Getting a shotgun custom fit for trap shooting


NES Life Member
NES Member
Dec 2, 2005
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I have read a lot of articles saying that you should get a shotgun custom fitted. Has anyone done this around here (MA) and could recommend a good place that can do this?
I thought about it and was recommended a couple of places (do a search)
but ended up doing a lot of reading (Orvis book of Wingshooting is great)
to learn about how it should fit one's body. I am buying (in progress) a
Browning Citori that fit me well for what I was looking for. Have you mounted
many shotguns in your search? I've held at least 75 in the last few months, and
those are just the ones that actually were interested enough to consider.
If you are an experienced shotgunner, just go ahead and ignore me.

Of course this just gets you into the game. There's the whole Cast on/off
for eye alignment, Drop for recoil and vertical stringing, angle of toe
for recoil management and gun leveling ...
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