First Pistol

Apr 26, 2008
Bristol, CT
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I had a decision to make.
I was not expecting to get my CT pistol permit so fast...but I have it in hand.
Last week I traded my Plinkster 802+cash balance for a Remington .22 cal 597, I can't pickup the rifle until next week because of the two week wait period. I stopped by the shop yesterday and thet had a used S&W 22A 5 1/2for ~$50 more than the 597.
I have a scoped Savage .22cal Mark II as my primary shoot, my thought was to get an iron-sight rifle (the 597) for pactice and as a second gun. Now that I can and a gun is available I am debating if I should buy the pistol instead. I shot that 22A at the S&W range not long ago and really liked it, I think it would be a great gun to get pistol skills with.
Today, instead of buying one or both of the used guns (S&W 22A / Remington 597) I got to the gun shop and ultimately decided I did not need a second .22cal rifle and I didn't want to buy used and likely inherit someone elses problems.
Sportsmans Outpost had a NIB Ruger 22/45 MarkIII Bull Barrel, soon as it was in my hand I knew we'd be killing alot of paper together [wink] They made me a good trade-in deal so home it came. I'm getting it to the range tonight I'll get back with a report and pics.
till then, here is the link:
The retail was $259(I paid $164 after trade)...and worth every damn penny. The gun definately shoots better than I do( for now ;) ). I shot ~400 rounds of CCI Blazers bulk pack jams or mis-fires. I shot two, one and off hand..its simply a great gun, tigger, sights, recoil and action are all awesome....One thing, that is not an issue for me, but might be for a smaller person is the weight of this MarkIII, for a rimfire its got some heft



Those are great rimfire pistols. I have the Ruger 22/45; its the same gun with a different grip angle and polymer frame which lessens the weight a little. I also have that S&W 22a which for some reason I shoot better than the 22/45. Either way you made a good purchase. Now start saving for a centerfire pistol
Now start saving for a centerfire pistol
That is my plan..The rimfire rifle and pistol I have will get me through this summer, getting skills built up and money saved for a centerfire pistol to play "gun sports" with.
Now, if only the local gun club would get off thier cans and approve my membership, I could get some real shooting time in.
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I have looked at, held and thought about these particular Rugers myself. I liked them, but haven't moved one into my high priority list...yet. I have an offer before me to purchase a 1911 Springfield that is very appealing, but I sure want a .22 in my collection as well. [grin]
.22 rimfires are great because you can shoot them for so long at the range. It has definitely helped me become a better shot in a short period of time because I have been able to shoot 500 rounds through my .22 pistols after I get through a few boxes of centerfire ammo on a range trip. I strongly recommend you get a .22 in the same style as your primary defensive/competition gun. Or at least a .22 conversion kit for one of your other guns, but they are just as expensive as a second gun and who doesn't want extra guns?

PAIN you are on the right track ....practice makes perfect(or at least a close approximation thereof)
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