Doctor Shoots Husband on Cape Cod

the abuse aside.....a kid who is 25 should have someone get between mama bear and her cub.

I don't want to get into a whole psycholigical debate here. But there are two sides to every story.

She obviously had enough courage to get a license and a firearm. Perhaps her straw broke sometime ago and she was just waiting for an opportunity for payback.

Not every woman who was abused is killed or needed to kill to get out of that relationship...we're talking about a 25 YEAR OLD MAN.....not a baby.

Sir- weren't you the one the posted the cabbie article? You are ok with a cabbie shooting a fleeing criminal but don't see this thru the doctor's eyes? Of course there are two stories.. everyone knows that. But IMO if this guy took his hands to a woman several times like he supposedly did- he had it coming. I can't stand that kind of crap. I'm not saying whether or not she should go free just yet (with no charges), but at least in my mind I can justify her actions.
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Sks guns, you're right, you don't know the facts, and neither do I. You also have no idea why people stay in situations, especially women in abusive situations. I read an editorial once about why she stayed - the jist of it was she stayed because she believed he'd find her and kill her if she didn't.

As for her breaking up a fight, I don't think we've heard the proper version of that story. Never mind the fact that it was her son being attacked. No matter how old a boy gets, he's still someone's son, and you better not try to hurt my son in front of me! I think it's more likely that there was a huge brawl going on because the son found his father beating the shit out of his mother. Again.

In any event, you say 'a man is dead'. I say it sounds like the man deserved it. Lynne said it better than I because unfortunately she's been there. Abused women just can't see their way out, many have their self-esteem so damaged they can't imagine they're worth anything else - even an educated woman like a doctor.
In any event, you say 'a man is dead'. I say it sounds like the man deserved it. Lynne said it better than I because unfortunately she's been there. Abused women just can't see their way out, many have their self-esteem so damaged they can't imagine they're worth anything else - even an educated woman like a doctor.

This story was all over the news this morning. I don't know who her lawyer is, but he's doing a credible job portraying her story as a victim. If this ever gets to a jury, she's going to walk. Which, assuming that her story holds up, is as it should be.

Sks guns, you're right, you don't know the facts, and neither do I. You also have no idea why people stay in situations, especially women in abusive situations. I read an editorial once about why she stayed - the jist of it was she stayed because she believed he'd find her and kill her if she didn't.

As for her breaking up a fight, I don't think we've heard the proper version of that story. Never mind the fact that it was her son being attacked. No matter how old a boy gets, he's still someone's son, and you better not try to hurt my son in front of me! I think it's more likely that there was a huge brawl going on because the son found his father beating the shit out of his mother. Again.

In any event, you say 'a man is dead'. I say it sounds like the man deserved it. Lynne said it better than I because unfortunately she's been there. Abused women just can't see their way out, many have their self-esteem so damaged they can't imagine they're worth anything else - even an educated woman like a doctor.

I was on the cabbie side and that guy didn't die. Might have just been some bad shooting by the cabbie, but there was no hsitory between the two as in this case.

Could be that he was beating the crap out of her and the son intervened.....maybe it did happen that way. But that's not what she said.

Could be she got some of those bruises from a erred punch by her son....we don't know. Whereas there are women out there who are abused I'm not discounting the fact that most of those women need help and I'm also not dicsounting the fact that some of those women want revenge. This could be one of them.

Would you all just let any woman walk who shoots a man and claims she was abused? We need a little common sense here.

Oh, the cabbie got arrested too.
as we can all bring our personal experiences to the forum my father signed me into the Army when I was 17.

At 25 a man needs to put his own pants on.

I assume you're older than 25 now? So, if anyone up there ever sees sks getting his ass kicked on the streets by someone meaner than him, he doesn't want you to intervene on his behalf.

I do agree. However if the mother was abused the children were probably abused and were probably afraid of their overbearing abusive father...

I'm not saying that's not the case. But you can't just let people kill people and not hold someone accountable until all the facts and circumstances are revealed.
I assume you're older than 25 now? So, if anyone up there ever sees sks getting his ass kicked on the streets by someone meaner than him, he doesn't want you to intervene on his behalf.


