glocks True capacity


NES Member
Jul 28, 2010
Central MA
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I have a question for those of you who are more knowledgable regarding the almighty glock. Is it advised to carry a glock with a +1 capacity? I've recently aquired a glock 19 first gen, with preban hicap mags. Is it a bad idea to carry this with 15 +1? I know the pros are I've got that one extra shot if ever needed, plus the feeling of knowing I've got 16 in such a small package is comforting, but what are the cons?
I have a question for those of you who are more knowledgable regarding the almighty glock. Is it advised to carry a glock with a +1 capacity? I've recently aquired a glock 19 first gen, with preban hicap mags. Is it a bad idea to carry this with 15 +1? I know the pros are I've got that one extra shot if ever needed, plus the feeling of knowing I've got 16 in such a small package is comforting, but what are the cons?
Let's be clear that we're talking about the same thing. You are talking about using standard capacity 15-round magazines, and also topping off the chamber. There is no con to this -- that's the way you should be carrying.

You are not talking about extended baseplates on the magazines which add capacity to the magazine -- there are cons to those, as their durability can be suspect.
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I was carrying my G29 with a SCHERER +2, +1 in actuality, with a round in the chamber. But I decided to ditch the +2 for a Pearce extension and stick with the standard 10+1, makes the whole package a little smaller.
I know your G19 is a 9mm, but on the topic of carrying Glocks with one in the pipe, the Glock 40's have a known issue with bullet setback if the same round is ejected from the chamber when securing the weapon, and if that same round is reloaded into the gun more than a couple of times.

The known setback is affectionately known as the Glock KB ( Ka Boom)

Now as for using the + capacity magazines, I have a glock 26 and find the extensions help make my grip better. There is no downside to using the Glock + capacity magazines, or carrying a Glock with one in the pipe.

You can also use Glock 17 magazines in the 19 btw, if you wanted to carry a spare mag, a high cap from a 17 is a good choice IMHO.

If you ( sorry you are in MA) find a pre ban glock 18 magazine, those work in the 19 too, 33 rounds.... sweet. I have one and use it in my 17 and 26 (but I'm in NH sorry)
I was carrying my G29 with a SCHERER +2, +1 in actuality, with a round in the chamber. But I decided to ditch the +2 for a Pearce extension and stick with the standard 10+1, makes the whole package a little smaller.

I haven't been able to get the extensions to work properly on the G20 mags... I've been messing with them for a while, and I think I'm going to give up and go back to standard floorplates.
I carry my G19 with 15 + 1 all the time.

That said it is understandable if you want to carry it with one less round in the mag. The mags are way easier to seat when downloaded by 1, although in 9mm I find it not to be much of an issue.... a .45 ACP Glock on the other hand, different story. When I run my G30SF I decided in the long run to just stick with 9+1 because the mag is easier to seat. This also applies on a "slide closed reload" as well. There are some trainers that advocate keeping Glock mags downloaded by 1.... IMHO each user has to decide whether or not that works for them given their circumstances.

I haven't been able to get the extensions to work properly on the G20 mags... I've been messing with them for a while, and I think I'm going to give up and go back to standard floorplates.

I have 3 G20 mags that I put the Scherer +2's on. Like I said, I can only get 1 extra into them before the feed lips start flex. Is it worth it for the extra round? Idk, but I got the extensions for nothing so why not? Maybe that 16th round will get me home one day.

I did find these, and am toying with the idea of giving one a try:

It says +5 for 10mm, 21 rounds in the gun sounds good.
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With snap caps as the first two rounds? [wink] goodtogo

I saw that video... [rofl]

Most people here think I'm crazy for not carrying with one in the barrel. I couldnt imagine carrying with nothing in the barrel and 2 snap caps in the mag, that would really slow you down.

anyway, i've been carrying with one in the barrel again, but i'm not to thrilled about setback and clearing it, since, in my opinion the majority of AD's happen while clearing, not that i've had one doing that yet. i carry like once a month so it doesnt matter i guess [rofl]
anyway, i've been carrying with one in the barrel again, but i'm not to thrilled about setback and clearing it, since, in my opinion the majority of AD's happen while clearing, not that i've had one doing that yet. i carry like once a month so it doesnt matter i guess [rofl]

Don't clear the gun, stick it in a holster and just lock it in a safe loaded. It's legal in MA as long as it's not stored in a car. It will save you a lot on setback with .40s.

NDs only happen when people press triggers when they're not supposed to.... we both know that. [laugh]

Don't clear the gun, stick it in a holster and just lock it in a safe loaded. It's legal in MA as long as it's not stored in a car. It will save you a lot on setback with .40s.


This. But I would recommend clearing if using a trigger or cable lock or old factory Glock box that has a built in trigger finger.
maybe i'm just a wuss. i have NEVER been able to load +1 in any of the 4 glocks i own(ed)

G23/G22 - NEVER, in fact, i put a dent in the round trying to drive the topped of mag in

G19/G17 - same, i simply go 17 (16+1) / or 15 (14+1). i recall having a little less trouble with the single stack 9mm mags... but i've been wrong before. one occasion, i shot and the mag dropped [laugh] or maybe i dreamed it...

anywho... that's what spare mags are for, right? [rofl]
With 15 or 17 rounds, it wouldn't particularly bother me to be one round down. With an 8+1 round 1911 and only two spare mags, however, I want that extra round.

