FFP under $400 whos got what and how do you like it

Not for under $400. My FFP Vortex Viper, which is an awesome scope by the way, was triple that price. I don't think there is a quality scope with FFP for under $400.
Does not need to be high quality. Going to be on 22s and benched most of the time.
I like vortex scopes but they have reticles that are to busy. Your scope has the XLR graph reticle if I remember. Also last year the 5 vortex scopes I was able to try the reticles look grey to me?
Fixed 4x/6x/10x Scopes would be your best bet for under $400 if you're trying to avoid change in subtensions.
Have enough fixed X glass. Unless I to silly and get something like a Fixed 30 plus like a weaver T series.
I'm going to be shooting from 25-200 yards so some hold over has marks would be great.
I like simple reticles like the old hawke map 6, sightron moa2, athlon moa simple clean reticles
Does not need to be high quality. Going to be on 22s and benched most of the time.
I like vortex scopes but they have reticles that are to busy. Your scope has the XLR graph reticle if I remember. Also last year the 5 vortex scopes I was able to try the reticles look grey to me?

If it's for a 22 do you really need FFP? Other then zeroing at any magnification is there a reason you're looking in that direction?
If it's for a 22 do you really need FFP? Other then zeroing at any magnification is there a reason you're looking in that direction?
Yes its going to be used for fun shooting at various small targets from 15-200 yards and I want a bit of magX
That scope at 100 yards you don’t need traditional targets just pencil marks on piece of paper or some old shell cases on the burm
Dont buy a Redfield! I fell for the ole "Yeah, Leopold owns Redfield now so they're just as good. BS! Put one on my HMR .17 and hate it. The glass sucks! Its like looking out a window.
Look into Nikon or Leopold. Got a Leopold V on my 6.5 creedmoor and love it. You cant beat the glass as far as I'm concerned.
I'm not shy. My Google fu came up with fresh frozen plasma. WTF is an FFP?

Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) is a blood component. Most of the liquid that makes up your blood is water and other things in the form of plasma, and its frozen to preserve it and infused through an IV to treat a variety of medical conditions. Finally... something I can contribute to this conversation! Hahaha.

I have a primary arms FFP 4-14 on my 10ba stealth and for 230 bucks im happy with it. I have the one with mil/mil no fancy reticle but it serves it purpose and has held zero.
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