Going to re-join the Guard today!

Oct 26, 2006
North Andover
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Hello, everyone. Just thought I would share some personal information. After some serious thought and talking with family and friends I have decided to re-join the National Guard.

I was in active duty and then in the Mass Guard and I got out in 1991

I am signing on the dotted line at 12:30 today. I and my family have decided I would try to finish the time I have left to get to 20 years for the retirement benefits. It has been a long time since I was last in and I hope I can get caught up to speed quickly with getting back into the military and with all the new equipment that is out there.

Anyway thanks for reading and any help or advise is always welcome.
Congrats and Thank you for your service. What unit you joining?Although I'm not sure what's left in MA right now since alot of the units are deployed.[laugh]
Thank you all for your kind words and thoughts.

The unit is C Co 181 Inf in Cambridge and they in fact are deployed now so I will catch up with them when they are back stateside and will be going to Worcester until my "parent" unit is back.
BA19, if you don't mind me asking, how old are you? I was wondering at what age limit they were allow former military to join back in. Also, are they letting you keep your former rank?

I'm getting up there in years, but I've always had the though in the back of my mind to do exactly what you are doing. I think my wife and family would freak out though.
BA19, if you don't mind me asking, how old are you? I was wondering at what age limit they were allow former military to join back in. Also, are they letting you keep your former rank?

I'm getting up there in years, but I've always had the though in the back of my mind to do exactly what you are doing. I think my wife and family would freak out though.

They deduct your service time against your age. You would be surprised. I know it's up into your 40's now.
I am 40 and have 4 Years active and 3.5 years Nat Guard time. I will be same rank as I was when I got out E-5 and since I am going back in same MOS I do not have to go back to Basic or AIT. From my understanding as long as you can do 20 years before you reach 59 you are good to go.
I had to get a few waivers as I use to have high BP and was on meds for that. 1.5 Years and no meds and BP is fine now that needed as waiver and in 1992 I had a pretty big surgery on my shoulder and had to go see a specialists for an evaluation and waiver for that as well.

Rockrivr1 -- if you want any other info feel free to pm me and I will let you know some thoughs and concerns I/wife/family had along with soem answers to the questions.
The one thing I can't stress enough is will your family be able to live off of your mil salary while you are deployed. Some in son's unit had a really hard time of it. Ba19 at least the unit you are going into once they come back won't redeploy for another year, so your family can get used to the idea.
If your wife has already been exposed to the mil, she will be good to go. If and when your unit deploys again get her involved with the units FRG. It will be a wealth of info for her.
I wish you the best and good luck.
Sue, he should be able to, I know my son did, and he was also an E-5 at the time.

Big difference between E-3/E-4 pay and E-5 and up pay these days.

Yeah I know, but some of the ones that struggled in Alan's unit were actually E-6's. Not the lower enlisted.[thinking] I know the civilian pay was alot more and am sure they weren't quite ready for the cut they had to get used to.
Must've been pretty good paying jobs.

I'm Federal, and I would've been the same or more, especially after getting overseas.

Yeah, I am guessing their civilian pay was quite a bit. I really expected the lower enlisted to have more of a problem, was surprised when it was some of the E-6's......[thinking]
I know from what Alan's pay was it was way better than when we were in.[laugh]
C 181 here too, serving with delta right now. who put you back in? Nevermind, i can smell SSG Saldana thru the computer. tell him Dan, Mike, Jeff, Pete, Rich and the rest of C co say hello. there still is a few guys left from 91 in the Unit, Rooney, Sheehan, King, Berleid. Just dont sit at my desk if they put you in 3rd. Its the one that says "bad motherfuc%er".
I will be same rank as I was when I got out E-5 and since I am going back in same MOS I do not have to go back to Basic or AIT.---Ba19
Good for you, what was your MOS?


Yeah, I am guessing their civilian pay was quite a bit. I really expected the lower enlisted to have more of a problem, was surprised when it was some of the E-6's......[thinking]
I know from what Alan's pay was it was way better than when we were in.[laugh]

I started @ $50/month and ended up at $181/month as an E4 three years later. What a
success story huh? [smile]

No it wasn't in the civil war...

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