Dog Control.

First off as much as I love dogs, there is no fundamental right enshrined in the establishment of our countries laws that protects individual ownership of animals. If the state wants to declare and animal or breed of animal dangerous to the general public and ban it they can do so.

Second, anyone who equates the arguments of gun owners fighting for their rights (aka you can’t blame the gun) with pit bulls (you can’t blame the dog) should instantly be rounded up, have all scholastic degrees revoked, placed in the nearest corner and be forced to wear a helmet.

For those lefties who may troll the board:

1) A firearm is an inanimate object. An inanimate object can not act on its own without direct control of an external influence. It can no more hurt or maim on its own than can your dining room chair, or the helmet that you should be wearing right now.

2) A dog is an animal. An animal will do what is in its nature, and as such, is subject to all the potential hazards of anything living, it can go nuts and despite what we think we know about them or how well trained, it can go crazy. Some animals are more predisposed to be predatory and dangerous than others. Take Tigers for instance, I am sure Siegfried and Roy had theirs well trained, and how’s that working out. Pit Bulls by their breeding were meant to be the way there are, that aggressive behavior is in their genetic code. They are in fact more predisposed, and physically capable to injure another living being that say a beagle. And, no matter how much anyone may wish to believe, ultimately these animals have a will of their own and may act independently. Thus if the state wants to regulate or ban them they can do so at will.

My firearm no matter how capable or effective it is at sending flying metal objects at high velocities from a tube is not and can not be pre-disposed to injure living being by hitting them with that high velocity metal object. It has no will. Only the user of such a device can impart will onto it.

These are not the same.
Ok with that all said....Then why BREED specific Banning.... Why not just BAN Aggressive dogs...OH ya that would take some work from the Government!! ! !And we know how much they like to work![smile]

I go in to peoples home to work EVERY day....I've been in Thousand of homes with my 17 years as a Carpenter /plumber.... I have been bite 5 times

1) Lasoabso..( or what ever you call them )@ 20lbs
2) Mutt....( owned by a LT. MSP) 65 lbs.
3)Toy Poodle....5 lbs
4) Akita ....110lbs.(friends dog was walking through the yard..patted it uder it's neck and it had a sore there)
5) Dalmasion Mix
Did i report any of them...NO!

And the reason the stats show the problem with bites is NO one reports the ankle biter..because they do little damage. OFcourse the big dog is getting reported...

First off as much as I love dogs, there is no fundamental right enshrined in the establishment of our countries laws that protects individual ownership of animals. If the state wants to declare and animal or breed of animal dangerous to the general public and ban it they can do so.

Second, anyone who equates the arguments of gun owners fighting for their rights (aka you can’t blame the gun) with pit bulls (you can’t blame the dog) should instantly be rounded up, have all scholastic degrees revoked, placed in the nearest corner and be forced to wear a helmet.

For those lefties who may troll the board:

1) A firearm is an inanimate object. An inanimate object can not act on its own without direct control of an external influence. It can no more hurt or maim on its own than can your dining room chair, or the helmet that you should be wearing right now.

2) A dog is an animal. An animal will do what is in its nature, and as such, is subject to all the potential hazards of anything living, it can go nuts and despite what we think we know about them or how well trained, it can go crazy. Some animals are more predisposed to be predatory and dangerous than others. Take Tigers for instance, I am sure Siegfried and Roy had theirs well trained, and how’s that working out. Pit Bulls by their breeding were meant to be the way there are, that aggressive behavior is in their genetic code. They are in fact more predisposed, and physically capable to injure another living being that say a beagle. And, no matter how much anyone may wish to believe, ultimately these animals have a will of their own and may act independently. Thus if the state wants to regulate or ban them they can do so at will.

My firearm no matter how capable or effective it is at sending flying metal objects at high velocities from a tube is not and can not be pre-disposed to injure living being by hitting them with that high velocity metal object. It has no will. Only the user of such a device can impart will onto it.

These are not the same.
what it all comes down to is some freaking jerk off in office is probally up for
re-election in the next few's highly possible that some touch hole's kid was probally hurt by a dog of unknown breed{looked like a Pit bull most likely} and called the local politician and here we are now. an bill set in motion to ban certian breeds of dogs.

i know i should'nt get so worked up about this,this is a commie state after all.
While I don't in any way want to restrict peoples rights, Ezekiel is spot on.

I worked for a looong time in hospitals. The ER saw a lot of dog bites. Any ER doc or nurse will tell you that all dog bites are not created equal. Most docs can immediately tell which ones were from pits. They are tenacious. They don't just bite. They rip, and tear, and shred, and don't let go. There is much much more damage done from a pit bite than from virtually any other. Sometimes they were from neglected and/or abused dogs, and the owners should have been put down. But an awful lot of them were from perviously docile pets. "They just snapped" "I never thought she would hurt a flea" were common themes heard when kids or elderly came in with huge chunks of their bodies missing.

I will grant you it is very rare, it DOES happen. And when it does, it is always very ugly.

PS. The only exception to this was from an Akita that turned on their owner. THAT was actually the worst.....


First off as much as I love dogs, there is no fundamental right enshrined in the establishment of our countries laws that protects individual ownership of animals. If the state wants to declare and animal or breed of animal dangerous to the general public and ban it they can do so.

Second, anyone who equates the arguments of gun owners fighting for their rights (aka you can’t blame the gun) with pit bulls (you can’t blame the dog) should instantly be rounded up, have all scholastic degrees revoked, placed in the nearest corner and be forced to wear a helmet.

