FYI 20 cases of 762x39 Russian ammo


NES Member
Sep 24, 2010
Occupied Massachusetts
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FYI. Just found out that the gunrunner in Middleboro ordered 10 cases of Russian 762x39 fmj and 10 cases of 762x39 jhp. I don't shoot this but I know many of you do. The Gunrunner phone number is 508-946-4867.
Oh boy! Another panic buying spree to jack up the prices on 7.62x39 because rifles were banned. [rolleyes]

Yep. I noticed one of the ammo vendors I buy from said on their newsletter and on Facebook, "get you ak-47 ammo before it's banned!"[rolleyes]

I'm not buying anymore. 3 cases is enough for a little while.
Yep. I noticed one of the ammo vendors I buy from said on their newsletter and on Facebook, "get you ak-47 ammo before it's banned!"[rolleyes]

I'm not buying anymore. 3 cases is enough for a little while.

It took a year after Sandy Hook for prices to get reasonable again. Most people I know have enough to last that long.

The funny thing is that people forget that 7.62x39 comes in from more countries than just Russia.
Wonder what they'll charge. Collectable Arms in NH has cases of golden tiger x39 for $240.

Ya Collectable in Merrimack NH has cases of the stuff in stock. I got one today. Nice shop and the best thing about this guys is they didn't/don't raise their prices on ammo when some panic starts....unlike what some gun shops around the area did.
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