Federal judge orders AG Healey to appear for deposition Dec 13th

She needs to eliminate her activism altogether; it's not what she is being paid to do.
There are plenty of legit consumer protection things she could be doing.

For example, requiring supermarkets to display a prominent sign "New, reduced product content" whenever a product puts less product in a package without making a clear difference in package size to make it obvious. For example, when the OJ standard went from 64oz to 59oz, the size of the container was left unchanged, the product displayed next to 64oz product, and the volume label placed where it would be hidden until removed from the shelf.

Blue Rhino did nothing except fine print to tell customers when it went from 17lb propane in a 20lb tank (though there was a class action suit on that one). Unlike someone buying a Glock, these are both cases where a customer could legitimately be deceived.
She needs to put her activism second to DOING HER JOB.

She needs to eliminate her activism altogether; it's not what she is being paid to do.

It really is amazing that a nutty leftist activist... who only won her office because her primary opposition was certifiably insane... can have so much tyrannical power over us with us having such poor options and so little hope for timely recourse. [thinking]
There are plenty of legit consumer protection things she could be doing.

For example, requiring supermarkets to display a prominent sign "New, reduced product content" whenever a product puts less product in a package without making a clear difference in package size to make it obvious. For example, when the OJ standard went from 64oz to 59oz, the size of the container was left unchanged, the product displayed next to 64oz product, and the volume label placed where it would be hidden until removed from the shelf.

Blue Rhino did nothing except fine print to tell customers when it went from 17lb propane in a 20lb tank (though there was a class action suit on that one). Unlike someone buying a Glock, these are both cases where a customer could legitimately be deceived.

Totally agree, but as we all know, those mundane issues are not going to give her the national exposure that she is lusting for to further her career. No doubt though that HRC losing the election made Maura a very unhappy Clinton sycophant.
Hopefully the attitude will come through. Judges don't like attitude.
I thought it was more along the lines of "Do you know who I am??!!!"

That said, I think she has a point about jurisdiction.

I don't agree. The Texas judge has made it clear that he may or may not have jurisdiction and that is the issue before him. A month or two back he instructed the two sides to do some preliminary discovery limited to ascertaining the jurisdiction issue. Unfortunately, Healey and her minions stonewalled that limited discovery between the parties by NOT participating. The Texas judge has ordered this deposition UNDER OATH so he can personally make the jurisdiction decision and as a result of Healey stonewalling the Exxon Mobil attorneys at that initial discovery phase. Maura now seeks to protect herself in the jurisdictional dispute by claiming the Texas court does not have jurisdiction, yet she is the one who stonewalled the courts inquiry!! Judges tend to take a dim view of such obstructionism.

Read page 4 and 5 on that filing to see exactly what I was talking about. The Texas judge wanted some preliminary discovery between the parties for the sole purpose of resolving the jurisdictional issue. Healey's filing admits that talks broke down between the two sides and it ended back in the lap of the judge. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and suggest that he is a bit miffed at the lack of cooperation, hence his JURISDICTIONAL DISCOVERY ORDER and the need for a DEPOSITION. Only Healey could actually argue that the Texas court cannot exercise jurisdiction over her, while withholding all evidence the judge needs to actually make that decision. The hubris is strong with this one.
Jurisdictional issues aside, her real fear is that the Exxon/Mobil attorneys are going to question her on the science behind GW that she is using to pursue her witch hunt. Since she is not a scientist, these attorneys will make her look very foolish in a deposition.
Read page 4 and 5 on that filing to see exactly what I was talking about. The Texas judge wanted some preliminary discovery between the parties for the sole purpose of resolving the jurisdictional issue. Healey's filing admits that talks broke down between the two sides and it ended back in the lap of the judge. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and suggest that he is a bit miffed at the lack of cooperation, hence his JURISDICTIONAL DISCOVERY ORDER and the need for a DEPOSITION. Only Healey could actually argue that the Texas court cannot exercise jurisdiction over her, while withholding all evidence the judge needs to actually make that decision. The hubris is strong with this one.
Maura's still hurting from her hangover after the election. She was planning to ride into DC on her white horse to persecute more conservatives but now she's stuck in Boston defending her illegal proclamations. When Comm 2A hits her with their left and right shots she will scream persecution from the right wingers and hope the moonbats circle the wagons around her. It's going to be a long ride.
I wish GOAL would stop sharing news about this on twitter/FB. I get the dislike of the AG but sharing things like this is not going to gain GOAL and our cause supporters.
So what happens if she continues to give the judge the finger and refuses to show?

As I predicted earlier, she has appealed to quash the deposition order. If she wins, then she doesn't get deposed. If she loses, I expect her to go to TX and be deposed.
Not sure why this would turn people away???

Because as many in this state will view it she is 'taking on' a big corporation. All this does is limit the pool of people willing to listen to GOAL about the AGs actions on guns. The gun owning community is already unified on this. Need to pull in the nons now. This does not help pull in the nons.
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