Everytown = Brilliant. Calls for Moar Gun Control in the wake of Charlottsville


NES Member
Mar 1, 2009
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[rofl] Are these people ****ing serious? They do know that it was a car that was allegedly used as a weapon, right?!!

Everytown Calls for More Gun Control Following Charlottesville Car Attack

On August 12, Everytown for Gun Safety pushed for more gun control in connection with the Charlottesville, Virginia, rally where attendees were attacked with a car.
Any excuse ends up = "moar gun control" . . . it's their mantra and the sheep all fall in line since they don't have 2 working brain cells between them to question their leaders.
Its only a matter of time before some idiot guns somebody(s) down. Which side will do it first has yet to be determined- I see a lot of angry gun owning friends on Facebook on both sides of the issue. Will gun laws stop that? Probably be more effective to have some free speech laws at this point.
I think they are right.

The crowd needed someone to control a gun long enough to kill the guy that was driving his car through all of them!

I guess I just look at gun control a little differently, like most conservative Americans!

Everytown should follow the constitution and allow people to carry small arms to defend themselves![grin]
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The usual crap from the Un-Constitutional State Senator

Senator Chris Murphy released a statement on the “Unite the Right” Rally, a gathering of white nationalists and neo-Nazis, in Charlottesville, Virginia.

“What has happened in Charlottesville should be a call to action for every American who has grown complacent under the assumption that our nation’s moral arc naturally bends toward inclusion and tolerance,” said Murphy. “Racism, anti-Semitism and homophobia are tragically alive and well in America today. And make no mistake – these insidious psychologies have been given license to be brought out in the open air by a president that openly seized upon these hatreds during his campaign, and continues to traffic in divisive rhetoric and hateful policies in the White House.”

Murphy continued, “Today, every leader of national or local significance must condemn the neo-Nazi rallies in Virginia, and the attack on counter-protesters, in the loudest and most unconditional terms. Ours is a nation whose greatness has been forged in the tough work of binding together peoples of different skin color, national origin, religion, and sexual orientation into one great powerful whole. Silence or weak condemnation will be rightly read as complicity with this newly emboldened racist movement. Further, as images travel the globe of what are reportedly anti-black, anti-Jew militias patrolling the streets of Charlottesville who are masquerading as law enforcement and brandishing military grade tactical weaponry, we need to take stock of whether our laws meet the new public safety challenges that confront our nation.”
Dickhead hate groups rallying full tacticool open carry is exactly what Everytown, and every other Statist wants.

One off, lone wolf "workplace violence" are nothing compared to the guilt by association that White Supremists with Gunz causes honest, Liberty loving gun owners.

The Trump-emboldened Racist factions have upped the anti from respecting Confederate history to making calls to defend White Supremacy with armed Militias.

No one is going to gain anything from any of this except the Statists who benefit from the oppression of Individual Rights.
The real problem here is Chrysler products. Shudder..

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In case you didn't notice the shitweasel former Clinton bagman VA Governor immediately started a narrative about the crowd having "semi-automatic" weapons. The scumbag ordered the cops to stand down in order to allow the situation to escalate out of control into a full blown riot for several hours just so he could stand on top of the rubble and corpses and wave a bloody shirt to push his causes. The DoJ should arrest him for criminal conspiracy, but Sessions is probably too busy taking a nap to make an example that political games with people's livelihoods and lives won't be tolerated like it was under Holder with this deliberate "space to destroy" lawlessness
In case you didn't notice the shitweasel former Clinton bagman VA Governor immediately started a narrative about the crowd having "semi-automatic" weapons. The scumbag ordered the cops to stand down in order to allow the situation to escalate out of control into a full blown riot for several hours just so he could stand on top of the rubble and corpses and wave a bloody shirt to push his causes. The DoJ should arrest him for criminal conspiracy, but Sessions is probably too busy taking a nap to make an example that political games with people's livelihoods and lives won't be tolerated like it was under Holder with this deliberate "space to destroy" lawlessness

The stuff I read about the Militia guys out there was that they weren't supporting either side. That they were out there precisely because the shitweasel gov pulled the cops. That they were there to keep order and to keep each side away from each other.

It seems to me like it worked fairly well. No shots were fired, and the violence actually didn't look like it was approaching Berkeley levels of stupidity. The only real anomaly was the dickhead in the Challenger.

