Exclusive: Rep. Ronny Jackson Wants Constitutional Carry in All 50 States


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Dec 13, 2006
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Breitbart News met up with Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX-13) for some range time Saturday and the congressman expressed his hope that constitutional carry will sweep across this country state by state until all 50 states have adopted it.

Jackson made this point as part of his larger desire to see more legislation that reinforces the Second Amendment instead of undercutting it.

Breitbart News: “President Biden and his fellow Democrats have unleashed a seemingly relentless push for gun control in this country. As a result, many Americans have begun to look at the Second Amendment with greater seriousness. Why does the Second Amendment matter?”

Jackson: “It matters because the Second Amendment is key to making sure that we, down the road, maintain all the other amendments. If we don’t have the ability to keep and bear arms, then who knows when they are going to decide they want to take the First Amendment away from us, or one of the other amendments. The Second Amendment is key to how this country was founded. The Founders put it in place so we could defend ourselves from enemies, foreign and domestic, to be honest with you, and honestly, we need to be able to keep and bear to protect ourselves, to protect our families, and to protect our country.”

Breitbart News: “You were born in Levelland, Texas, and now you are a U.S. Representative for Texas 13th District. Amid the Democrats’ push for gun control, how do you fight to be sure Texans–and Americans at large–retain their ability to keep and bear arms for self-defense?”

Jackson: “Right now, we Republicans are in the minority in Congress, so we fight as hard as we can to stop the nonsense they are trying to push through. They are constantly pushing anti-Second Amendment legislation and they put some cute name on it that is supposed to make us go, “Why wouldn’t someone support that?” They make it sound like a benign background check or something. But what it really is, is another way that they are removing your ability to own a gun. Right now, for instance, they are pushing a 10-day waiting period with the stipulation that you cannot buy a gun until the background check, conducted during that waiting period, is done. If the background check isn’t done at the end of ten days you don’t get the gun. So what they’ll do is sit on that check and guess what? You won’t get the gun. That’s just one example of the stuff they are trying to push through, so we push back. And when we recapture the majority in Congress we’ll go from simply pushing back to pushing legislation that will reinforce the Second Amendment.

Jackson pointed to constitutional carry legislation that passed the Texas legislature as a way to reinforce the Second Amendment. That legislation is designed to remove the requirement that law-abiding Texans get a permit from the state government in order to exercise their right to bear arms for self-defense.

Jackson lauded Texas’ move toward constitutional carry, saying, “It’s about time. Texas should have been leading the way on constitutional carry a long time ago. Ultimately, I’d like to see all 50 states have constitutional carry.”

He added, “I decided a long time ago that protecting our Second Amendment means doing so across the board, no exceptions. I don’t go with all the little things they try to push, where they’re going to put a little rule here and a little rule there. That’s a slippery slope, as soon as you start giving in on the small things they will take your rights altogether.”

so ronny likes to hear himself talk cause he has no idea what kind of a fight he's in for. i'm guessing hasn't been to a democratic, liberal top heavy state recently. remember ronny, the texans lost at the alamo, we're just memorializing their good fight.
Breitbart News met up with Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX-13) for some range time Saturday and the congressman expressed his hope that constitutional carry will sweep across this country state by state until all 50 states have adopted it.

Jackson made this point as part of his larger desire to see more legislation that reinforces the Second Amendment instead of undercutting it.

Breitbart News: “President Biden and his fellow Democrats have unleashed a seemingly relentless push for gun control in this country. As a result, many Americans have begun to look at the Second Amendment with greater seriousness. Why does the Second Amendment matter?”

Jackson: “It matters because the Second Amendment is key to making sure that we, down the road, maintain all the other amendments. If we don’t have the ability to keep and bear arms, then who knows when they are going to decide they want to take the First Amendment away from us, or one of the other amendments. The Second Amendment is key to how this country was founded. The Founders put it in place so we could defend ourselves from enemies, foreign and domestic, to be honest with you, and honestly, we need to be able to keep and bear to protect ourselves, to protect our families, and to protect our country.”

Breitbart News: “You were born in Levelland, Texas, and now you are a U.S. Representative for Texas 13th District. Amid the Democrats’ push for gun control, how do you fight to be sure Texans–and Americans at large–retain their ability to keep and bear arms for self-defense?”

Jackson: “Right now, we Republicans are in the minority in Congress, so we fight as hard as we can to stop the nonsense they are trying to push through. They are constantly pushing anti-Second Amendment legislation and they put some cute name on it that is supposed to make us go, “Why wouldn’t someone support that?” They make it sound like a benign background check or something. But what it really is, is another way that they are removing your ability to own a gun. Right now, for instance, they are pushing a 10-day waiting period with the stipulation that you cannot buy a gun until the background check, conducted during that waiting period, is done. If the background check isn’t done at the end of ten days you don’t get the gun. So what they’ll do is sit on that check and guess what? You won’t get the gun. That’s just one example of the stuff they are trying to push through, so we push back. And when we recapture the majority in Congress we’ll go from simply pushing back to pushing legislation that will reinforce the Second Amendment.

