Garden Thread 2013

SO lying to the cashier about the number is a volume discount? That is pretty sad.

Don't let you're hart bleed to the point of exsanguination, i'm sure they've made up for it in over-scanned groceries over the years, and probably even seed packets this particular trip.
Mid-April Reminder:

Sew your beans/peas/greens/broc/carrots this week.

Slightly expanded my gantt chart for this season, it's been popular here the last few years so here you go (FULL PDF):

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Ok I started my seeds in doors in plastic cups and not sure when to transplant then into the ground. The onions and tomatoes are really growing.
I got my 1980 Troy Bilt Horse running like a champ this past weekend and got 36 Broccoli plants and 12 Lettuce plants in the ground.

That tiller does an amazing job once it was tuned and the belts fixed on it. This year should be much better than last as far as soil cultivation goes.
Ok I started my seeds in doors in plastic cups and not sure when to transplant then into the ground. The onions and tomatoes are really growing.

Tomatoes probably 3-4 week of May, last frost date is technically May 31st I believe in our zone but you can usually sneak by a week or two early depending on the year.
I plan to do a raised garden bed on top of my lawn in a section i don't care about but it gets plenty of sun. My plan is to grow cucumbers, bush beans and maybe tomatoes.

Who has a raised garden bed and how high off the ground is it? I was thinking 2x8 would be plenty high with some cage on the bottom to keep moles out.
I got my 1980 Troy Bilt Horse running like a champ this past weekend and got 36 Broccoli plants and 12 Lettuce plants in the ground.

That tiller does an amazing job once it was tuned and the belts fixed on it. This year should be much better than last as far as soil cultivation goes.

Do you have a problem with cabbage worms at all? I can't grow anything cabbage related (broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, etc) because cabbage worms devour the leaves and just about kill the plants. I had given up on growing any of those this year.

I plan to do a raised garden bed on top of my lawn in a section i don't care about but it gets plenty of sun. My plan is to grow cucumbers, bush beans and maybe tomatoes.

Who has a raised garden bed and how high off the ground is it? I was thinking 2x8 would be plenty high with some cage on the bottom to keep moles out.

That sounds about right... I believe I used 2x8s (converted to raised beds last year). Everything grew great and it was a lot less maintenance after the initial build. I don't have mole problems, so I didn't put screening on the bottom, but I did put landscaping fabric, which I recommend... that way nothing can grow from below your beds that you don't want and 8" is deep enough for anything you're planing (event the 9' sun flowers I grew last year!).
That sounds about right... I believe I used 2x8s (converted to raised beds last year). Everything grew great and it was a lot less maintenance after the initial build. I don't have mole problems, so I didn't put screening on the bottom, but I did put landscaping fabric, which I recommend... that way nothing can grow from below your beds that you don't want and 8" is deep enough for anything you're planing (event the 9' sun flowers I grew last year!).

Not sure (President Not Sure!) if i have moles but i don't want to find out the hard way.

Thanks for the info.
Just tilled in some compost the other day. My girlfriend wants to make a raised bed garden for some plants out of shipping pallets. We have one so far. I am not sure how many the article she read called for but they apparently work well.
I plan to do a raised garden bed on top of my lawn in a section i don't care about but it gets plenty of sun. My plan is to grow cucumbers, bush beans and maybe tomatoes.

Who has a raised garden bed and how high off the ground is it? I was thinking 2x8 would be plenty high with some cage on the bottom to keep moles out.

I have six 2x10 4'x8' raised beds. Plenty deep, and if you grow something with roots that want to go deeper, you aren't going to stop them.

Definitely lay down landscape fabric, cardboard, thick layer of newspaper, etc over the grass. It WILL come through if you don't. Ask me how I know. ;)
Do you have a problem with cabbage worms at all? I can't grow anything cabbage related (broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, etc) because cabbage worms devour the leaves and just about kill the plants. I had given up on growing any of those this year.

That sounds about right... I believe I used 2x8s (converted to raised beds last year). Everything grew great and it was a lot less maintenance after the initial build. I don't have mole problems, so I didn't put screening on the bottom, but I did put landscaping fabric, which I recommend... that way nothing can grow from below your beds that you don't want and 8" is deep enough for anything you're planing (event the 9' sun flowers I grew last year!).

Yes, I hate them they are evil, I usually check my plants morning and evening every day and squish the worms. If I go away for a weekend sometimes they will get a couple leaves but as long as I keep up with it I don't lose much. I try not to do pesticides so it requires a lot of attention instead.
Yes, I hate them they are evil, I usually check my plants morning and evening every day and squish the worms. If I go away for a weekend sometimes they will get a couple leaves but as long as I keep up with it I don't lose much. I try not to do pesticides so it requires a lot of attention instead.

Dammit - I was hoping you'd have some wisdom for me that I was unaware of. Unfortunately I either don't have the time or patience that you do, so no brussel sprouts for me this year! I'll be interested to see how the corn I planted instead does.
Dammit - I was hoping you'd have some wisdom for me that I was unaware of. Unfortunately I either don't have the time or patience that you do, so no brussel sprouts for me this year! I'll be interested to see how the corn I planted instead does.

Nope, I'm apparently just more persistent :-), I'm sure if you used Seven or something it would keep them away but I prefer not to use chemicals. I also plant enough that I can handle a little loss in my plants due to wormies.

Cutoff worms, now THOSE are a bitch, no salvaging a 6" broc plant attacked by cutoff worms.
I got everything planted except for lettuce. Carrots (x2) Beets (x2), peas, potatoes are in the ground. Tomatoes are being put in larger pots tomorrow and lettuce needs to go in sometime. It should have gone in today, but I ran out of energy.
I got Broccoli direct sew, Green and Yellow beans done, lettuce direct sew and some compost tilled in today. I'm very happy with the Troy Bilt Tiller, works wonders breaking new ground and loosening up old.
Weeds. And I've been banned by the wife from tending to the lawn. I "treated" some crab grass in our front yard last year with weed killer and I killed every inch of green we had.
Got my Garden bed built and the grass torn up underneath it. I just need to add the landscape fabric, mesh netting and some newspaper and fill it up with peat moss, vermiculite and compost.
I got all of the cool weather veggies in: Broccoli, regular cabbage and savoy cabbage, brussels sprouts, butter crunch lettuce in as plants. Direct sow: lettuce, snap peas, tuscan leaf cabbage,salsify, arugula, collards, French beans, regular green beans, baby lima beans,, spinich, dwarf siberian kale, summer squash, blonde cuke, vendee squash and some onion sets.

It's supposed to be cold the next 3 nights but if it looks OK I will plant the rest of the plants, peppers, tomatos and squash on thursday.

Also the rhubarb that I thought had died last summer came back and is looking pretty strong. I think it might make it this time around!
We'll be working on putting raised beds in here at the new place later this summer, but today we spent the day putting in the trees and bushes:

5 apple trees
2 pear trees
1 peach tree
4 blueberry bushes
2 types of raspberry
Elderberry bushes
2 Chestnuts
1 walnut

Yikes. Lots of digging. New rock wall underway. [laugh]
We'll be working on putting raised beds in here at the new place later this summer, but today we spent the day putting in the trees and bushes:

5 apple trees
2 pear trees
1 peach tree
4 blueberry bushes
2 types of raspberry
Elderberry bushes
2 Chestnuts
1 walnut

Yikes. Lots of digging. New rock wall underway. [laugh]

What??? No snosberry bushes? [laugh]
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