Gimme advice on a new handgun!

Aug 9, 2006
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I'm looking to buy a new handgun within the next month or two, and am considering several different models. I currently own a SW9F Sigma (original series, preban hi-cap), a Mk III 22/45, and a SW 22A. The fact that none of those are in shooting condition right now (the Sigma needs a new extractor, the SW 22A broke off a piece of the upper assembly, and the 22/45 has a front sight that likes to come off) and the fact that I just want an excuse to buy a new handgun are the driving forces behind this urge. That and I just sold an old paintball gun for $400, giving me some cash to play with.

I went to FS today and Roach's in Cambridge yesterday to take a look. I really think I want to buy a .357 revolver, although today I almost plopped down the cash for the last Sig P226 police trade-in that FS had in stock (only the fact that I have had poor results with the only Sig I've shot before, and the fact that my rent is due in a few days, stopped me). I looked at the Ruger GP100, and it's definitely a nice gun, a lot cheaper than comparable S&W models, but the trigger seems kind of rough. I am also considering the S&W 686 or 686P, the only thing keeping me away there is that I'm not the biggest fan of Stainless Steel finishes. The one that I currently think I want is the S&W 520, carbon steel/scandium frame and titanium cylinder .357, and it's the most expensive of the bunch by a decent amount (he said it would be about $600, but the distributor didn't have any in stock). I could always head out to the SW Shooting Sports Center and pick one up, so I'm not that worried about it.

So right now I'm looking at the following options

GP100 ~ 400 used
SW 686 ~ 470 used, 550 new
SW 520 ~ 600 new

Anything else I may be missing? I'm open to semi-auto suggestions as well. If someone just sold a normal run of the mill 1911 in this state...
I hope you realize that a phone call to S&W and they will send you a pre-paid shipping tag to send both guns back and repair them FREE! S&W gives a lifetime warranty and means it. Matters not if you aren't the original owner either.
S&W 1911 is a fine "run of the mill 1911". A lot of us own them and like them.
The 22A's barrel assembly is at the SW plant in Maine right now for repair/replacement. I didn't want to be left without a reliably functioning handgun so I'm keeping the Sigma here until the 22A gets back. The Sigma works almost fine (although the first 150 rounds were a royal pain in the ass due to misfeeding/jamming), except that it ejects straight into the face, I don't trust the 22/45 because it has consistently had issues with extraction as well, and I'll probably try to get that one fixed afterwards.

Basically, if someone were to break in, I'd have to meet them with my hunting shotgun.

How much do the SW 1911s run? I didn't even bother looking because I figured they were in the 700-1000 range which is above what I can afford.
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Considering how rough you appear to be on your firearms[wink] I'd suggest the GP100.

Seriously, I've known a few people with the S&W 1911s and they like them. Seem to be a reliable pistol and the 1911 is a great platform. I have a GP100 which is a great wheelgun. The trigger will smooth out a little with use, but you can also polish some of the parts to help smooth it out. Don't get carried away polishing and remove the hardened surface though! (then your parts will wear fast)

Sig makes a nice pistol & I've had my eye on one for a while but the funds aren't there yet.

Weirdly enough I think i was in FS when you bought the 22/45 and 22A. Well at least someone bought both of those together on Sept 1 while I was in there. I only remember it because because I took the day off to get out of Boston for moving day.

Anyway. I was in a similiar situation to you and ended up getting a 686 4" for my next purchase. I prefered the 686 over the GP100 but I don't think you can go wrong with ethier one. It's nice to have the versatility to shoot .38's and .357's. When I take people to the range it's a nice pogression from .22, .38, .357. Next up for me is a .45.

My Mk III front site had problems coming loose. Little blue loctite from home depot fixed that.
I hope you realize that a phone call to S&W and they will send you a pre-paid shipping tag to send both guns back and repair them FREE! S&W gives a lifetime warranty and means it. Matters not if you aren't the original owner either.

I did't know that. That is excellent information!!!!! Thank you.
If you watch FS used guns, you can get an excellent S&W1911 for $550-600. Some go higher with adjustable sights, extra do-dads, but your basic CCW gun doesn't need the fancy stuff . . . and you can always add it later if you really want to do so.

