Federal LTC? Someones claiming they have one...

Apr 9, 2008
South Shore
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And of course he can't prove it... But he's swearing up and down he has it and it lets him do all sorts of stuff. And, it looks JUST LIKE the mass LTC.

Oh it's funny, and frustating at the same time. I know this guy and I'd never think he'd be someone to make up this. I actually feel bad calling BS on him, but I can't help it.

Supposedly it's an Unrestricted Blue Card CCDW that allows hims to purchase Machine guns and looks just like the mass LTC. Claims to have been held by police in RI untill thigns were cleared up once.

Here's part of the conversation

Him: I got my App through my cousin who is Some Federal Thing he never talks about. I think FBI, but he won't budge.

He did ALL the legwork for me. Looks Just like all the Mass LTC.

Me: then show it to me next time I see you.

Him: I will but It looks just Like yours.

Me: then it's not anythign special, it's just a mass LTC.

Him: OK, Go Buy a fully auto AK with yours. What happens?

Me: Nothing, I dont have an MG license.

Him: They all look the same. Wheen they run it and enter your pin, that's when the flag comes up and denies.

Me: Ok, hear me out. Cops, lawyers anybody whos really into firearms in mass hasn't been able to confirm one exists.
I have someone tellign me they have one, can't confirm it, It just happens to look exactly like the mass LTC.
and on top of that, it's supposedly something that an federal person got for you and your not police, military or a federal agent

Him: right

Me: Exactly my point. This story sounds so far fetched.

I've heard rumors, but this takes the cake. I can't honestly beleive this.

Edit: Thought this woudl be funny reading for today. He's either sorely missinformed about something or a complete BS artist.
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I've heard rumors, but this takes the cake. I can't honestly beleive this. Anybody have any insight here?
The only "Federal LTCs" are LEO credentials and diplomatic immunity. Everyone who claims to have one:
- Left it at home, or
- Never bothered to renew it, or
- Can't show it to you for security reasons

Unrestricted Blue Card CCDW
Mixed metaphor - "Blue card" is the RI term for the card that pets you purchase and posess , but not carry, a handgun.

Your friend it either a bs artist or an idiot. You figure out which :).

ETA: I find a lot of humor in this shit, even though it's probably harmful to us in the grand scheme of things.

My friend was at a family cookout, and one of his "gangsta-gangsta" cousins got into a gun conversation with him. The kid claims he's got "a dirty .45". My buddy asks him what kind (meaning manufacturer, model) and the kid responds with "all chromed-out with extended clips". [laugh] He then goes on to say "and I use federal bullets, so if I ever kill someone, it gets traced back to the government". [rofl2]

Later in the day, my friend talks to his uncle (the kid's dad) and talks to him about guns. Turns out the uncle owns a S&W 1911 with a stainless finish, and uses Federal Premium Hydra Shoks for defensive ammunition. No extended mag, though. [rofl]
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That's no big deal. I have one too only mine's purple and lets me buy anti-aircraft missiles as well as full auto AKs. The DOD gave it to me as a reward when I volunteered to fly to an asteroid on the space shuttle with Steve Bushemi, drill a deep hole, and set off a nuke to split the asteroid in half so that it wouldn't crash into the planet. It really wasn't a big deal and I would have done it for free but they insisted on giving me something and it was either that or the president's daughter. (This was back during the Clinton years, so you can guess which one I picked.)

I'm really not supposed to talk about it because it was all secret and stuff. Wouldn't want people to know about the whole asteroid thing.....

ETA: I find a lot of humor in this shit, even though it's probably harmful to us in the grand scheme of things.

My friend was at a family cookout, and one of his "gangsta-gangsta" cousins got into a gun conversation with him. The kid claims he's got "a dirty .45". My buddy asks him what kind (meaning manufacturer, model) and the kid responds with "all chromed-out with extended clips". [laugh] He then goes on to say "and I use federal bullets, so if I ever kill someone, it gets traced back to the government". [rofl2]

Later in the day, my friend talks to his uncle (the kid's dad) and talks to him about guns. Turns out the uncle owns a S&W 1911 with a stainless finish, and uses Federal Premium Hydra Shoks for defensive ammunition. No extended mag, though. [rofl]

Are you sure he said "dirty .45" ...or was it a "FO FIF wit cop killaz"??? there's a big difference. And why is it that all "Gangstaz" think that hollow points are "cop killaz" ???
Oh, lord... I think that the BS meter just got pegged.