I've never asked for anyone's help nor will I please don't concern yourself. If I can't handle it myself then that's the way it was meant to be. My father taught me the only one I can really trust is myself. Everyone else is only in it to benefit themselves.
shes going to burn at the stake.
she was a woman of means, she could have left at any time. She was not a holed in housewife with no way out. her children were grown and she had the income of a physician graduated from tufts university in internal medicine with her own practice to facilitate an escape. the course of the abuse, also seems to have extended over years..
theres no excuse for her to have kept herself in that situation. and im sure the jury will see it the same way..
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I guess I'm just more lenient than most. We essentially know nothing. The initial report (quoted) makes it sound like he was coming towards her and she capped him. Looking at the court pictures today, either that's misleading info and he got a good punch or two in first or she beat her face against the bars last night.

Given the information inferred or reported from other sources, I don't think she should have been arrested. Should it be investigated? Of course. However, this moonbat state has sunk to a new low when the cops show up at a home, see a battered woman and a dead husband, with witnesses, and haul her away in cuffs anyway.
shes going to burns at the stake.
she was a woman of means, she could have left at any time. She was not a holed in housewife with no way out. her children were grown and she had the income of a physician graduated from tufts university in internal medicine with her own practice to facilitate an escape over the course of the abuse, which seems to have extended over years..
theres no excuse for her to have kept herself in that situation. and im sure the jury will see it the same way..

Yeah. It's her fault her husband beats her.
I guess I'm just more lenient than most. We essentially know nothing. The initial report (quoted) makes it sound like he was coming towards her and she capped him. Looking at the court pictures today, either that's misleading info and he got a good punch or two in first or she beat her face against the bars last night.

Given the information inferred or reported from other sources, I don't think she should have been arrested. Should it be investigated? Of course. However, this moonbat state has sunk to a new low when the cops show up at a home, see a battered woman and a dead husband, with witnesses, and haul her away in cuffs anyway.

Well, I heard she was trying to break up a fight between her son and husband. So it really does need to be investigated although she may have done something to turn the attention of her husband to her and then the stroy goes as you have quoted.

She had the bruises when she was areested. I saw the pics yesterday. So unless they are significantly worse today I'm guessing she didn't beat her face agaist tha bars last night. But who in a fight doesn't come out bruised.

As for her being arrested, I'm not sure the cops have a lot of options when there is a gun and a dead person in the room. What is that protocol? Is that the policy? I assume it is regardless of the circumstances. They are not lawyers or Judges and have to make the scene safe.

Maybe some LEO's can chime in on the protocol......

Gun + Dead Guy = Arrest

Don't care how or why? Is that the rule?
Well, I never met her Husband, but she was a very nice person. She is also a good physician. I hope she goes free. We all know she is not going to do it again, and she will suffer emotionally and socially whether or not she goes to jail.

Disclaimer; my personal opinion.
As for her being arrested, I'm not sure the cops have a lot of options when there is a gun and a dead person in the room. What is that protocol? Is that the policy? I assume it is regardless of the circumstances. They are not lawyers or Judges and have to make the scene safe.

Maybe some LEO's can chime in on the protocol......

Gun + Dead Guy = Arrest

Don't care how or why? Is that the rule?

I bet it's something like that
I'm not saying that's not the case. But you can't just let people kill people and not hold someone accountable until all the facts and circumstances are revealed.

Of course... but we're not on the jury and this is a good forum for discussion. We can form opinions and have discussions in the mean time. [wink]
Of course... but we're not on the jury and this is a good forum for discussion. We can form opinions and have discussions in the mean time. [wink]


So try this one on for size....

The son shot him, not the mom but she's taking the heat for it.....

That would be a cool twist. Something made for TV.
A couple of points:

- When someone says "I don't understand why she didn't just run away?" . . . someone who works in a menial job (Wal-Mart, DD, MacDs, etc.) can just disappear and pop-up 1000 miles away! Someone who is a licensed MD can be easily found by searching online Licensing records, AMA, etc.

- Thus, she could run, but she couldn't hide from a vindictive spouse/ex-spouse. He could find her, shoot up her place of work, kidnap and kill her, etc.

- So put it out of your minds that she could "just melt into society" and be safe.