Dace, glad to help! That's the reason this forum exists, to share info.

It pays to have LOTS of guns so that if one or two are down, you are still covered. Although I remember in my "early days" I only had one CCW gun and when the safety broke and it was sent back to the factory, I borrowed a good friend's spare .380 until it came back.
Alas, I live in Boston, so no CCW for me.

I will definitely have to take a look at the SW 1911s before making a choice, but I'm starting to lean towards the GP100 for the price, as money is rather tight.

v13, that was definitely me. I picked up my license from BPD on the 1st and went straight to FS (as everyone should). Both of the guns are ill but hopefully will be made better in the not too distant future.
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I cannot believe you passed up the opportunity to buy one of the 400 dollars Sigs. Those guns could have been worth 550-600 at least if they were in the condition that most police guns are. The only reason I didn't pick one up is that I have a 226ST already and am desperately saving for another 1911.

Given your money situation I would strongly recommend against purchasing a .357 revolver or 1911. The ammo is too expensive and you won't be able to shoot it. If your going to get one anyway, get a S&W 1911, you won't regret it, there is really no substitute for having a 1911 in your collection. Save your pennies if you have to. The Sigma is a fine gun for defensive use but isn't cut out for range work, I would try and sell it and put the money towards a 9MM with a better trigger, the best you can do in this state is the 226 IMO. The S&W 952 is another good option but pricey, the Beretta 92 has a lousy trigger and ergos IMO and you should definitely shoot it before buying it. The Ruger 9MM is a good option if the trigger and grip work for you.

Revolver wise, I would shy away from the GP100 and 520 and look for an older prelock preMIM S&W revolver, the MIM revolvers still do okay and are still worth a look, but at the price they are asking it doesn't make sense to me. The 520 is intended to be a carry piece, at 7rds it doesn't fit into action shooting competitions so the light weight that might make it point faster won't help you, it will just recoil more. The GP100, well there is nothing wrong with it, the spring design makes the DA pull a little less smooth (get's heavier towards the end compared to the S&W design) and it's definitely a better design from a reliablity/maintenance perspective, but shooting wise it's a little lacking in DA. The ultimate S&W revolver for me was the 627PC (8shot .357) which I bought with a decent action job, it's the best revo trigger I have felt yet.

I would also recommend a .22 caliber rifle (CZ 452 FS is my favorite, $360 or so), a milsurp (mosin nagant or SKS 250-300), or an AK (400). All of those are in your price range and would give you something you can actually shoot alot given the price of ammo.
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I do have a 1911 variant that I simply have not brought into this state yet. (Para P14 LDA).

I was also planning to shoot the Walmart Winchester value pack .38s with the revolver. 20 bucks for 100 rounds I believe, not great but not THAT bad.

As for the Sig, yes I may kick myself in the future for passing that up. Actually, I may be kicking myself now (and I'm sure that one is gone by now). But I'm not really that big on the 9mm to begin with. I have the Sigma because my dad didn't want it anymore when I turned 21, but I'm a disciple of "larger holes are better" belief. Thus, .357 or .45, the two best standard handgun calibers IMO.

Besides, a deal like that, although nice, isn't once in a lifetime. More police trade-ins will come up, or I'll just move to a free state.

BTW, on the rifles... I have several milsurps back in MD (M1 carbine, M91/44 (Russian), M91/39 (Finnish, Sako), 1917 Enfield (Remington), Enfield 2A (trash), plus my AR-15 SP1. The AR and the carbine didn't come because I live in Boston under its semiauto ban, and the others I just didn't want to bother with considering that I'm not 100% sure I'm staying in MA for more than another year or so. I will eventually pick them up, but they are safer and more secure where they are now. I just have my skeet/trap/hunting shotgun and a Remington 700 with me.
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Carl's website says they might still have one, call him right now and see if you can snag one... You can't get police tradeins from out of state, only in the state, so they aren't as common as I'd like. I didn't realize you already had a collection going, that changes things. I am in the long haul mindset as I married a ma**h*** (is that word verboten on this forum?). I am working her towards leaving, but it may not happen. I consider all my purchases from that perspective, like Class III firearms, good guns are only going to get rarer here.

