OC, is absolutely ridiculous.

All you need to know is, it sucks, a lot.
I dont care if you know what it's like because you went and were stupid and sprayed it on yourself months before. If you accidentally blast yourself with it when you need to use it, knowing what it's gonna feel like isn't going to help you see any easier. You're not going to say, ok self, my eyes are burning out of my damn skull right now, but i knew what it was gonna be like, so it hurts less. Stop watering up eyes! you've been through this before.

The only thing you can learn from spraying yourself is figuring out what you should use to wash it out faster so the pain stops quicker next time.

If you are going to spray yourself, be sure you tell your friends so they can record it, and post it on youtube so a million people can watch you and laugh at your pain.
OC is not that bad, hell, I kinda like it.

Not everyone who carries it should be exposed to it. That it why I recommend the stream type spray, to minimize accidental exposure.
If you are in an LEO type position where you have to spray then restrain someone, then some type of exposure is recommended.

OC is not kryptonite, it is only one tool that may or may not work.
DO NOT give up on the doc. She is exactly the type of person that needs to be educated in at least the bare minimums of self-defense. Help her get the paperwork, let her know about the training courses. I had my daughter take a one day course from a karate instructor once, and it opened her eyes to how to be aware of situations instead of dum-dee-dumming her way into situations.

The point is a female doctor is in a position to help train others! So get her onto our side, and she will get other female doctors and their patients at least THINKING about protection.
DO NOT give up on the doc. She is exactly the type of person that needs to be educated in at least the bare minimums of self-defense. Help her get the paperwork, let her know about the training courses. I had my daughter take a one day course from a karate instructor once, and it opened her eyes to how to be aware of situations instead of dum-dee-dumming her way into situations.

The point is a female doctor is in a position to help train others! So get her onto our side, and she will get other female doctors and their patients at least THINKING about protection.

Good advice - thanks.

When the lint builds up around the OC nozzle after you've been carrying it for a while, DO NOT clean it by blowing it out while driving in heavy traffic on 495.

Ask me how I know.....
if someones going to carry OC, they should be exposed to the chemical before they carry it so they are aware of what it does, how it feels and try to avoid panicking after being sprayed.

That's a great idea, let’s add additional road blocks on people being able to get tools for self defense. What non-internet commando person would allow themselves to get sprayed in the face just so they could carry spray.

How about other restrictions? Maybe a gun proficiency test? Run an EL Prez in under 8 sec or you don't get your LTC. Almost all of the board would now be defenseless, that sounds almost as good as getting sprayed with OC
How about other restrictions? Maybe a gun proficiency test? Run an EL Prez in under 8 sec or you don't get your LTC. Almost all of the board would now be defenseless, that sounds almost as good as getting sprayed with OC

Actually speaking of gun proficiency, why isn't there an actual shooting class required for getting an LTC? I would think that both OC and firearms would require training and proper use, including deployment. It's so ass backwards that you can get OC without ever being taught anything about it in the safety class, or get an LTC without ever firing a bullet from a gun??? But waiting 3 months to talk with the police chief and jumping through hoops is acceptable.
If OC seems to be that effective then why does it fail as often as it supposedly does? Is it because the LEOs are using a shitty brand of OC, or is it because they don't manage to get the BG with a full blast of the stuff where it counts?

OC doesn't necessarily FAIL. OC is merely a distraction device. It is most certainly not the end of the fight. When we were sprayed in the Academy, it sucked a lot...but we learned that you are still able to fight through it. It actually hurt less if I kept fighting...when I stopped is when it hurt like hell.

There are some people that it just doesn't affect... and when you're on substances that resistance is exacerbated.
This is true. I unfortunately have sensitive skin and eyes so I felt like I sat in the sun all day and my skin was peeling off. [crying]

That's a great idea, let’s add additional road blocks on people being able to get tools for self defense. What non-internet commando person would allow themselves to get sprayed in the face just so they could carry spray.

How about other restrictions? Maybe a gun proficiency test? Run an EL Prez in under 8 sec or you don't get your LTC. Almost all of the board would now be defenseless, that sounds almost as good as getting sprayed with OC
Ummm how about every law enforcement personnel in the US?
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