PPS, 92FS, 1911, M&P ect are easier to load that +1 for me too... due to their design or the 10rd cripple mags
Let's be clear that we're talking about the same thing. You are talking about using standard capacity 15-round magazines, and also topping off the chamber. There is no con to this -- that's the way you should be carrying.


yes, im talking about just standard hi cap mag with no aftermarket additions
i was just cautious about all that pressure on the spring, as well as the upward pressure possibly having an impact on that first shot when the slide tries to go back and eject the first round. wasnt sure if 9mm had enough "umph" to blow the slide back with the pressure of 15 rnds pushing up.
maybe i'm just a wuss. i have NEVER been able to load +1 in any of the 4 glocks i own(ed)

Just have your husband load it for you. [wink]

yes, im talking about just standard hi cap mag with no aftermarket additions

For carry, its 15+1 in a G19 for me. Mine runs fine that way and I make sure that the full mag is seated. In a situation where I am doing mag changes, sometimes not at slide lock, and don't want to risk an unseated mag if I am in a hurry, I download my 9mm Glock mags by 1 round. It's not completely necessary, however, and a good slap will seat them in my G19/G17/G34.
i was just cautious about all that pressure on the spring, as well as the upward pressure possibly having an impact on that first shot when the slide tries to go back and eject the first round. wasnt sure if 9mm had enough "umph" to blow the slide back with the pressure of 15 rnds pushing up.
Pressure on springs doesn't wear them out -- cycles wear them out.

As for your second concern, that is why you train like you fight. When you go the range, load up the magazine. Insert the magazine into the gun, charge the chamber, drop the magazine, top it off, and reinsert the magazine. Now see if it works. Do this a lot. I think you'll find that your Glock works just fine when topped off.
Just have your husband load it for you. [wink]

For carry, its 15+1 in a G19 for me. Mine runs fine that way and I make sure that the full mag is seated. In a situation where I am doing mag changes, sometimes not at slide lock, and don't want to risk an unseated mag if I am in a hurry, I download my 9mm Glock mags by 1 round. It's not completely necessary, however, and a good slap will seat them in my G19/G17/G34.

i'm going to try again in a few.

seriously. i find the Glock mags, wether metal lined or NOT metal lined to be a pita to +1. it's as if there is NOT enough "play" vs. other mags for it to be done.

most of my mags are metal lined... maybe that's why. i dunno.

i dented two .40 cal rounds doing this with my G22.G23 (i don't have the G22 anymore and the G23 is on it's way out soon) using the metal lined mags.

i wonder if there is a difference between the single stack 10rd mags, the "regular" mags and the old not-fully metal lined mags. -btw, i hate those mags because they don't drop free and "expand" when loaded. [angry2]

i have a few laying around and they are strictly range mags
i'm going to try again in a few.

seriously. i find the Glock mags, wether metal lined or NOT metal lined to be a pita to +1. it's as if there is NOT enough "play" vs. other mags for it to be done.

most of my mags are metal lined... maybe that's why. i dunno.

i dented two .40 cal rounds doing this with my G22.G23 (i don't have the G22 anymore and the G23 is on it's way out soon) using the metal lined mags.

i wonder if there is a difference between the single stack 10rd mags, the "regular" mags and the old not-fully metal lined mags. -btw, i hate those mags because they don't drop free and "expand" when loaded. [angry2]

i have a few laying around and they are strictly range mags

Maybe it's just the .40s. I only have 9mm Glocks and I swear they developed the models in .40 over a drunk weekend. A bunch of Austrians, laughing their a** off and trying to figure out how to build a [STRIKE]grenade[/STRIKE] gun for Americans and their 10mm short.

I'm with you on the NFML mags. It cost me, but all of my pre-bans are metal lined. The ban state 10-round G19 and G17 9mm mags absolutely suck (I assume the same goes for the .40s). It takes a ton of force to get that 10th round in, and I could believe that someone would have trouble loading them +1.
i was just cautious about all that pressure on the spring, as well as the upward pressure possibly having an impact on that first shot when the slide tries to go back and eject the first round. wasnt sure if 9mm had enough "umph" to blow the slide back with the pressure of 15 rnds pushing up.

YES. This is a legitimate concern.
I as well as many others have experienced issues with "certain" mags.
The 10 round mags as well as "some" high caps are garbage.
The 10 rounders are made in such a way that you can't load more than 10 because it would violate the mags capacity restriction.
The point is if you have "any" mag that the last round loaded is extreemely tight you may potentially have an issue.
The slide "will" experience friction. The first round "will" be harder to strip off and chamber & perhaps get dented on the ejector. Why chance it for the sake of having one more round?
IMO it's fine for competition but not so good for carry.
Also I've had the "older style" plus 2's slide off the bottom of the mag during a hastened reload & the spring & all the rounds fall to the ground.
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