EDC: Full size or Compact?

Slim build and daily uniform make it easier with a compact. During the summer or other times when waistband is not always an option I go with a little snub revolver.
all depends on the day and weather i have to work that day or not... full size M&P9, in either iwb or owb or if a lazy day LCR, iwb owb or pocket now if i can get my job to change their policy so people can store in their car would be full size all the time most likely...

as it is for fun i wear my empty holsters at work.. gotta keep them guessing =P love it when some new holier then thou new HR lib tells me it is against policy to have/wear an empty holster at work. and then make them go find me the policy with the promise of removing it if they can find it... needless to say, 0 times have i removed the holster(s) i really need to pick up a couple of those blue trainers and let the head of security and my direct boss's know about it... gotta break in and get used to the weight of those holsters and make sure i like them somehow =)
i alternate between a HK P30 and a glock 19. this is stupid as they are completely different guns which shoot differently.

hilariously i shoot best with my 1911 but never carry that. i did just cut up the serpa i have for it, i'm modding it to fit my hi-power.
Snubby. Same pocket. All of the time. Shoot it often. Draw it often. I know the gun and how to hit what I am aiming at. These are the most important things.
compact for me....need to wear a tucked in button down shirt at the office so it has to work with a tuckable IWB. Weekends I may still carry compact or if the mood strikes go with something bigger.
Sr9c with standard capacity sr9 17 round magazines.
going to eventually get a 227 with 13 round mag, but I'll also like to have a pocket gun.
Carry my Glock 27 most days, but like to pocket carry my Ruger LCP on warm days.

I sometimes carry the LCP in a remora when I want to travel a bit lighter. Have a J-frame, but haven't carried it much since I bought the LCP.
I'm 5'10 225 and a general contractor so when I'm working I have a snub on my ankle. Other than that G19 or G36 IWB/OWB depending on what I'm wearing for a shirt.
SR9c IWB, but probably switching to G19 (also IWB) once i get more range time with it. Neither of these has ever had a failure of any kind.
My carry does change with the seasons and I love the full size, like my P226 but....you really feel the difference after carrying a Shield all summer long.
I'm 5'10 225 and a general contractor so when I'm working I have a snub on my ankle. Other than that G19 or G36 IWB/OWB depending on what I'm wearing for a shirt.
I'm in construction too and was thinking going ankle instead of pocket , (cause I roll around on the ground alot) but was thinking too awkward to draw from there when needed ? What do you think ?
I'm in construction too and was thinking going ankle instead of pocket , (cause I roll around on the ground alot) but was thinking too awkward to draw from there when needed ? What do you think ?

As an electrician I carry my P238 in the kangaroo carry holster. I wear a white T then the holster then my work shirt. Bad side of it is you can sweat through it so nightly cleanings is a must.

Posted while my co-worker is getting electrocuted.
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