For those lefties who may troll the board:

1) A firearm is an inanimate object. An inanimate object can not act on its own without direct control of an external influence. It can no more hurt or maim on its own than can your dining room chair, or the helmet that you should be wearing right now.

2) A dog is an animal. An animal will do what is in its nature, and as such, is subject to all the potential hazards of anything living, it can go nuts and despite what we think we know about them or how well trained, it can go crazy. Some animals are more predisposed to be predatory and dangerous than others. Take Tigers for instance, I am sure Siegfried and Roy had theirs well trained, and how’s that working out. Pit Bulls by their breeding were meant to be the way there are, that aggressive behavior is in their genetic code. They are in fact more predisposed, and physically capable to injure another living being that say a beagle. And, no matter how much anyone may wish to believe, ultimately these animals have a will of their own and may act independently. Thus if the state wants to regulate or ban them they can do so at will.

My firearm no matter how capable or effective it is at sending flying metal objects at high velocities from a tube is not and can not be pre-disposed to injure living being by hitting them with that high velocity metal object. It has no will. Only the user of such a device can impart will onto it.

These are not the same.
dogs are a lot like people you treat them right and give them a good home and they turn out alright just like kids do. you leave the kid alone every day and dont feed it and abuse him the kid just like the dog is going to be screwed up.

ah ya and just like kids some times they dont listen to there parents and want to do there own thing.

and about the leash law that is another perfect example of the same thing with firearms. if there would of just enforced the firearms laws the had years and years ago then they wouldn't of had to come up with stupid new ones because there wondering way the old ones were not working. like if there was a stiffer fine on not keeping your dog in your yard or in your control then stuff like that would slow down, while we will always have stupid people in the world more people who do not wish a fine would smarten up.
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Pit Bulls

come on cant be serious.beasts! any f***ing dog can be mean if not trained well and cared for in a proper manner.i dont give one flying f*** if it's a Pit bull or a goddamn cocker spaniel.f*** wads who mistreat thier animals and keep them for fighting purposes should be beaten to a pulp if you ask me.
I didn`t say I was in favor with banning them. I said I don`t like them. Too each his own. Too many urban thugs use them to terrorize people or to look macho.
dogs are a lot like people you treat them right and give them a good home and they turn out alright just like kids do. you leave the kid alone every day and dont feed it and abuse him the kid just like the dog is going to be screwed up.

You should be talking about Pedone like that.... he was only left alone for alittle while each day
The girl behind my house has gotten one of those dogs, lets the thing run wild. Seen it in the road, in my neighbors yard, and in my yard. Now both my neighbor and I have young kids that like to play in the yard. I'm tempted to tell her that if the dog is seen in either of our yards I'll shoot the damned thing.

/Don't worry, I won't really shoot it...I'll actually just call animal control.
//Unless it gets too close to my kid
///It's not the's the stupid owners they need to ban.
Think about this as a potential alternative to the ban:

No ban of any kind, keep whatever you want to keep, but if your animal injures anyone you are de facto responsible. No tying up the courts, no defense. If your animal kills someone, you shall serve time for manslaugher, viciously maims someone, aggrevated assault and battery. A simple bite or nip, maybe just plain battery.

In otherwords, your choice of animal rearing has consequenses, dire ones. In that scenario, what type of animals would you choose to keep ?
Think about this as a potential alternative to the ban:

No ban of any kind, keep whatever you want to keep, but if your animal injures anyone you are de facto responsible. No tying up the courts, no defense. If your animal kills someone, you shall serve time for manslaugher, viciously maims someone, aggrevated assault and battery. A simple bite or nip, maybe just plain battery.

In otherwords, your choice of animal rearing has consequenses, dire ones. In that scenario, what type of animals would you choose to keep ?

The f***in American Pitbull Terrier i Own !!!!
I think we need a ban on full auto and semi-automatic dogs. Or maybe just hi-cap semi-automatic dogs.

Bolt action dogs are ok.

To tell the truth, I don't feel comfortable around Pit Bulls or anything that looks like one.
They make me nervous. Common sense isn't much use if you don't listen to it.
Take out "PITBULLS" and "dog" and replace it with "EVIL BLACK GUNS" (or anyother gun word)
NOW YOU sound like the exact thing we are fighting..... [angry] [angry] [angry]

Dogs aren't completely inanimate objects, though. (whereas guns do nothing
without a human there to load it and pull the trigger. ).

Still, I don't think "regulating the breed" is the answer.... how about punishing the owners who are irresponsible? IMO people should be able to own any damned dog they want, as long as they can take responsibility for keeping it under control. If we look at all these "pit bull incidents" they all have a common theme.... an owner who was unable to keep control of their dog or didn't have it on a leash/chain. It's not the dogs fault that their keeper/owner is often an idiot.

I think the main problem with pitbulls isnt the breed, its the persona of many people who decide they want to own "the baddest assed dog on earth". Usually those are the exact types who dont train their dog, encourage aggressive actions, and cause injuries as a result. Pitbulls have a stigma of being a "tough guys dog" and thus, lots of wannabee tough guys get one just to look badass. Im not saying anyone here is one of those types, but the breed's natual aggression and power is fatally compounded by a vast sea of morons shopping for them. Surely ive seen and met many kind pitbulls and they were great, beautiful dogs....but to be honest I have seen far more pitbulls who displayed nothing but violent tendencies.
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