First Time CCW Today


NES Member
Jul 15, 2010
South Central MA
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I feel pretty goofy even posting this but since I don't have many carrying friends, this is sort of my only outlet.
I got my Comp-Tac IWB holster today and decided to take my first crack at carrying today. It was only to go get a haircut but it wasn't as awkward as I thought it might be. It will take me a while to get used to but, considering that I wasn't even considering carrying when I applied for my LTC a little while ago I'm surprised I was as at ease as I was.
Any advise on how to get comfortable carrying? Did you ease into it or are you a natural Charles Bronson?

GASP! Why did you need a gun at a barber shop? [laugh]

Just do it... There is no other better way...

Also practice - it's just a hunk of metal that goes bang unless you know how to use it and use it quickly...

Could you imagine, if you had never worn a shirt before, how weird it would feel to start wearing one? It would put this weird pressure on your body that you're not used to and you'd constantly be aware of its presence. But obviously none of us feel like that about shirts because we've all gotten used to wearing them. The same thing will happen with your gun. You'll still be able to tell it's there, but it won't seem odd or out of place to you anymore. It'll just be what it's supposed to feel like (and eventually it'll feel weird when you're not carrying it).
Good for you my friend. Welcome to our side ;) haha. As the others have said, wait until you no longer notice it and you head to a public bathroom only to hear your beautiful sidearm go "clunk" haha. Be sure to dress around the gun and you'll be fine. I was recently on vacation and felt lost not being able to carry everyday.
At first, you think everyone knows. Eventually, you'll find it takes one to know one. The sheep don't notice, their too busy grazing...
I feel pretty goofy even posting this but since I don't have many carrying friends, this is sort of my only outlet.
I got my Comp-Tac IWB holster today and decided to take my first crack at carrying today. It was only to go get a haircut but it wasn't as awkward as I thought it might be. It will take me a while to get used to but, considering that I wasn't even considering carrying when I applied for my LTC a little while ago I'm surprised I was as at ease as I was.
Any advise on how to get comfortable carrying? Did you ease into it or are you a natural Charles Bronson?


You've been programed by the press and the left to be self conscience about a natural right bestowed on you by God. Put that bad boy on your hip and tell them to piss off. Walk confidently and take no shit from anyone. You are now a Citizen and no longer a slave.
Back in 1977 when I got my LTC, the first place I took my brand new S&W model 10 was on a date, can you believe that ? I was there and I still can't believe it !
Thanks, guys. I should clarify that it's not that "my friends just won't understand [crying] " just that I'm not big on broadcasting my carrying habits/intentions with those who don't have any [wink]

My application to Worcester Pistol and Rifle is in by the way.

Congratulations on popping your cherry, now for your first trip to walmart

Aaah. Did that already. Got a couple of boxes of 9 but had better luck at Four Seasons. They still had that CCI Blazer deal at 9.99 for a box of 50! Now it's time to try the different ammo I've bought!
1) No one is a natural Charlie Bronson except Charlie Bronson, and maybe Clint Eastwood on a good day.

2) First time carrying was at a barber shop huh? Interesting. Sitting in those uncomfortable chairs at the twirly-pole-place usually drives me to unholster my pistol and point it at the front door while concealed under the smock for the duration of the haircut. [wink]
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