That has about the same chance as me winning the powerball, with the dwindling number of operators in each service. Further things are a lot more tame in either than they were 20 years ago. To claim that amateur radio never had those kinds of abuse problems is absurd..... jamming antagonists were legion on 20, 40, 80 meter bands, and southern california 2M FM was basically a raving shit show in the 90s. Although the mount disappointment repeater was a riot when I was visiting out there.
![Laugh [laugh] [laugh]](/xen/styles/default/xenforo/smilies.vb/012.gif)
All of that stuff is gone now because they either got clapped (rarely) or just lost interest. Theres an upshot though in the respect that in either service theres now a higher level of technical interest, and even among the CB ops the dirty gear has dropped off precipitously.