GOAL not showing up to Novemeber FCAB

By not showing up, GOAL at most only forfeits an ability to argue that a process wasn’t constitutional. It doesn’t give up any ability to argue on the substance of any adopted laws or regulations. Anyone can see the process and substance are devoid of any meaningful discussion and consideration of different perspectives so I’d be indifferent to the participation issue. Better off just spending the resources in court.
There’s no voting going on here. It’s just a discussion so they can say they listened to GOAL and others. (But dismissed everything said)

Section 131½. (a) There shall be a firearm control advisory board, within the executive office of public safety and security, hereinafter referred to as the board, comprised of 7 members: the director of the firearms record bureau within the department of criminal justice information services or designee, who shall serve as chair; the attorney general or designee; 1 member appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives who shall not be a member of the general court and shall have demonstrated knowledge or expertise in firearm safety, law or technology; 1 member appointed by the president of the senate who shall not be a member of the general court and shall have demonstrated knowledge or expertise in firearm safety, law or technology; 2 members appointed by the governor, 1 of whom shall be a member of the Gun Owners Action League, Inc. and 1 of whom shall be a police chief selected from a list of four chiefs provided by the Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association Incorporated; and the armorer of the department of state police or designee.
(b) The board shall advise the executive office of public safety and security on matters relating to the firearm control provisions of this chapter, including, but not limited to, consulting with the executive office of public safety and security on the development of the firearm rosters outlined in section 131¾. The board shall also advise the executive office of public safety and security on training needs and materials for licensing authorities and licensees. The board members shall serve without compensation; provided, however, that members shall be reimbursed for any usual and customary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. The executive office of public safety and security, in consultation with the board, shall adopt operating rules and procedures for its organization and activities.

They are certainly voting.
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By not showing up, GOAL at most only forfeits an ability to argue that a process wasn’t constitutional. It doesn’t give up any ability to argue on the substance of any adopted laws or regulations. Anyone can see the process and substance are devoid of any meaningful discussion and consideration of different perspectives so I’d be indifferent to the participation issue. Better off just spending the resources in court.
Well, Mr. Wallace apparently attended the second meeting (hence the "use" panic posts & video). It would be interesting to know if he purposely boycotted the first meeting as some sort of weird 4D chess-like tactical move or whether he was just not available for some odd reason. 🤔
Section 131½. (a) There shall be a firearm control advisory board, within the executive office of public safety and security, hereinafter referred to as the board, comprised of 7 members: the director of the firearms record bureau within the department of criminal justice information services or designee, who shall serve as chair; the attorney general or designee; 1 member appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives who shall not be a member of the general court and shall have demonstrated knowledge or expertise in firearm safety, law or technology; 1 member appointed by the president of the senate who shall not be a member of the general court and shall have demonstrated knowledge or expertise in firearm safety, law or technology; 2 members appointed by the governor, 1 of whom shall be a member of the Gun Owners Action League, Inc. and 1 of whom shall be a police chief selected from a list of four chiefs provided by the Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association Incorporated; and the armorer of the department of state police or designee.
(b) The board shall advise the executive office of public safety and security on matters relating to the firearm control provisions of this chapter, including, but not limited to, consulting with the executive office of public safety and security on the development of the firearm rosters outlined in section 131¾. The board shall also advise the executive office of public safety and security on training needs and materials for licensing authorities and licensees. The board members shall serve without compensation; provided, however, that members shall be reimbursed for any usual and customary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. The executive office of public safety and security, in consultation with the board, shall adopt operating rules and procedures for its organization and activities.

They are certainly voting.
I’m not seeing anything about voting…
November's agenda was strictly "legal" stuff, conflict of interest, signing for all sorts of documents (none relating to firearms), etc. I doubt that Jim missed much and since he's not a state or municipal employee, most probably wasn't really relative to his position on the board.
I just saw the meeting minutes from the November FCAB. Goal didn't show up. What is the point of having an organization that is supposed to advocate for us if they don't bother representing gun owners when it matters. It's completely incomprehensible they wouldn't be there. This is one of their core purposes.

I think it might be time to get a new advocacy group in the state.

I attached the meeting minutes for those interested.
The first FCAB meeting was purely administrative. The day the meeting was scheduled I was on a short hunting trip with other GOAL folks that needed a much welcomed break. I did contact the Chair of FCAB and inquire about the meeting and if anything vital was going to take place that I could drive back for it. As it was purely an admin meeting, there was no need. I apologize for taking a few days to get away.

