FFL arrested for possessing firearm at Augusta gun show

May 8, 2011
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“A lot of people are wondering how someone who can’t obtain a gun was at a gun show,” Ignazio “Iggy” Falcone, 27, of Manchester, New Hampshire, said. “I’m a federally licensed gun dealer, and I attended (the gun show) with one of my employees. During the show, a shotgun was placed on my table. I said, ‘This can’t be here,’ and it got moved to another table. I think in the heat of the moment, (the employee) forgot it.” Falcone was arrested on domestic violence charges in October, after a disagreement with his ex-girlfriend in the New Hampshire town of Barnstead. He said that for the time being, he’s not allowed to possess firearms under a protection order that was put in place. Falcone was arrested Sunday and released from the Kennebec County jail on Tuesday morning after an acquaintance paid the $500 cash bail that a judge set on Monday. In Maine, his next court appearance will be a dispositional conference on Feb. 20, according to court records.
Man arrested for possessing firearm at Augusta gun show calls incident ‘big misunderstanding’
he is a prohibited person as he has an active restraining order on him, as a FFL (if he was still one, all his guns were given up to the cops) he should have known better and walked away.

But he was either stupid, or dumb, either way he is FUBAR'd
he is a prohibited person as he has an active restraining order on him, as a FFL (if he was still one, all his guns were given up to the cops) he should have known better and walked away.

But he was either stupid, or dumb, either way he is FUBAR'd
Considering him stupid is why we lose. I don't care if he knowingly handled a shotgun for a minute. That he can't is gay. That there was someone watching that knew he couldn't and was willing to push it to an arrest is gay to the tenth power.
Does not play well with others, and someone was watching:

Falcone also has developed something of a high profile among New Hampshire’s gun community. In 2015, his picture appeared in The New York Times after he, along with several other heavily armed civilians, stood guard outside a military recruitment center in Manchester. Like others across the country, they formed their guard after four marines and a Navy petty officer were killed at a recruiting center in Tennessee.

A member of the Maine State Police, Trooper Ian Dunn, made the arrest Sunday after hearing from an off-duty Hallowell police officer, Jordan Gaudet, who had attended the gun show a day earlier and had reason to think that Falcone had violated the terms of a court order.

At the gun show on Dec. 16, Gaudet saw Falcone allegedly “handle and manipulate the shotgun with his hands,” according to a probable cause affidavit. Gaudet also overheard Falcone allegedly tell another man that the shotgun, which was sitting “approximately 1 to 2 feet” away from him, should be concealed if any pictures were being taken because he “wasn’t supposed to have this.”
Considering him stupid is why we lose. I don't care if he knowingly handled a shotgun for a minute. That he can't is gay. That there was someone watching that knew he couldn't and was willing to push it to an arrest is gay to the tenth power.

One of the worst laws ever written is Lautenburg, and it is iron clad and upheld by the SCOTUS this year.

It is a law that is so tight that there is no military or LEO exemption.

I don't like the law, I know people who were screwed for life by it, and there is nothing that can be done about it without tens of thousands of dollars for lawyers and even then it is futile.

His mistake was two fold, picking up the weapon, and opening his mouth and telling someone he was not supposed to touch guns.

Using a defense of necessity in this case has a snowballs chance in hell of working.

Right now he is jammed up on a state charge, if the Feds decide to pile on he is screwed

Two words that are fatal to his defense: "constructive possession".

Even if he had never touched a single firearm at that gun show, he had constructive possession by being able to.

And yes, the law is stupid.
OK, you know you're a PP and you step into a gun show, intentionally? Not smart- I can only think of about 48 ways that can go badly. Then on top of it he runs his mouth in public, at a gun show... about his legal disability. Not very bright.

I'm not saying the law is "good" or "just" not hardly. I think its f***ing
stupid- and I don't think people should be arrested for this horseshit- DV ROs/lautenberg/etc. are nothing but an abuse of due process. Problem is this piece of shit got passed, and not likely to ever be undone, because of the "ZOMG if you dont like the lawr you must think abusing women is OK!!!" horseshit memetics attached to such a repeal or modification.

Granted a gun show is not the best place for a PP. That said I don't fully believe the bit about him running his mouth, or that that is what cooked his goose. Methinks the cop knew who he was before that and went looking to hang him. Wonder what the before you get one RO best defense is? Get one on her first? Go Alinsky(use their rules against them) and get one on every public servant with the slightest connection to a person involved in a domestic? NRA needs a dirty tricks department and push ROs on all these pols and celebs accused of sex assault.
Didn't that "nevah been dun befoah" guy stay in business after he lost his FFL? Another guy involved ran it at least for a while with his own FFL. Although I think he wasn't convicted until later.
Classic case of some outsideah from New Hampsha trying to take muscle in on our gun show.
We sent him packin ayuah.
Considering him stupid is why we lose. I don't care if he knowingly handled a shotgun for a minute. That he can't is gay. That there was someone watching that knew he couldn't and was willing to push it to an arrest is gay to the tenth power.

Totally agree, as 99.9% of gun laws are ridiculous..
Stupidty x3 - rented a table at a gun show knowing he was a pp, handled a gun in public knowing he was a pp, and running his mouth about being a pp handling a gun. I don't have sympathy for someone who is apparently that stupid. The protective order seems to be temporary so he could have simply stayed away from shows until his domestic violence case is resolved. Whether you agree with the laws or not, you gotta agree that he screwed himself.
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