Jackson pointed to constitutional carry legislation that passed the Texas legislature as a way to reinforce the Second Amendment. That legislation is designed to remove the requirement that law-abiding Texans get a permit from the state government in order to exercise their right to bear arms for self-defense.

Jackson lauded Texas’ move toward constitutional carry, saying, “It’s about time. Texas should have been leading the way on constitutional carry a long time ago. Ultimately, I’d like to see all 50 states have constitutional carry.”

He added, “I decided a long time ago that protecting our Second Amendment means doing so across the board, no exceptions. I don’t go with all the little things they try to push, where they’re going to put a little rule here and a little rule there. That’s a slippery slope, as soon as you start giving in on the small things they will take your rights altogether.”

They had their chance in 2016 and it was a republican, old turtlehead McConnell who blocked it. Republicans don't want this because there will be no reason to vote for them anymore. So they cling to it and offer their usual campaign trail platitudes so that people will vote for them and send them money. But essentially they are the do nothing party. Even Trump was a relatively speaking do nothing guy and he had the power to change things and didn't.
They had their chance in 2016 and it was a republican, old turtlehead McConnell who blocked it. Republicans don't want this because there will be no reason to vote for them anymore. So they cling to it and offer their usual campaign trail platitudes so that people will vote for them and send them money. But essentially they are the do nothing party. Even Trump was a relatively speaking do nothing guy and he had the power to change things and didn't.
There is plenty of reason to continue to vote for them if they properly do what they were elected to do.
There is plenty of reason to continue to vote for them if they properly do what they were elected to do.

Which is what exactly? Name anything that republicans have done for the common man in the last 20 years. All they know how to do is block democrats and when they are in charge they do nothing. We need republicans who actually have a freaking spine and 90% of republicans are spineless wimps. If their house were burned down by BLM/Antifa they would shrug their shoulders and do nothing.
Which is what exactly? Name anything that republicans have done for the common man in the last 20 years. All they know how to do is block democrats and when they are in charge they do nothing. We need republicans who actually have a freaking spine and 90% of republicans are spineless wimps. If their house were burned down by BLM/Antifa they would shrug their shoulders and do nothing.

Agree with you BUT blocking dems is no small achievement.
They had their chance in 2016 and it was a republican, old turtlehead McConnell who blocked it. Republicans don't want this because there will be no reason to vote for them anymore. So they cling to it and offer their usual campaign trail platitudes so that people will vote for them and send them money. But essentially they are the do nothing party. Even Trump was a relatively speaking do nothing guy and he had the power to change things and didn't.
Con carry was never passing, cocaine mitch aside. It’s basically nothing but a shiny bauble the NRA holds up to get people to send them more money....
Which is what exactly? Name anything that republicans have done for the common man in the last 20 years. All they know how to do is block democrats and when they are in charge they do nothing. We need republicans who actually have a freaking spine and 90% of republicans are spineless wimps. If their house were burned down by BLM/Antifa they would shrug their shoulders and do nothing.
I'm not disagreeing with you but If I live another 60 years I still won't be old enough to visit this utopia of politicians actually doing their jobs. Every person with just half a functioning brain knows nothing will happen unless term limits are put in place but it's becoming crystal clear how much and deep the theft is and that is a much larger problem.

I'm not naive enough to believe these same law makers who are stealing our money will ever write a single law preventing the theft.
Can't be allowed. That would mean a drop in crime, that could lead to cuts on PD budgets. It will also mean home prices and rents go up. And, most importantly, the people will figure out they don't gov't so involved in their lives.
D rulers use criminals as arms length enforcers and collection agents. The establishment feels compelled to ensure that criminals and the corrupt have safe workplaces.
I'm sure Rr Adm. Jackson (ret.), like all other freshman legislators, thinks he can immediately change the world through his position in the US Congress, and has grandiose ideas of what he will do...

then after 6 mos, reality sets in and you realize how entrenched the swamp is.. Maybe you become a thorn in everyone's side (a la MTG or AOC). Maybe you go along to get along (a la Ed Markey) and show up at a media/photo op when next election cycle rolls around and you try to prop up any of your "accomplishments"

The thought that you'd be able to get something like this passed is noble, however highly unlikely at the Federal level.
They had two years they could have passed any pro 2A thing they wanted .
What did we get ? Zip.
I don't want to hear "We're on your side "
The F*ck you are.
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