Gabrielle Giffords Helps Start NH-based Anti-Gun Group

the Democrats are cranking all of this bile up so they can weaponize it in the elections in 2016.

Wait for it.... Wait for it....

"that nasty republican is owned by the NRA and refuses to stop gun manufacturers from killing children"
Remember, liberals love victims and Gifford is the poster child for the anti's.

And since more gun-free zones = more victims.. Liberal Win!

Somehow methinks the public ain't buying it.. given the recent events..folks don't seem too confident that BIG GOV is going to keep them safe..hence the recent run on firearms.
There is brass in the air, so my guess is that you are looking at the gun in recoil.

It is interesting that she still shoots even after her injury.

This might make her arguments carry a bit more weight with some. She is/was a gun owner. She still shoots. She was a victim of "gun violence" and she is calling for "common sense gun control".

We call them Fudds. They call them experts.

They are not against guns, or even owning them.
Just against YOUR guns YOU owning them.
They are very happy with their private security owning lots of them.
Wonder if Marky has any idea of what's waiting for him in hell, for dragging a brain damaged woman around like a dog and making her do tricks for money.

wish she would not be a puppet for gun grabbers!
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Some of the comment here don't particularly represent NES nor gun owners in a good light.

Giffords was pro2a before she was shot by a nut. She did nothing to become the target of him and was not a feinstein or linsky prior to the shooting, I could understand the animosity if it were one of them. Giffords has no idea what planet she's on, some of you should think about these things before you click return on a post.
Some of the comment here don't particularly represent NES nor gun owners in a good light.

Giffords was pro2a before she was shot by a nut. She did nothing to become the target of him and was not a feinstein or linsky prior to the shooting, I could understand the animosity if it were one of them. Giffords has no idea what planet she's on, some of you should think about these things before you click return on a post.
the fed judge was the target. I don't know if she was shot that much.
Granite State Coalition for Common Sense (Americans for Responsible Solutions)

So Gabby's group is still extant (I'd say active, but seems rather moribund), and guess who shows up on the list of advisory board members?

From their website:
Gabby's Granite State Gun Grabbers said:
Officer Bill Barry Auburn Police Department
Dean Crombie Chief of Police for Somersworth
Lew Feldstein Former Chief Operating Officer of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation and Former Chair of Standing Up for NH Families
Liz Hager Former Republican Member of the New Hampshire House of Representatives
John Kacavas Former U.S. Attorney for New Hampshire
Patricia LaFrance Former Hillsborough Attorney
Sylvia Larsen Former President of the New Hampshire State Senate
Dr. Susan Lynch Former First Lady of New Hampshire
Terie Norelli Former Speaker of the New Hampshire House of Representatives and President of the New Hampshire Women’s Foundation
Deb Pignatelli Former Executive Councilor
Joseph Plaia Commissioner-elect, Portsmouth Police Commission
Alex Ray Owner of the Common Man Family of Restaurants
John Rist Trustee, University System of New Hampshire and Former Member of the New Hampshire State Board of Education
Rick Russman former Republican Member of the New Hampshire State Senate
Who am I calling out? Mouse over the names to find out...
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I don't think we should forget Granite State Coalition for Common Sense still exists, didn't think it was appropriate to start a new thread to post an update on the status of ARS's New Hampshire chapter.

It's not just about Alex -- I resurrected this thread in part as a way to publish a copy of the advisory board list, just in case the original source site disappears or "updates" it.
Alex Ray was one of the people that was instrumental in getting a 1000 yard range at Pemigewasset Valley Fish and Game stopped.

Could someone draw a better line? I'm not sure why we had to resurrect a year old thread over a restaurant owner.
The common sense thing to do would be have all of these commies move back to NJ!
Gabby and Runt-Man need to come out and admit that they are "for guns for me" and not for thee (that means US).
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