Fairground Trader-Brockton MA

Jun 8, 2005
Quincy, MA
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Fairground Trader is on Rt 123 about 2 miles from Rt 24 a little past the Brockton Fairgrounds.

I have found some very good bargains here. A lot of the long guns are used. The condition ranges from nearly new to well used. I bought a Remington 742 in .308 which I have hunted with for 3 years for a song. I've also ordered a long gun here and it seems as though they give you their cost plus a moderate commission. The handguns are a mix of new and used. Again, they seem priced to move.

I have ordered a few guns here and was also pretty satisfied with the price and service.

If there are any problems with the gun, they don't try to pass the buck. They deal with it in a professional manner. That's honorable in this day and age. Also, browsers seem to be quite welcome.

I have been to lot's of the shops mentioned on this board and would be hard pressed to find better prices than those found at Fairground Trader. But ...Shhhh...don't tell anyone. [arrow]
I went there today. I bought a Remington 1100 12 gauge trap gun like new with a bad scratch on the reciever for $275.OO. I found a Ruger Mini 14 with a Bi Pod and 3 mags for $550 that's going into the safe with the rest of the safe queens.

Grat place and nice people, it's like going back in time, alot of used long guns and they have some great buys on them. Not much in the line of handguns .

What really got me was, I asked about .41 Remington mag shells and he said Oh yeah I got some where here that's no problem.

HEY! Don't give Tom and Lorraine an excuse to bail out!!

Next time you're there tell them I said "hi"!
Is your primary business extermination? [twisted]

That is NOT a nice area of Brockton (yes, there is one nice area of that eyesore)!

Lorraine has had at least one drunk stumble in and give her a hard time. Tom was a Brockton PO then (now retired), one call from Lorraine and the place looked like the Marines had landed!
Yeah when I was their today I was impressed by the place.. Places like that are few and going by the wayside. Very nice guy. Very helpfull and he has some great stuff.

I retired from my Exterminatig company and have my Son and manager running it now. I worked 2 jobs for 32 years. One for the Federal Government and I also ran my Exterminating company at the same time. I started the Externmiating company basically as a hobby with my old partner back about 30 years ago. It was some thing for us to do to make a few bucks and keep grounded. The first year we made so much money we were stunned. We were hooked and never looked. My partner retired before me and moved, giving me his half.

Brockton is a gold mine for Exterminators. You have to go where the money is. I was only kidding about opening another office. I'm to old to go through all that again.
Bugs100 said:
Brockton is a gold mine for Exterminators. You have to go where the money is.

It sure is! More two-legged vermin in Brockton than anyplace within 25 miles!
We are located in Hyde Park so we do most our of work in the City. J.P is actually one of the better parts of the City. You think Brockton is bad try working in Mattapan, Roxbury, or Lawerence. We only work from 8am to Noon in bad areas. Any later than that your asking for trouble.
Short story about Downtown Brockton:

For many years IRS and DOR had offices downtown (corner of Chestnut and Main Sts IIRC) and I used to stop by and pick up the oddball tax forms that I use. DOR closed the office and moved it to Fall River or New Bedford. In its place was a MA Welfare Office, so I walked in (mid-day) and asked what happened to the DOR office and had they left the tax forms there for pickup. The lady's first remark was that "you didn't walk here, did you?" . . . I knew exactly what she meant!

Occasionally I have to drive thru Downtown Brockton and it still doesn't look any better! Most storefronts are vacant, with bars to the ground, deserted and only the "bad element" visible in the area.

To me Brockton looks like Roxbury looked in the mid-late 60s when they were rioting and burning out buildings.
Bugs100 said:
We are located in Hyde Park so we do most our of work in the City. J.P is actually one of the better parts of the City. You think Brockton is bad try working in Mattapan, Roxbury, or Lawerence. We only work from 8am to Noon in bad areas. Any later than that your asking for trouble.

How could I forget Lawrence?!?!? Ya know, I was born in Lawrence. It used to be a great city. Moved out 26 years ago and I'm glad we left when we did. I still have fond memories which I have a hard time remembering as I drive through it now (with windows closed and doors locked and definately NOT if I'm unarmed - which is rare).
I was doing a job in Mattapan for a guy who wanted a 3 family treated for mice and He told me he would meet me there in lived in Woburn. Well He showed up driving a baby blue Bmw that had to go well over 50k. Told me the had to move out of the house which his girlfriend had gotten when her parents died.

I saked why? He told me he was getting $1800 for each apartment from section 8 and since his Mortage in Woburn was $1200 he was making $600 by living in the single family. So He was making $4200 a month after he paid his monthly mortage in Woburn from that property.

Then he said do you do Brockton and when I said sure said he had 3 3 families there that he had gotten real cheap and was making $5400 on each from Section 8.

Great country huh.
Hey, go easy on Brockton!

Yes, downtown Brockton can be a nightmare, but, there are still some nice sections. Mayor Yunits has done a fabulous job during his time in office to do away with the scum that inhabit some of the worst areas. Unfortunately, Brockton has been back in the news again when it comes to illegal guns. [roll]

DH has always said good things about Fairground Traders. My only gripe with them is that they usually close right before I manage to get across town to get to them. But that's mostly just my bad planning.
gail-s said:
Hey, go easy on Brockton!

