Dropped my new P229

I wouldnt worry about it..especially if its a carry piece.

When i was new to handguns. I re assembled my p220 and forgot to put the takedown lever in the locked position. I then proceeded to hit the slide release, throwing my slide downrange onto the concrete.
****ups happen.

I did this with one of my Sigs way back when just to see how far the slide would launch... [rofl] I don't think the drop zone was concrete, though.

You should see how badly we abuse 229's at work. You're babying yours in comparison, and ours keep working just fine. (Ever get yours soaked in saltwater and clean it up by shaking it around in a bucket of freshwater - a few times a week? Still need to wipe it down afterwards. Not like the M9's that you could rinse off in the sink and throw in the safe to dry out someday.)
You should see how badly we abuse 229's at work. You're babying yours in comparison, and ours keep working just fine. (Ever get yours soaked in saltwater and clean it up by shaking it around in a bucket of freshwater - a few times a week? Still need to wipe it down afterwards. Not like the M9's that you could rinse off in the sink and throw in the safe to dry out someday.)

Cant recall doing that before, no. Coast guard?

It's a carry gun, IDPA, range, etc. Spent a grand on it and dropped it a week later.. Shit happens. No going back in time. I'm over it now thanks to some persuasion here.
I was cleaning my new P229 on my reloading bench in the garage (concrete floors). When I put the slide back on and it racked forward, it slipped out of my hands, bounce off the table, and fell in slow motion to the concrete floor. [crying]

I'm lucky that this is the only damage, somehow the hammer didn't get a scratch.

Do I have any options other than sending the slide to Sig for refinishing, or cerakote myself? Any touch up pens out there that match Sig's nitron finish?

This is all after I shot 100 rounds with a light attached that chewed up the rails a bit (newbie mistake). So my new 229 has premature wear.

I will live with it unless there's a nice matching pen out there.

View attachment 182350

Touch up pens?

Its a Sig 229.. the gun will be fine.. just shoot it.
I wouldn't use anything. Send it to refinished when it starts to look worn from holster wear. Until then, I like the battle weary look in a gun myself...
I bought a brand new G19 FDE, put some sights on it, zeroed it, and then ran it through a fairly high intensity class at Pelham, in their beachy pits. After a bunch of crawling around in the sand drawing and reholstering, that gun looked like it had been drug behind my truck on the way to the range. I cleaned it, oiled it, and carry it.

It sucks that you dinged up your blaster, but I certainly wouldn't get worked up about it. A sharpie or some qtip applied spray paint will cover it up and nobody will notice it; except you....and all of us.[laugh]
When I get around to it, assuming I will even remember, I'll post pics of the Colt I've been carrying for over 16 years. It's got serious "character". Extensive holster and handling wear is something to be proud of. I don't think I've actually dropped the gun more than a few times in all those years though. [wink]
Use a black Sharpie on it, and forget about it. It's a carry gun, not a safe queen. It'll get dinged again. Think of it like a new car, that first parking lot ding just sux.

You would laugh if you saw the weapons used in the army. So clean that we take the black finish off. But they still shoot lead. That's all that matters
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