- Lynne addressed some of the psychological issues.

- There has been more than one discussion here and elsewhere about coming on the scene of someone getting beat up, raped, etc. and what some of you would do. If a Mother comes upon her Son being abused, hit, whatever by her spouse, it is only natural for her to try to intervene. [Remember we say "Dial 911 and Die!" So saying she should just exit and dial 911 is no different, they'll be there to take the report and mop up the blood after the fact.]

- Some of us are being hypocritical here vs. what we've posted here and elsewhere.

- As stated previously, a Mother is ALWAYS your Mother and will ALWAYS try to protect their children!

I see nothing in these stories (which may well not be the whole truth) to lead me to believe that she went to pick a fight and end it all.

Atty Kevin Reddington is one of the best criminal defense lawyers (non-spotlight type) out there in MA. Do an Advanced Search on NES for "Reddington" . . . he was the subject of another discussion recently. He's her best chance to get out of jail.

Even the statements from the ADA sound sympathetic, but he's playing it by "gun + dead body = arrest and indictment" and let the jury sort it out.
I had to blast he Cape Cod Times on the radio the other day for the way they wrote the headlines on the poor woman. They made it look like she was a guilty murderer before due process. Never mind that the woman's career is over and her life is in the toilet. She probably will never recover from this.
One would think that if there is a history of abuse as was stated there would have been at least one call to the police in the past from someone in the house or a neighbor that heard the disturbance. There has been no mention of that.

As such, if there is no reported history of abuse then why should we all just assume the dead husband is an abuser? If it went on for that long...chances are it was reported at least one time or someone outside the home witnessed or heard something suspect in the past and if so that would be good for the doc.

I'm not ready to set her free just because she claims she was abused. Maybe she was and if so the shooting might be justified. But until they can prove she was abuse and battered and all that it's her word against a dead guy. Oh...and maybe her 25 year old infant son.....(conspiracy????)

And if he was abusive how abusive was he? Was he in a murderous tirade or did he just slap her around a little? If he abused her before why didn't she shoot him one of the other times? She had the gun and license for a while. A slap doesn't justify shooting or killing a man. It justifies a call to the police for a domestic disturbance.

Hey, don't get me wrong....I like owning guns and would use one if I needed to. But if my wife slaps me or punches me or kicks me in the nuts I'm not going to shoot her.

So it's really going to depend on them trying to prove his intent. He could have been fighting with the son and she came up from behind to pull him off the kid and he backhanded her......So what. Call the police.

He never killed anyone before so why would they think he was going to kill the boy or her now?
Yeah. It's her fault her husband beats her.


one who enables another to persist in destructive behavior by providing excuses or by making it possible to avoid the consequences of such behavior

lens and lynne, your rhetoric is the kind of shit that perpetuates women as weak, victim prone creatures. Women have fought long and hard to be seen as equals to men both intellectually and emotionally.. They demand equal pay, equal rights, and go so far ask to function in frontline combat roles in our military, but as soon as one guy manipulates their feelings theyre all just weak helpless victim right?
Thats bullshit.

i grew up in an "extremely" abusive home. My mother was terrorized daily for years until she was finally beaten and left for dead on the side of a swampscott road. But in those days that wasnt considered a crime. there wasnt even a concept of domestic abuse as it is understood now...
She was not a woman of means, and she did not have the VAST resources to escape her abuser that this woman did... but she knew if she didnt leave that house he would eventually kill her..and so she did, with no money and no medical practice to assist her,she took us two kids and she fled. and lived...

my point is this...
Ive been confronted many times by people twice my size and stature who have beaten me into a bloody broken pulp... but i wasnt "legally" entitled to shoot them to death for it.. no matter how many times they did it to me..

Now imagine that i kept going back to the house of that person who beat me, again and again, placing my life in peril each and every time.. what kind of legal highground would i have?
Is it justifiable to defend yourself with lethal force against an attack you could have avoided by simpy not returning to that house?
last time i checked its your legal perogative to flee, and only if thats not possible is lethal force legally justified as self defense..
she had the means to flee the situation, and thats the problem with her defense.

im not saying what she did was wrong morally, im saying shes going to have to pay for it legally.
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