GOAL Issues Warning to Non-residents

I guess I do not understand.
H.4885 section 45 insert section 129C (j)
(j) A nonresident who is at least 18 years of age may possess rifles and shotguns
that are not large capacity or semi-automatic and ammunition therefor: (i) to
hunt during hunting season with a nonresident hunting license.
Is this not an exemption for hunting?
This is what i'll be following if I decide to pheasant hunt up there.
I guess I do not understand.
H.4885 section 45 insert section 129C (j)
(j) A nonresident who is at least 18 years of age may possess rifles and shotguns
that are not large capacity or semi-automatic and ammunition therefor: (i) to
hunt during hunting season with a nonresident hunting license.
Is this not an exemption for hunting?
There is a critical piece of that section that most folks overlook: with a nonresident hunting license or a hunting license or permit lawfully issued from their state of residence, which has substantially similar requirements to those in section 11 of chapter 131, as determined by the colonel of the state police

There are likely very few, if any, states that have similar licensing standards. Certainly the Colonel has not come up with any.
GOAL's wishes? Care to explain your statement?
"Going against someone's wishes" means doing something even though they don't want you to, or acting in a way that contradicts their desires or expectations.

You can read between the lines from there.
What possible reason would you go to MA to hunt from NH? Just asking?

I know there aren't a lot of deer in the White Mountains, but southern NH coastal has a shit ton.
Who said anything about hunting?😉
Myself a NH resident, living on a MA border town has challenges when traveling. I can tell you that I travel non-stop From NH through MA back into NH and I quote: "Permits the interstate transportation of unloaded firearms by any person not prohibited by Federal law from such transportation regardless of any State law or regulation."

That could be a very expensive precedent you could be setting.
There is a critical piece of that section that most folks overlook: with a nonresident hunting license or a hunting license or permit lawfully issued from their state of residence, which has substantially similar requirements to those in section 11 of chapter 131, as determined by the colonel of the state police

There are likely very few, if any, states that have similar licensing standards. Certainly the Colonel has not come up with any.
I don't even know what this means......could it mean non resident CCW?
There is a critical piece of that section that most folks overlook: with a nonresident hunting license or a hunting license or permit lawfully issued from their state of residence, which has substantially similar requirements to those in section 11 of chapter 131, as determined by the colonel of the state police

There are likely very few, if any, states that have similar licensing standards. Certainly the Colonel has not come up with any.
The use of the conjunction or separates the requirements.
1 nonresident hunting license
2 hunting license from state of residence
3 permit from state of residence
The plain meaning of the statute is that any one of the 3 possible requirements would satisfy the statute. The last 2 are irrelevent to hunting as a nonresident hunting license is required of a nonresident to hunt in the state of Massachusetts.
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