I attended the December meeting and had a great part inn the discussions surrounding the "long gun roster" and the new "banned assault weapons roster". In the end, there was no action on either roster. Their implementation is nearly impossible. https://irp.cdn-website.com/7a261750/audio/Use.m4a

Perhaps next time you can reach out directly since I rarely have time to surf NES.
Perhaps next time you can reach out directly since I rarely have time to surf NES.
Perhaps next time GOAL can post these types of regular updates about the FBAC on your website right after the meeting. If you're supposed to represent us, then represent us. That we needed to do a FOIA request for November's minutes instead of just going to GOAL for them is a problem too. From the notes of the meeting, it wasn't completely administrative as there was talk of rosters and how to handle certain aspects of them.

Finally, I posted on NES as firearms owners should both 1. know if GOAL is attending these meetings, 2. have access to the meeting minutes. Potentially if GOAL had made all of this information available on it's website up front, there wouldn't have been a need to make a post with that information.
I just saw the meeting minutes from the November FCAB. Goal didn't show up. What is the point of having an organization that is supposed to advocate for us if they don't bother representing gun owners when it matters. It's completely incomprehensible they wouldn't be there. This is one of their core purposes.

I think it might be time to get a new advocacy group in the state.

I attached the meeting minutes for those interested.
GOAL, for all their hard work and good intentions is just a feel good organization in Massachusetts. Nobody in power cares about our rights, the law or anything else. They are going to take your guns and some guy trying to lobby against it isn’t going to change anyone’s Mind.

They are basically what hminsky is to NES. At best he is ridiculed when he speaks and the rest of us have him on ignore.

I know this is a shitty thing to say and I don’t mean any disrespect to the guys at GOAL, I just think the organization is a waste of time. They are shouting into the void.
Perhaps next time GOAL can post these types of regular updates about the FBAC on your website right after the meeting. If you're supposed to represent us, then represent us. That we needed to do a FOIA request for November's minutes instead of just going to GOAL for them is a problem too. From the notes of the meeting, it wasn't completely administrative as there was talk of rosters and how to handle certain aspects of them.

Finally, I posted on NES as firearms owners should both 1. know if GOAL is attending these meetings, 2. have access to the meeting minutes. Potentially if GOAL had made all of this information available on it's website up front, there wouldn't have been a need to make a post with that information.
LOL. Usually the ones who bitch the most about other's actions, do the least themselves to move the ball forward.

You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
LOL. Usually the ones who bitch the most about other's actions, do the least themselves to move the ball forward.

You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
Holding people accountable is something to be ashamed of? Pathetic.
Accountable? You don't have any idea what the role of the FCAB is, do you?

And why would it be Jim's job to spoon feed you meeting minutes, anyway? Did YOU attend it? Open meeting laws apply.
Why is it his job? Because his organization solicits donations from firearms owners to support our rights. So yes, the organization we all donate to to represent us should provide us with information on that representation.

They managed to get themselves written into law as a member of FCAB. They should show up. The rest of FCAB did.
Why is it his job? Because his organization solicits donations from firearms owners to support our rights. So yes, the organization we all donate to to represent us should provide us with information on that representation.

They managed to get themselves written into law as a member of FCAB. They should show up. The rest of FCAB did.
I think Mr. Wallace needs to assign an alternate from the GOAL staff (probably Mike Harris) for when he is not going to be available. 🤔
In the December GOAL podcast, Jim explains both meetings and discusses how they’re supporting gun owners. We don’t have a continually updated assault weapon register for example, because of Jim’s input in the last meeting.
So what would it be like without GOAL?
This thread is about missing a meeting they probably should have a had a rep at.

Not crapping on GOAL for past and present, or WTF it would be like. They have done a lot to help and inform and teach and no one knows really.
I think overall in a shitty state they do OK on education and trying to stop bad laws.

If all the people that had LTC's got behind them and became members it would be more powerful organization....you can say GOAL sucks, but only as much as MA gun owners suck. Because they do.....MA Gun Owners absolutely suck....half are FUDDS, 1/4 of them are DEMS probably who don't even give a care of vote stupid.
If all the people that had LTC's got behind them and became members it would be more powerful organization....you can say GOAL sucks, but only as much as MA gun owners suck. Because they do.....MA Gun Owners absolutely suck....half are FUDDS, 1/4 of them are DEMS probably who don't even give a care of vote stupid.
I have been hearing that propaganda for so long, it makes me wonder who started it.

" If all gunowners joined GOAL it wouldn't be like this"

"GOAL sucks because MA gun owners suck."

To back up your statement, please point out what GOAL would do different if they have $1,000,000,00.00

Don't kid yourself, it's all about money.

A LOT of gunowners in MA are Dems, so it isn't about a voting block.

It's money.

So, how would they NOT suck if every gunowner was a member of GOAL?
My opinion
Jim should show up to these meetings with an FPC FU-No t-shirt on and just point to it every time they propose anything stupid (constantly)
His presence on the board is as a powerless token - not saying he doesn't do anything, just that the law was designed to minimize the influence of any pro-2a voices.
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