Even immigrants think the new bill is selling out the country

Apr 24, 2006
Chelmsford MA
Feedback: 31 / 0 / 0

Among other gag-worthy characteristics, the new immigration bill announced last week is said to cost over 2 trillion (yes, it seems we have a couple of trillion to spare, according to the new, new math).

A country already mired in debt and credit needs to shell out 2 trillion about as much as breaking the law should be the prerequisite for citizenship under the rule of law.

The 380-page bill, fruit of three months of high-sounding wrangling, gives the immediate right to work (the Z visa), to some 12–20 million illegal workers who got into the United States before January 1, 2007. Heads of household would have to return to their home countries within eight years, and they would be guaranteed the right to return. Applicants would also have to cough up a $5,000 penalty. That’s thousand, not hundred. Chump change for migrant workers, of course.

Confirmed. This administration’s math is delusional, its laws are contradictory, and now we also know its alphabet is backward:
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