Ammo wise, 20 dollars vs. 12 is a big difference. For some reason I think if I buy guns that shoot cheap ammo I can have more money left over to buy more guns that shoot cheap ammo :-) More guns is good right?
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I cannot believe you passed up the opportunity to buy one of the 400 dollars Sigs. Those guns could have been worth 550-600 at least if they were in the condition that most police guns are. The only reason I didn't pick one up is that I have a 226ST already and am desparately saving for another 1911.

Me Too!! Almost bought myself a second 226 just to have, but I REALLY want that 1911.[wink]

226 is a great gun and that is a great price. I paid 750 for my 226R. And 9mm's are cheap to feed compared to other centerfire calibers.
thought it might have been you. I almost said something to you at FS because I think we share the same alma mater, or at least I'm guessing based on the key chain, T-shirt, and the sticker on the vehicle with MD plates in the parking lot.

Alas, I live in Boston, so no CCW for me.

I will definitely have to take a look at the SW 1911s before making a choice, but I'm starting to lean towards the GP100 for the price, as money is rather tight.

v13, that was definitely me. I picked up my license from BPD on the 1st and went straight to FS (as everyone should). Both of the guns are ill but hopefully will be made better in the not too distant future.
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thought it might have been you. I almost said something to you at FS because I think we share the same alma marter, or at least I'm guessing based on the key chain, T-shirt, and the sticker on the vehicle with MD plates in the parking lot.

Lucky guess! I've run into BC people all through the process... got advice from a Worcester cop who is also a student at BC, took the Boston marksmanship test with another alumni...
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just my .02 cents here but i would stay with either the .357 or .45 for whatever you choose.look around for ammo and you can find deals also reloading helps cut cost a bunch.personally i would go with the s&w 686 over the ruger,but thats just me.
I went back to FS today to see if it was still there and it was gone... oh well, til the next time. Not in a hurry or anything.
Not big on Glocks really... although if I carried a subcompact I would find a 27.

Besides, the Sigma that I have is like a carbon copy of the Glock's mechanism, just less reliable.
Given your money situation I would strongly recommend against purchasing a .357 revolver or 1911. The ammo is too expensive and you won't be able to shoot it.

You have GOT to be kidding. You can get both .357 and .45 darn near anywhere, including Maul Mart; often on sale. Surplus .45 still turns up; I even have some surplus .38 Special ball ammo.

Further, the .357 will also take .38 Special, making it hands-down THE most versatile firearm suggested.
Checkout FS Guns in Waltham. They have a used Ruger P345 listed for $299. I haven't shot it myself, but it's had some great reviews.

IMHO - you can not go wrong with a Glock though! Reliability is one of the things that defines Glocks in my opinion. Many forum members (myself included) have them with well over 10,000 rounds through them with ZERO failures of any kind.
You don't mean Four seasons do you? They're in Woburn.

I just have a thing against Ruger semiautos (not counting the Mk I/II/III). Not that they're unreliable or anything, I just don't like the look.

I'm really kicking myself a bit for not impulsively buying that Sig. Went back Friday morning and it was gone, so I put the money into hockey goalkeeping gear instead.

That said, should FS come through and find more sigs at that price, I'm going to be waiting at their door that morning with a big bundle of cash.
You have GOT to be kidding. You can get both .357 and .45 darn near anywhere, including Maul Mart; often on sale. Surplus .45 still turns up; I even have some surplus .38 Special ball ammo.

Further, the .357 will also take .38 Special, making it hands-down THE most versatile firearm suggested.
I speak with the voice of little experience (1 year). I find that .38 special is only a dollar or two cheaper per 50 and that .357 costs as much or more then .45. I don't do gun shows so this may be parting the problem. I am going to start reloading soon because of this. I also find that Maul mart charges more for .38 special then it does for .45 even in the 100 round value packs. Maybe I'm remembering wrong as I buy most of my .38 when I find it reloaded by small companies like Zero ammunition (will never buy again, too dirty).

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