Garand aquisitions and projects.

Welp my grandfather's M1 garand restoration back to 100% October 1943 configuration is complete. Parts include original stock, original 1943 barrel (settled for near new 9-43 barrel as 10-43 barrel wouldn't line up right Even with barrel shim), bolt, op rod, trigger group and type 2 lock bar rear sight(had type 3)
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Did some work in table. Added felt strips in holders, added the cof42 k98 bayonet grandfather brought back from ww2, some of my grandfathers patches from 45 years of service, shells from his funeral, and 2 clips full of every mfg m2 ball ammo from ww2 and other odds and ends

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Also next project underway. Stock should be a hint. I'll give more later
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any interest in my collection?
Well i screwed up my clues for next project. Unless really versed the stock was only hint posted lol.

Anyway have a 2006 cmp M1D that someone totally stripped for parts down to plain receiver and cert 😑😑.


I happen to have a box SA stamped stock which is found on m1ds. Also have a SA cone flash hider and m84 scope. Problem will be finding an original scope mount and original barrel. Do have access to a new criterion m1d barrel that will work in meantime.

Baring a unforseen circumstance, this will be my last m1 resurrection/ restoration project.
Going through tubs of parts in storage to start selling off unneeded things (b.a.r. 20 rd mags, mg42 and browning 30 cal belts and links, a barrel ect). I came across this complete new 1944 m7 grenade launcher and m15 sight set I forgot about. Think I'll convert my Winchester M1 to grenade launcher rig as has a repro stock and add variation to my 6 m1s. Need to find a jig to properly drill holes to mount the sight disk in correct spot and angle. Got to dig further as did have grenade projectors dated 1944 and 45 somewhere...

Dedicated grenadier version done. These launcher and sight kits were issued 1944 to 1945 and allowed infantry to go from hurling grenades at a range of like 30 yards in danger range of enemy, to 200 yards out of immediate danger range. Most sights weren't used and discarded due to ability to get caught up on everything, in favor of Kentucky windage.

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Thats cool, who did the work for you.
Could have fun on cmp with that
All original M1 with matching original enbloc , very rare, lol

Some over there got all bent when I posted my Drilled and tapped scoped carbine.
Thats cool, who did the work for you.
Could have fun on cmp with that
All original M1 with matching original enbloc , very rare, lol

Some over there got all bent when I posted my Drilled and tapped scoped carbine.
Lol yeah I don't post much over there, I'm just there for reading. There's a guy on there that does them for $10 each for any design want.


They'd prob loose their mind as had one marked "us rifle cal. 30 M1D" lol

My M1D lives again (sold by cmp as a M1D that previous owner stripped of all parts) . Still in search for an original barrel not shot out. Criterion m1d barrel will work till can find one, as least now complete and usable. I have the SA mfg m2 flash hider, original leather cheek pad and m84 and scope mount here. Gunsmith threw on her repro mount ect to take pics, with help of a customer to hold it to get good couple pics for me... 😁


Obtained a minty M1D usgi scope mount for my M1D resurrection. Only part left to obtain is a usgi M1D barrel to fully restore the m1d precious owner stripped and sold parts to maximize profit. Wasnt a cheap resurrection and restoration, but so far satisfying.
Could I look at and pick up a Garand there to bring back?
Absolutely. You have 3 choices- South Store in Anniston, AL, which is the main location, Camp Perry North Store, and Talladega Marksmanship Park, also in Alabama. As mentioned you pay local tax, but if you happened to fly to nearby one of these locations you can show your airline ticket and they'll ship and I believe won't charge tax. Alabama sales tax is pretty high, ~9%, but you're hand picking from several full racks of rifles. If it's not crazy busy the armorers will help you pick a good one or sometimes there are 'experienced' guys nosing around the stores and they can help. I've picked up some decent ones over the years and few of them have been real gems.
Well after a hail mary search blitz I landed an original M1D barrel to complete my M1D's full restoration. 0 rust or pitting, MZ1 TE3 dated 2-53. Now to get to gunsmith to install, and bring what may be last project to a close...

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Got a lil care package in mail a couple weeks ago. 8 rounds of DEN 43 M2 ball, 8 rounds FA42 AP ball, 8 rounds FA42 tracer, and 8 rounds U 4 2 grenade launching rounds. Soon as get time I'll inert them to keep as collectible on display. Rest of my m2,AP, tracer are all post war that I use for shooting.

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