Good trap shooter?

Jan 13, 2010
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How do you know if you are a good trap shooter? What will you have to do to qualify for trap tournaments and then win them?
don't give away(miss) very many ,if any targets. as far as tournaments go all are welcome just pay the entry fee, and let the fun or fustrations begin. at least i am still having fun.
the money is in the upper classes A.AA, AAA and the size of the shoot. There is a 100,000.00 prize shoot at the ATA Grand shoot. There is also side games you can play into as well.
The thing is you need shooters to put $ into the purse. I won a C class event against 35 other shooters, I got my purse fee back.......10 bucks. I won 75.00 for the win.

You have to pay $ to play for $. google score results for The Grand, you will see some of the winning scores.
At local ATA events for AAA, AA, A, B and sometime C it usually takes a 99 or better to win, sometimes you can get by with a 97-98.
ATA record youngest shooter to reach the 27 yard line 11 years 9 months 22 days thats a good trap shooter
There is a big difference between a "good" Trap shooter and a "good enough" Trap shooter! [laugh]

A "good enough" shooter places in the $ at a tournament. A good shooter breaks a lot of birds. Often, they're the same thing, but sometimes not.

Unless you're a REALLY good shooter, you'll not make a living at it, so don't worry.

Shoot at your club, get used to it. Then, "go ATA" and go to a couple registered shoots. See how it's done in the "real world." Then, go to a state shoot. All you need to "qualify" is an ATA card ( and generally, membership in your state association, too) and the money for an entry fee. There is no "sorry, you don't shoot well enough to play."

I've been shooting for years....this was my first year in the ATA ( because my kid joined) and while not the worst shooter at my club....I've yet to win any "hardware" at a shoot. It's a different world.

My advice - play the "lewis" may get a few bucks back for a non-winning score. [shocked]

Oh....that and don't take it too seriously, and remember that ANYONE can have a good day! [smile]
Lewis.....ahhh yes can be nice. I tanked my last ATA shoot. cost me 100.00 for target and opptions. I shot a 82 WTF I was holding a 94 average again WTF. I have not shot in the 80s since my 1st marathon shoot 5 years ago.

Well anyway I hit the lewis for 45.50 for my bad score. Dont ask me how they figure the lewis. I do know this, you tend only to hit it when you shoot poorly or win. other wise if you shoot somewhere in the middle of poor and win. you either dont get anything or split 30.00 with 31 shooters cause a 93 was a paying score!
The Lewis is designed to keep the "also rans" (like me) coming back... [laugh]

The Lewis is figured this way ( simplistically):

Each shooter put up $2 for the Lewis

Say there's 30 shooters, the first shooter goes 100 straight, and each following shooter hits one fewer.

Lewis pot is split three ways, so

Shooters 1, 11, and 21 "hit" the Lewis. Simple, right?...each shooter gets $20

What complexifies it is the fact that not all shooter shoot different scores, and if the second-place Lewis is, say, 90, and six shooters shot that score, the one third of the Lewis pot for that score gets split six ways...and you get a $3.30 check! [shocked]

A couple of shoots back, my son and I were 2 birds apart....If I'd missed one more, and he'd have hit one more, we'd have both it! D'oh!

The Lewis is a great way to get people complaining....I have an old ( ca.1910) sporting magazine detailing the Lewis system ( though it's not called that), and all of the complaints are the same. I was told be a more-experienced shooter, "The only thing that changes if the typeface." [rofl]

[I know that "complexifies" is not a real word, but I was feeling creative!]
Apparently, neither am I! [laugh]

In all seriousness, there can only be one first-place winner, and at the A and AA levels especially, there's a limited number of bona fide contenders. With the entry fees, etc. it's a way for the "rest of us" to come away with something more than memories and empty huls.....
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