What we need is more strict vehicle control. Vehicle violence is getting way out of hand. Nearly 35,000 people are killed by motor vehicles every year, and millions more are injured or maimed! If banning motor vehicles saves just one life, we should do it! Think of the children!
You know CSGV, MDA, Everytown had these press releases written days in advance

"Never let a crisis go to waste"
I assumed they had the tweets & press releases queued up as soon as they heard the militia guys were going to be there, and then when ZERO shots were fired, they decided to go ahead and release them anyway.


If you're wondering what smells like old mutton... Erika Soto Lamb got burned.
Senator Chris Murphy released a statement on the “Unite the Right” Rally, a gathering of white nationalists and neo-Nazis, in Charlottesville, Virginia.

“What has happened in Charlottesville should be a call to action for every American who has grown complacent under the assumption that our nation’s moral arc naturally bends toward inclusion and tolerance,” said Murphy. “Racism, anti-Semitism and homophobia are tragically alive and well in America today. And make no mistake – these insidious psychologies have been given license to be brought out in the open air by a president that openly seized upon these hatreds during his campaign, and continues to traffic in divisive rhetoric and hateful policies in the White House.”

Murphy continued, “Today, every leader of national or local significance must condemn the neo-Nazi rallies in Virginia, and the attack on counter-protesters, in the loudest and most unconditional terms. Ours is a nation whose greatness has been forged in the tough work of binding together peoples of different skin color, national origin, religion, and sexual orientation into one great powerful whole. Silence or weak condemnation will be rightly read as complicity with this newly emboldened racist movement. Further, as images travel the globe of what are reportedly anti-black, anti-Jew militias patrolling the streets of Charlottesville who are masquerading as law enforcement and brandishing military grade tactical weaponry, we need to take stock of whether our laws meet the new public safety challenges that confront our nation.”

excuse his excitement, he finally got a morsel of right-wing violence after enduring years of Islamic and left wing terrorism. It's like a breath of fresh air for him.
I assumed they had the tweets & press releases queued up as soon as they heard the militia guys were going to be there, and then when ZERO shots were fired, they decided to go ahead and release them anyway.


If you're wondering what smells like old mutton... Erika Soto Lamb got burned.

Translation: a bunch of guys exercised their constitutional rights under Virginia law, and everyone was safer for it. In the meantime something like 40 people were shot in Chicago. [rolleyes]
So let's see, a mob of rabidly anti-semitic mouth breathers are roaming around with guns, so we should disarm the Jews. Great idea. Worked out swell in 1938.
STD's are rampant. Ergo, all hot girls should come to my house to bang.

Same damned logic. My wife is pissed at both. [rofl]
Apparently lyin' Ryan is onboard with EveryClown:

While taking questions on Charlottesville, President Trump’s response, and related tensions during an August 21 town hall, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) voiced support for more gun control to keep guns out of the hands of people suspected of “domestic terrorism.”
Numerous protesters at Charlottesville were armed, but not a shot was fired. The death that occurred there was caused by a car attack.

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Well, we already knew he was a piece of shit thanks to the Obamacare repeal disaster. [rolleyes]

He actually had a GREAT speech at the RNC Convention last summer. Talked a lot about Liberty, The Constitution and 2A.

Thankfully, I saw through his BS (as I am sure that others here do) because I realize that actions speak louder than words.

Further proof that he is a nothing but a sliver-tongued pol and a lying sack of shit! Lyin' Ryan. It fits like a glove.
Conservative journals are starting to note something appears to be amiss:

Despite the utter lack of a connection with guns in anything to do with Charlottesville, he linked the event to gun ownership in the U.S. and concurred that more control is needed. Weird, right?

What if they know something we don't? This sounds a little "out there," but we live in a time when what is going on beneath the surface dwarfs what we see as the end result of someone's planning. So what if the discordant calls for gun control are because those politicians, anarchists, and activists (though I repeat myself) have foreknowledge of some kind of planned escalation of their brand of "protest" and are setting the stage for disingenuous "I told you sos'? What if they have something of a timeline along which they either believe that things will happen or will make things happen, to escalate the blitzkrieg of media and hysteria by which they effect "change" – meaning a coup?
Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/arti...ft_know_somethings_coming_involving_guns.html
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