Don't believe everything you hear, and take my advice, please!


Forum Curmudgeon
NES Member
Feb 15, 2009
Albuquerque, NM
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When I got out in 1973, I was told to take my DD-214 to the local County Clerk and have it "Registered."

They would keep it secure, and always have copies for me when I needed them.

So today, I called the county clerks office in South Bend, Indiana.

I got run around through four different phone calls, then I finally get a "Veterans Rep" who says he can take care of it.

He calls me an hour later, and tells me it isn't registered.....and he could find no record of it.

I told him, "Bullshit, I called you guy's back in 1978 and got a copy I needed for a Mortgage application."

He gave me some bullshit about how they went to "computer records...yadda...yadda.

He was a clown.....and obviously the county clerks office has a few more clowns.

So please take my advice......

Keep your DD-214...and don't ever hand it over to anyone!

Lock that ****er up in a safe deposit box.....and never trust it with anyone else!

Now I have to go through a bunch of waits and delays with the National Personnel Records Center in St Louis.

I hope they did better than than those idiots in South Bend!
I had a Personnel Chief that handled my discharge from my ship. He was indicted a year later for falsifying and destroying records, and was arrested. I lost my original DD 214 many years ago, and have been told by St Louis, and the place that houses Navy specific records, that I don't exist. No record of me having served. I feel for you,man. I have 250 shipmates that are witnesses that I really was there, but have no idea what to do now.

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Don't believe everything you hear, and take my advice please!

Back when I got out of the Army in 1973, everybody told me I should take my DD-214 to the County Clerk and have it "Registered."

They would keep it safe for me forever, and I could get certified copies anytime I needed them.

I needed a copy for my application for Social Security, so I called the County Clerks office in South Bend, Indiana.

I got a run around through five different phone calls, and then got the number of the "Veterans Representative."

He assured me he would send the copies out today.

He called me less than 20 minutes later and said there was a problem....that it wasn't "Registered."

I asked him what the phuck he was talking about!...."I got copies twenty years ago when I applied for a mortgage!"

He gave me some bullshit about how they converted all their records to computers...and it must have gotten lost!

I asked him...."Are you a Veteran? Do you know how important this document is to me?"

He said he wasn't a Veteran, and didn't like my tone of voice.

I told him he was a pussy, and he "Had no right to have a job as a Veterans Representative!"

Now I gotta go through the bullshit of trying to find my DD-214.

I got online to the NPRC today, what a bunch of bullshit........

So take my advise.........

Keep your DD-214 to yourself......lock it up in a safe deposit box......but never hand it over to anyone!
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i got out in 76 and proceesed out at ft dix NJ. at the time they offered a package fo 20 smaller copy versions and a laminated wallet one. i think it was only $5 and i went for it. used one on my house and one for college benfits about 30yrs ago. still have plenty left. good luck
If any of you guys don't have your DD214 handy get hot and order it. You'll need it some day and it will be at your fingertips. Heck, I needed it to apply for SS when I retired in 2007.
My DD214 has never left my possession, and that St Louis record center is a pain in the ass. Good luck.
I was given multiple copies on my separation. I also requested a copy from NPRC and received it in about 10 days. I still have my original... Keep it in my safe... Never trust the government to do anything for you.. They f/up everything.
Don't believe everything you hear, and take my advice please!

It's pretty simple to get a certified copy of your DD214. A similar thing happened to me. Contact either your town veteran's agent here in Mass or your US Representative's Office. I contacted my town's agent who contacted US Rep, had a certified copy within 3 weeks no big deal really. Actually if you have an original, the one they gave you when you were discharged, that's all you should need for SS. I never registered mine, the Army lost my original when I went back in. PM me when you sober up and I will help you.

I was not a Mass resident when I was originally was discharged.
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That's a tough break, Sky, and certainly a good reason to reduce the blood in your alcohol system. I registered mine at the courthouse in Warsaw, IN in '71. Now I'm wondering if they "lost it," too. I do have copies of the registered version locked in the safe. From the previous posts, it does look like there's a solution. Hope things improve.
So, I called these idiots again this morning to complain and give them shit for losing my DD-214.

I told them I was going to call my local Congressman.

They called me back two hours later, and lo and behold...... they found it!

The gal gave me some bullshit about how "It was never entered into the computer."

I told her that the Veterans rep told me they searched the computer, and the files, and couldn't find any record anywhere.

She told me that all he could do was check the computer. (So, the lazy bastard vet rep lied to me, he only searched the computer!)

She told me they would mail me a certified copy and waive the fee of 5 bucks....(5 Bucks...WTF?)

I told her I wanted my original DD-214 back, and not some damned copies! I told her I couldn't trust them with my DD-214 anymore, and I wanted it back.

She told me I can't have it back, only copies!

I asked her if that was the law...she said yes.

So I asked her...."Is that a criminal law, or a civil law?"

She thought for minute, and said..."Ahhh, I don't know."

So I told her......"You know,we have Criminal Laws, and Civil Laws.....but this is what I call Clerks Law! It is the bullshit I get when I have to deal with a dumbass Government Clerk!"

She hung up on me....I guess I pissed her off.[rofl][rofl][rofl][rofl][rofl]

No sweat.....I should have what I need from NPRC within a couple of weeks!
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