For Memorial Day

Mar 23, 2006
Live Free or Die !
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I found this in my son’s backpack this morning. His second grade class is learning to recite this for their spring assembly on the Friday before Memorial Day weekend. It’s reassuring for me to know there are still some schools helping to instill respect for our troops, our country and the real meaning of Memorial Day.

A Tribute

We’d like to speak a word of praise
For men we seldom name
The many heroes that have died
With neither rank nor fame

The many men that fought and died
Our way of life to save
The men who for our victories
Now fill a soldiers grave

Our words are not for men of note
Those leaders brave and true
But for the many common men
Who fought to see it through

We speak of those who suffered much
And died along the way
To men whose names we do not know
A tribute we should pay​

C-pher said:
That's great...

Good for them.

And do you mind if I borrow it?

Please do. No author is credited on the photocopied sheet I pulled out of my boy's backpack. I'll presume this is in the public domain. Anybody know who the author is ?
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Here you go Mr. Twigg.

And really anyone else that wants to see it. Mr Twigg, thanks again for letting me have it posted.

Go to
Check out the Links page and go halfway down to the Writer's Corner section. There is a picture of a candle. Click on "A Tribute" and make sure your speakers are on.
Direct link to "A Tribute"

I fixed the link for you to give a direct path -Adam
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I was going to say there are alot of pics of our guys if you click on from the field. The one caught sleeping on top of the hummer is Alan. First Sgt. caught him and snapped the pic. He had just gotten back in country from R&R, worked the night before and then had training. He did get smoked.[smile]
C-pher said:
Thanks Adam....

Just so you know they can't get back to the rest of the site if they so choose to look around. That's why I didn't post that link. Maybe we can have both as how to get there is still in the post?

Yes, they have been as C-pher said since they have been there. It is voluntary though. Alan goes on most of those. He prefers it to the other duty.
Nickle, you and a few others here actually know what they are doing. When they do the convoys Alan really doesn't mind. Nothing gets any closer than a 1000ft of them or they blow them up. They have helicopters flying over them at all times. You know what they are transporting.[wink] Alan has been all over Iraq, and his favorite area is the Kurdish area. They absolutely love our guys there.

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