Yes, downtown Brockton can be a nightmare, but, there are still some nice sections. Mayor Yunits has done a fabulous job during his time in office to do away with the scum that inhabit some of the worst areas. Unfortunately, Brockton has been back in the news again when it comes to illegal guns. [roll]

DH has always said good things about Fairground Traders. My only gripe with them is that they usually close right before I manage to get across town to get to them. But that's mostly just my bad planning.


No promises but if you're going to get there just a few minutes after closing and are looking for something specific, give them a call and ask if they can stick around for a few extra minutes. I wouldn't do this just for browsing, but Tom and Lorraine are good people and might be willing to go a bit out of their way for a customer.

If you do see them, tell them that Len says hi! I don't get there very often . . . I try hard to stay away from Brockton on general principles.
Moderator said:
Do they have handguns?

It's not a big shop or a very active one, so give them a call and ask Tom/Lorraine about what you are looking for.

Tell them Len sent you and say hi for me.
Thanks Len. Typically, it was one of those:

"gee, I feel like going to the range. Oh no, it's 4pm on Saturday. Who's still open that I can get ammo from?"

DH solved that problem for me last month. He and his brother and father took a road trip to PA and stopped at Cabela's for me. Several thousands rounds of .22 and 9mm later... I'm good to go for awhile. :D

Just wait! 2007 they're opening a Cabela's in CT. I plan on being there for the grand opening.
Man did we (yes, including me) hijack this thread.

Edited to add - I removed 1/2 page of Wal-Mart posts and created a new Wal-Mart thread with them. Let's continue any Wal-Mart discussions there.

From now on, if it isn't related to Fairground Traders, please let's take it to another thread. Thanks.

He's basically open 'til 4PM most days. Tom is a retired LEO and probably doesn't want to do any more very long days! [wink]

Besides that area turns very nasty at night and ain't that great during the day either!

Tom is an occasional lurker here. I don't think he ever registered. They are both very nice people if they can help you find what you want, they will do it.
I stopped in the other day at Fairground trading last week and Lorraine was kind enough to go through the safe and pull out all the handguns for me to look at.

I ended up buying two S&W revolvers. A 1905 32 20 hand ejector and a Model 28 4 inch.

Both very nice, very clean and real good buys. Every time I walk in to his gun shop I find a good deal on some thing that I can't pass up.

The last time was a nice Remington 1100 for short money that was real clean and had seen little use.

They have good selection of used shotguns and rifles. I'm still fighting off the urge to go back and get a .223 Remington 78 with a scope.

This is an old fashion gun shop that is a real pleasure to go to. The owners are real nice and go out of their way to order hard to get stuff for you.
Tom has always been helpful to me. They received my 1973 Winchester from Cabela's for me.

My friend bought a Taurus. He had problems with it. Tom had Lorraine take it back and write up the paperwork on the other one under the counter. Tom said they would deal with it so my friend would not have to.

Try and find that anywhere else.

Good folks. I would not hesitate to do business with them.
Short story about Downtown Brockton:

For many years IRS and DOR had offices downtown (corner of Chestnut and Main Sts IIRC) and I used to stop by and pick up the oddball tax forms that I use. DOR closed the office and moved it to Fall River or New Bedford. In its place was a MA Welfare Office, so I

I just saw this old post. I don't think Brockton is that bad. I'm looking at these areas all of the time. I know people that live around there. The DOR just closed their office in Brockton as there was no need for the office. They also closed their Natick office, which was in a nicer neighborhood.

Why does everyone think that Brockton and Dorchester are so bad? I can't put my finger to it, but there are places that are much worse...plus many stores of cops run amok in Massachusetts. Lots of drug deals are supposedly occurring in Stoughton and other nice satellite towns of Brockton. Yet, I don't hear much of this stuff going on in Brockton.

Plus I never even noticed this Fairground Trader. I will look for him next week.

Are they still in business?
I haven't seen any of their ads on GunsAmerica lately and didn't want to drive down there and be disappointed.
Give them a call. I dropped in there a month or so ago and Tom looked healthy (relatively speaking) to me!
Give them a call. I dropped in there a month or so ago and Tom looked healthy (relatively speaking) to me!
I'm glad I ran into this thread. I've driven past this shop many times and wondered how such a small place stayed in business. Looks like I'm going to have to check this place out. I like these small shops because alot of times they'll let you make payments on those good finds.
Fairgrounds has been one of the better shops for me in the area.

the staff. ( both Tom and whom ever the lady may be) were exceedingly nice. even came in early on a sunday for me once. iv bought atleast 2 guns off them.

the prices are fair. i dont expect to pay internet prices for a small store in MA. and iv honestly yet to be let down. i got a 995 carbine for about 150 with extra mags and all.

if you go looking for a specific model, you may be out of luck. but otherwise the selection is pretty good. last time i was there they had from Hi Points to hunting rifles.

over all for a MA gunshop. i give them an B+ - A
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