Tell your buddy that all of us Internet Commandos think it's a big steaming pile of

And of course he can't prove it... But he's swearing up and down he has it and it lets him do all sorts of stuff. And, it looks JUST LIKE the mass LTC.

Oh it's funny, and frustating at the same time. I know this guy and I'd never think he'd be someone to make up this. I actually feel bad calling BS on him, but I can't help it.

Supposedly it's an Unrestricted Blue Card CCDW that allows hims to purchase Machine guns and looks just like the mass LTC. Claims to have been held by police in RI untill thigns were cleared up once.

Here's part of the conversation

I've heard rumors, but this takes the cake. I can't honestly beleive this.

Edit: Thought this woudl be funny reading for today. He's either sorely missinformed about something or a complete BS artist.

just go with him to get an mg, see what happens.
I didn't know Dwarfs could Sh** so much.

Uh... no, you'll know it's Dwarf-sh** when I tell you how skinny I am. [laugh] That pic, however, is genuine, 100% certified BS - Chris took that photo one July 4th out at Old Sturbridge Village. Right after the bull left it there, I might add.
Kid Presentable has a great idea. If your buddy actually goes to buy an MG (which I doubt he would be so ballsy) please find a way to video/record the event so we can all enjoy the fake looks of confusion and watch him go through the stages of being caught lying.
Kid Presentable has a great idea. If your buddy actually goes to buy an MG (which I doubt he would be so ballsy) please find a way to video/record the event so we can all enjoy the fake looks of confusion and watch him go through the stages of being caught lying.

That isnt' a bad idea, might be difficult to convince him to actually go. He'll make up excuses up the wazoo. "I dont have the money, I'm not around that day, left the license at home" etc...
Not to give this guy any credence whatsoever. But, I was offered an assignment while I was in the Navy to work for the Dept. of Energy as a classified component courier. This required survival training at Fort Huneme (sp?) in California and after completion would allow you to be a plain clothed, armed and federally licensed courier that could carry anywhere (planes, trains and automobiles) so long as you were on duty and/or transporting. This posting was only offered to a few ratings that has the security clearance and proper training. I did turn down the offer and left the service but I always wondered how it would have been.

Now, back to the bashing....
He then goes on to say "and I use federal bullets, so if I ever kill someone, it gets traced back to the government". [rofl2]

That is too good. One of the most difficult things to do is to anticipate just how stupid a person can be. It seems like a natural instinct to expect clever behavior and to be ready for complexity. And then here comes this guy and hits you flat footed with his completely out-of-the box level of idiocy. How could you ever anticipate something like that?
That is too good. One of the most difficult things to do is to anticipate just how stupid a person can be. It seems like a natural instinct to expect clever behavior and to be ready for complexity. And then here comes this guy and hits you flat footed with his completely out-of-the box level of idiocy. How could you ever anticipate something like that?

I know what you're saying. I can't tell you how badly I wish I was there to hear it myself. Apparently my friend didn't even bother correcting him, but he couldn't keep a straight face.
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You have to wonder... If someone had a "federal CCW license" or whatever, who's to say than any particular state would honor that?

Considering some poor soul who was stopped in Boston was once told that his LTC was invalid in Boston as it wasn't issued in Boston (he wasn't a Boston resident) by some brainiac Boston PO . . . I'd say that that anyone carrying a relatively obscure "permit" from somewhere else would likely be "hooked up" and let it be sorted out later in court.
Considering some poor soul who was stopped in Boston was once told that his LTC was invalid in Boston as it wasn't issued in Boston (he wasn't a Boston resident) by some brainiac Boston PO . .
Sounds like the case with the old style paper non-resident permit that looked more like an elevator inspection certificate than a gun license. I have been told that there were cases where the Boston PD did not recognize these were legit (the form was so generic the fact that it was a LTC had to be typed into a blank space).
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