form 1/4 and caliber designation

Jan 13, 2009
free hampshire
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been reading the ATF may not approve forms marked "multi", can anyone confirm/debunk this? i can get a cheap lower from aero, but it's marked "multi".
Don't understand the question. Is this a Form 1 build? Jack.

yes, it will be. i've seen conflicting reports about MULTI being accepted, but then i see that people have had forms kicked back. then i see stuff like this:

ATF is not asking what the markings are on your host receiver. Instead, they are asking what you intend to initially build.

i've also read that if the barrel is marked that works, too--and i can simply put that caliber down. it will be a .223/5.56 build and i was looking at a cheapo aero blemished lower since they are $100, but they are stamped multi.
just found this, too:

NFA Handbook 6.2.1 (Title 27 CFR 479.102)

The serial number must be engraved or stamped on the receiver of the firearm and the caliber, model, and identification of the maker must be engraved on the barrel or frame or receiver of the weapon. 96 The marking and identification requirements for a maker are the same as for a manufacturer. Refer to section 7.4 for a detailed discussion of the requirements.

SO barrel, frame, or receiver. in theory if one of these matches the form then i've fulfilled the ATF's requirement and i'm all set. what does the NES think tank say?

full law text:
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Multi is fine of you are making a firearm of the semi variety. For a NFA item you need to state a caliber/ gauge. You can list multiple calibers on a SBR or MG. Suppressors can list ONE caliber only.
just found this, too:

SO barrel, frame, or receiver. in theory if one of these matches the form then i've fulfilled the ATF's requirement and i'm all set. what does the NES think tank say?

full law text: 27 CFR 479.102 - How must firearms be identified? | Title 27 - Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms | Code of Federal Regulations | LII / Legal Information Institute

Depends on the ITEM being made. A SBR can be engraved all over including the barrel HOWEVER it must be VISIBLE at all times Ie not under the hand-guard. Also for a SBR engraving the barrel means if you swap for a different barrel under 16 inches then that barrel must be marked as well where if you mark the receiver the barrel length is no longer a factor. Also remember the NFA sets the min depth for engraving at .003. Last remember if you form 1 a NFA item you have to engrave all you're information on it.
You need to list a specific caliber and length on the F1. Doesn't matter what the lower says, all that matter is what the upper is. My lower says multi, I put "300 BLK". In other words, you must list the information of the first upper you plan on using. You can use any upper after the initial one.

Make sure you use the legally recognized name of a caliber. I've heard of forms being rejected because they put "300 Black" when that isn't an official designation of the round.
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You need to list a specific caliber and length on the F1. Doesn't matter what the lower says, all that matter is what the upper is. My lower says multi, I put "300 BLK". In other words, you must list the information of the first upper you plan on using. You can use any upper after the initial one.

The length and caliber must remain with the owner. Ie if you buy a ar form 1 it as a SBR and list it as a 10.5 barrel 28 oal in 5.56 then that is the configuration you may swap the upper but if you get rid of the first upper and replace it with a different length or caliber you must notify the ATF via letter. Also If you engrave the BARREL on a SBR and use another less then 16 inch barreled upper that barrel to must be engraved.

NFA rules/ laws are not hard but they are far form logical..
The length and caliber must remain with the owner. Ie if you buy a ar form 1 it as a SBR and list it as a 10.5 barrel 28 oal in 5.56 then that is the configuration you may swap the upper but if you get rid of the first upper and replace it with a different length or caliber you must notify the ATF via letter. Also If you engrave the BARREL on a SBR and use another less then 16 inch barreled upper that barrel to must be engraved.

NFA rules/ laws are not hard but they are far form logical..

I know about the letter, although I only know of one person that has actually done that. I guess taking that gamble is just a roll of the dice.

Never have heard of a barrel being engraved. I'll have to take another look at the handbook.
I know about the letter, although I only know of one person that has actually done that. I guess taking that gamble is just a roll of the dice.

Never have heard of a barrel being engraved. I'll have to take another look at the handbook.

That roll of the Dice can be a FELONY. Roll those dice judiciously...

As for engraving a SBR you can do it on the barrel the receiver OR the slide. However it may only be in the SBR configuration while the engraved part in attached and CLEARLY visible..

To read the requirements see (See 478.92 II) IE page 50 last chapter...
with the receiver i got, i'll be doing the engraving on the receiver itself--i just need to find someone locally who can do it to ATF specs now.
with the receiver i got, i'll be doing the engraving on the receiver itself--i just need to find someone locally who can do it to ATF specs now. are the big boys in this arena. You can send the lower to them directly vie the post office and they send it back to you at you're home when done. They do great work..
reps for the link, thank you.

form 1 in the mail tomorrow!

Np been playing in the NFA pool for quite a while. Remember check that form one over then recheck it. Make sure you have the correct information in each box the ATF hates mistakes and will send it back adding to the incredibly long approval time.
should be GTG, we actually decided to re-do it because we spelled out "massachusetts" on the "other markings" box, when the ATF specs are for the city/town and the two-letter state abbreviation, so per their specs it should say "MA", so that's what will be engraved so we changed the form.

first time around we also forgot to put the serial on the form, oops. boy would i have been pissed off!

the legal document refers to the trust as "(trust name) TRUST", but on the form and for the engraving i wanted to be descriptive and use "(trust name) REVOCABLE TRUST" since that's what it really is after all.

aside from that the copy of the trust included is all signed and notarized, well, stamped that it is an official copy of the notarized original, signed by the same notary. i also was told since i live in the DPRM i should include a copy of the front and back of my LTC, so there's a copy of that shit in there, too. i missing anything, guise?!
i got the most recent form and copied and pasted the address, so yeah, headed to WV. [cheers]

go figure bravo company sells out of the LMT 10.5 uppers i was eyeballing, too. i just ran one up on gunbroker and now that it's unreasonably priced i moved on to another. i'm such a dick.
May get bounced back for the revocable part not being in the name of the trust, They have been al over the place when it comes to having the exact name as stated on all the docs. You also now have to add another word to the engraving!
form 1 was submitted as NAME REVOCABLE TRUST despite it being listed in the trust document as NAME TRUST, however the TYPE of trust is a revocable trust--so i went with that and put that is what is going to be engraved as well.
I have another question re engraving a lower for SBR build. If I use a lower marked "caliber multi" by the manufacturer and put 5.56mm in Form1, do I need to engrave 5.56 in addition to my name, town, and state?
I have another question re engraving a lower for SBR build. If I use a lower marked "caliber multi" by the manufacturer and put 5.56mm in Form1, do I need to engrave 5.56 in addition to my name, town, and state?

individual name, or trust/LLC name and city/town where it is manufactured along with the two letter state abbreviation. that's it.

mine will be:


atilla do you have to mail a copy of the trust once its notarized back to the atf?

yes, the ATF needs a copy of the trust. i had a certified copy made of my notarized copy. i don't see why they'd need the copy notarized as well, the certified copy should be sufficient. i wasn't even sure they required more than a simple copy so i either went overkill or i did it just right. given the fact that i woudn't know for more than half a year i was more inclined to cross all the Ts and dot all the Is.

i live in a free country and i've got all the licenses and permits to prove it. [rofl]
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