Dog Control.

Mar 12, 2007
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"The number of pit bull attacks raises concerns," said Representative Vincent A. Pedone, Democrat of Worcester, who has informally discussed a ban with committee members. "These dogs are kept specifically for fighting or as weapons, and I don't think they have any place in civilized society."

He rejected arguments that dog owners are more to blame for problem animals.

"That's the same argument that opponents of restrictive gun laws give us: It's the person, not the gun," he said.

"But the fact of the matter is that if you reduce the availability of a weapon, whether it's a pit bull or gun, you reduce the number of incidents."
The thing that PISSES me off about this LIKE guns... how many Pitbulls are Lic. in Worc.???? [angry] [angry] [angry]
I Can tell you that there was 17 in 2003...i had 2 of them..!!!!![smile] (My good friend mom / my second mom works at city hall in Lic.)
I heard it on the radio this AM. He wants a state wide ban of Pit Bulls.

Clearly another moonbat completely out of touch with reality...
WTF over. now it's a call to ban dogs because some f**kwad treats their animal like shit and it attacks someone.
when will this maddness stop for good?
I've been bit by one of my Old English Sheepdogs and my wife had our neighbors St. Bernard go at her one day. But in all the people who own "pit bulls" or their correct name which I will only get about half right "English Staffordshire Terriers" have never bothered me. Our town administrator had one that I would play with when he came into work and he was fine. Never knew what a pit bull was until the papers started in. People can train any bread to be nasty. All in the upbringing.

If left up to me, ban those tiny dogs that ride around in the bags of the untalented Hollywood personalities.
Like the old ban on ferrets really kept them out as well.

There should be a requirement for people in public office to actually learn some history. In particular, they should be required to answer the following:

Name one prohibition program which was enacted to reduce a social issue that did not result in a rampant increase in violent crime.
Sadly enough this won't end and won't solve anything.

Personally, I have a strong dislike for the breed. But that is because it does not fit into the "character" of the dogs I like. Pitbulls do have a more aggressive nature, but no more then a boston terrior (sp?) or (believe it or not) those loveable, spotted friends of our firehouses. Even huskies and german shepards would fall in that catagory. When we had our huskie we had to fight with our home owners insurance because they considered Huskies, "vicious" dogs.

Anyway, their aggressive nature can be curbed by a good dog owner. Proper training can make any dog a good dog, just as poor training can make any dog a "bad dog"

Now the problem lies with the people that own pitbulls and do not properly train them. Infact, some people train them to be vicious. But again, that is no different then a gun in reality. It is the owner, not the object that is at fault and needs to be punished as if they committed the act.

If someones dog attacks a person, then the owner needs to be charged with negligence, A & B or whatever. Remove the dog and punish the owner.

But like everything else in MA, lets just ban it and sing by the camp fire holding hands and act like we solved the problem.

stupid people piss me off
Everybody's missing the REAL news story here

Nobody cares about pit bulls, but this was buried in the story:

Meanwhile, state Rep. Martin Walsh is howling mad about dogs running wild inside moving cars and is considering filing legislation requiring drivers to buckle up their canines. “When I drive down the road and I see a dog running around the car, particularly on the lap and front seat, that’s crazy,” said the Dorchester Democrat.

Nobody cares about pit bulls, but this was buried in the story:

Meanwhile, state Rep. Martin Walsh is howling mad about dogs running wild inside moving cars and is considering filing legislation requiring drivers to buckle up their canines. “When I drive down the road and I see a dog running around the car, particularly on the lap and front seat, that’s crazy,” said the Dorchester Democrat.


This idiot has never owned a dog.
They want me to tie up my beast?

Important message I am receiving:

Stock up now on pre-ban Pit bulls and pre-ban Pit bull accessories. Hurry, before it's too late- their resale value in Massachusetts will only increase! Act now!!!
Pit Bulls

Why anyone would want one of these beasts is beyond me. I know they`re popular with the Gangsta Rapper urban crowd but I don`t see the attraction.
I guess it`s an intimidation tactic. Or my dogs meaner than your dog thing.
I dunno know!
Why anyone would want one of these beasts is beyond me. I know they`re popular with the Gangsta Rapper urban crowd but I don`t see the attraction.
I guess it`s an intimidation tactic. Or my dogs meaner than your dog thing.
I dunno know!

That's the same argument that Zumbo put up against the AR.
Why anyone would want one of these beasts is beyond me. I know they`re popular with the Gangsta Rapper urban crowd but I don`t see the attraction.
I guess it`s an intimidation tactic. Or my dogs meaner than your dog thing.
I dunno know!

Take out "PITBULLS" and "dog" and replace it with "EVIL BLACK GUNS" (or anyother gun word)
NOW YOU sound like the exact thing we are fighting..... [angry] [angry] [angry]
Why anyone would want one of these beasts is beyond me. I know they`re popular with the Gangsta Rapper urban crowd but I don`t see the attraction.
I guess it`s an intimidation tactic. Or my dogs meaner than your dog thing.
I dunno know!

come on cant be serious.beasts! any f***ing dog can be mean if not trained well and cared for in a proper manner.i dont give one flying f*** if it's a Pit bull or a goddamn cocker spaniel.f*** wads who mistreat thier animals and keep them for fighting purposes should be beaten to a pulp if you ask me.
My Harley is a Staffordshire/Lab mix. Because of the terrier breed, some people think he's a pit bull. He isn't. If you looked at a pic of him and a pit bull, you'd see the difference. However, because there's a small resemblence, does this mean that I'm at risk of having my dog confiscated? Not. My Harley is a 45 pound mushmallow. You say "Boo" to him and he lowers his head and tail. He firmly believes that everyone who comes into our home is here to love him, hug him and pat him.

If this goes through, when will it stop? Even golden retrievers are listed as an "at risk" dog. If they think my Harley is dangerous, they should have met the little one a friend of mine had...the Taco Bell type - only he went after ankles. [rolleyes]
I heard it on the radio this AM. He wants a state wide ban of Pit Bulls.

Clearly another moonbat completely out of touch with reality...

Unbelieveable. There are good pits and there are bad pits.[thinking] Saw my share when I worked at a dog training facility here in town.
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