Firefighters shot at for not helping cat


Lonely Mountain Arms
Mar 13, 2005
Starksboro, VT
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Firefighters shot at for not helping cat

Sat Aug 19, 5:11 PM ET

KINGMAN, Ariz. - A man angry at firefighters who refused to rescue a cat from a tree was arrested after he started shooting at the fire crew, officials said.

Jeffrey Cullen, 58, was charged with four felony counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, Mohave County Sheriff's spokeswoman Trish Carter said.

A three-person fire crew went to Cullen's home Thursday when he reported a tree fire, but found no blaze, Hualapai Valley Fire Department spokeswoman Sandy Edwards said.

Instead, Cullen told firefighters he wanted a cat rescued from his tree and knew they would only respond to a fire call, Edwards said. A battalion chief told Cullen to call animal control or wait for the cat to get hungry and come down.

Cullen apparently didn't like the response, Edwards said.

"He went back into the house, got a small black revolver and came outside shooting," she said.

The firefighters and a 12-year-old boy who had come to see the fire truck ran for their lives, Edwards said. No one was injured.

Deputies arrested Cullen after a brief standoff and struggle.
We had one person that walked into the station and asked if we could come over and rescue a cat stuck in a tree.

The Lt. was standing there and told her "we really can't do that, besides the cat will eventually come down on it's own", to which he then added "think about it... have you ever seen a cat skeleton up in a tree"?

The rest of the crew that was there nearly pissed themselves trying to contain their laughter.
I did see a video news story about a cat that WAS trapped in a tree and was finally rescued after several DAYS.

That said, it in no way justifies this homicidal cretin's actions.
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