Form - 1 OAL question

Mar 30, 2009
Green Eggs and...
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I got a "maybe" from the police chief where I currently live, so I figured when I show up to meet with him I may as well bring all the paperwork with me. For the over-all length question, how does that work with regard to changing between various SBR uppers should I chose to do so? Also, does anyone happen to know offhand how long a 10.3 inch barreled rifle (no perm flash hider) with fully collapsed magpul CTR stock would be?


Iirc measure with stock extended. Length changes are for permanent changes and since no upper is permanent on an AR the argument is you put the size you plan on having and then are supposed to notify ATF if you dispose of that upper and only have an upper in another length at that point.

Haven't seen official letter from ATF on length changes with an AR if you still have the original upper you form 1'd or form 4'd it with so don't take this as gospel.
You're in that no man's land of "however the ATF wants to **** with you today". There's no real definitive answer wrt swapping uppers.
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