glocks True capacity

i never unload a gun once its loaded. it gets shot. -for the most part [smile]

*cough* Dench *cough* *cough*


in the rare event, i'll swap the formerly chambered round for the 2nd or 3rd round in the mag, or just trade mags... i doubt i've ever unloaded a gun enough times to make to the 4th round.
Probably some safety thing.
Safety? Guns are more likely to go off the more you mess with them. They won't go off if you don't mess with them.

The fetish some people have about unloading guns is just counter productive. They are more at risk by unloading the gun every and loading every morning than they would be by just leaving the gun loaded, putting it in a lock box (or on the dresser) at night, and holstering in the AM.

Sorry for the rant -- I realize I'm preaching to the converted. But this whole "clearing barrel" mentality just drives me nuts. Leave the damn gun in your holster.
That I get. It just seems like the default assumption is that people would routinely unload, and I can't understand why.

Perhaps for disassembly and cleaning? When I was working armed security I was field stripping my Sig at least once a week to clean and lube, especially considering it rained all the fricken time over the summer. Heck, there were times where I'd strip it down to wipe off the rain water two or three times in one shift.
Nothing wrong with keeping it loaded.

My statement was for when you load and unload a firearm. So the same round doesn't get chambered all the time.

I alway clean my EDC once aweek and I cycle the ammo when I do. Even in a holster it picks up crap or when I go to the range and unload my carry ammo etc etc...
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it makes little socialist girly girls wet their panties while they stay awake all night wondering if the loaded home defense gun is going to touch off on its own in the safe that's fifteen bedrooms away from where they are.

So when they find out about the two loaded 12 gauges in the house, are their laptops launched through the ceiling by a firehose-like stream of terrified piss?
i was just cautious about all that pressure on the spring, as well as the upward pressure possibly having an impact on that first shot when the slide tries to go back and eject the first round. wasnt sure if 9mm had enough "umph" to blow the slide back with the pressure of 15 rnds pushing up.

Twice I've had issues where the closed slide didn't scoop the top round off of a fully loaded Glock mag. I know others who've had similar issues, it seems to depend on variances in the gun/mag/caliber. I'd rather have 14+1 without a malfunction than 15+1 with a failure after the 1st round. There's also the advantage that if you do have to unload (like when storing in a car in Mass.) you don't have one lonely loose round to account for.

I agree with wolf223, if you want more ammo, carry extra mags. If you're carrying a semi you should be carrying spare mags anyway. But whatever you decide to do, put your gun through the paces so you know it'll work the way you have it set up when you need it.
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