Four Seasons has HXP!

I actually prefer the spam cans, assuming the ammo inside is boxed and not in enblocs. I've seen some ammo corrode where it is touching the enbloc and had a few culls from my last case.
78 cpr for HXP. Not a bad price for todays market
How much was that surplus 30-06 that the CMP was selling back in the spring? Have to find that other thread.
The spam cans are on enblocs however the cans are absolutely exquisite there is no rust and they look fresh out of the factory. Dated 71, 72, 78 I saw
I actually prefer the spam cans, assuming the ammo inside is boxed and not in enblocs. I've seen some ammo corrode where it is touching the enbloc and had a few culls from my last case.
So you have not had the pleasure of the boxed stuff especially along the glued portion rotted to death.
Buying surplus can be so much fun
So you have not had the pleasure of the boxed stuff especially along the glued portion rotted to death.
Buying surplus can be so much fun
No, I have not experienced that particular joy. I wonder if CMP will have any up at Vermont, or if they will have any rifles. I don't really need any more Garands or 1903's but if I ever see a decent chromed M1 or 1903 / A3 I'm grabbing one.
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