Does anyone make adecent boresighting laser ?

Jul 22, 2009
Nu Mung Ba
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Does anyone make a decent bore sighting tool. I have two of the $100+ and they last maybe a year or two. Usually they start to get intermittent and then nothing. ey both use a 3 bqttery roll around box for a switch which is probably the problem.
Does anyone make a decent bore sighting tool. I have two of the $100+ and they last maybe a year or two. Usually they start to get intermittent and then nothing. ey both use a 3 bqttery roll around box for a switch which is probably the problem.
i think i have a couple that i got when i was still thinking it was needed.
but to look through the barrel is actually way more effective than to mess with that laser that is never aligned with the barrel properly anyway.
Wheeler. I’ve tried tons and other than wheeler the rest suck. Wheeler gets you close fast and then you can sight in to get it precise very quickly. You do have try to position the wheeler best you can to line it up with the bore and sight to a shorter distance with the laser, but I’ve had the best success with it compared to the other solutions out there.
Don't forget to remove it before first shot!
I like to use the Wheeler in our backyard, prior to heading to the range.

If someone hasn't used one before, placing the Wheeler on a rifle that's already been zeroed can give you an idea of what you're looking to see fromt it.

A new Wheeler laser should come with a plastic film over the magnet, and a reflective target. If it didn't, and the surface of the magnet looks scratched, I'd suspect it is a used/returned item.
What is the difference between the $109 Site light and the $219 unit, besides the laser color?
The 100 is for indoor use
The 150 sorta works out doors
The 500 is green and is supposed to work better out doors

Honestly if you can see through the bore
Bolt gun , removed upper ectect that method works juat as good

I like the indoor model as its easier to use and sitelite software can make a target for your distance/zero and rough ballistics.

If your mounting scopes on multiple rifles several times a month the out door ones might be better

Oh I also like the indoor set up better because I can do it anytime I am home also min distance at the club is 25 yards. Even the outdoor laser is tough to see at 25 yards. Plus I dont want to waste time getting on paper at the range.

IMHO Sighting down the bore is quicker and easier at the range than the laser

At home the laser is handy. I can secure the rifle better , not waiting to get to the range, no stopping for cold/hot range call
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The old fashioned way is best. Remove the bolt and boresight with the barrel bore at 25 yards. Then move to 50. Then 100. Make adjustments. I use a bench rest.
Well that's great for a bolt action gun, but I haven't used one of those in probably 50 years...literally.

For the range
ARs take the upper off.
For scope….. with no sight line down the bore , less than 3 shots to dial a base zero
Pistol - same thing

What makes it real easy is knowing your reticles subtension and your “Click” value. For your /Turrets/sights.


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Well that's great for a bolt action gun, but I haven't used one of those in probably 50 years...literally.

I own few rifles I cannot boresight. All my ARs, all my roller delays, my SCARs, my bolt actions, I can easily bore sight etc.
I have a LaserLyte arbor-style one that I got a good 15 years ago that just works, still, just fine. Same switch mechanism OP mentions. I've had to tighten it up once, I think, but it still works. Old laser so not amazing in bright light, but 25y is not a problem, which gets you on paper. Also have a generic MidwayUSA one from 10 years back, which also still works OK. I mean, you boresight for the basic getting on paper at 25y, then dial in for real at the range. They do eat batteries, and usually use batteries that go dead on their own left for a year or two, but it's all cheaper than ammo and it's no fun to shoot at paper starting to zero and have to wonder where the shot actually went.
I have a LaserLyte arbor-style one that I got a good 15 years ago that just works, still, just fine. Same switch mechanism OP mentions. I've had to tighten it up once, I think, but it still works. Old laser so not amazing in bright light, but 25y is not a problem, which gets you on paper. Also have a generic MidwayUSA one from 10 years back, which also still works OK. I mean, you boresight for the basic getting on paper at 25y, then dial in for real at the range. They do eat batteries, and usually use batteries that go dead on their own left for a year or two, but it's all cheaper than ammo and it's no fun to shoot at paper starting to zero and have to wonder where the shot actually went.
36” wide masking paper cut to what ever length you need makes a good backer to see that way off shot at 25 yards. Lots of wallpaper has 1” grids on the back side and I have picked up a few random rolls at yard sales for $1 or so.
36” wide masking paper cut to what ever length you need makes a good backer to see that way off shot at 25 yards. Lots of wallpaper has 1” grids on the back side and I have picked up a few random rolls at yard sales for $1 or so.
Well, sure, but 3 mins with the laser for me is a lot better than hanging wallpaper and having the potential hit zone on/around the target frame. If I'm on my own range, sure. Wouldn't do that to the club's.

Noted on wallpaper having a grid for use as zeroing paper, though.
Well, sure, but 3 mins with the laser for me is a lot better than hanging wallpaper and having the potential hit zone on/around the target frame. If I'm on my own range, sure. Wouldn't do that to the club's.

Noted on wallpaper having a grid for use as zeroing paper, though.
Usually hang a target anyway , no reason not to put a quick cheap clean backer up like the masking paper. Accidental frame hits happen. Its the DB’s that aim at the frame that are the problem.

Anyway I still think the lasers are better for quick set up indoors/at home. Then its 1-3 shots to zero from that point.
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