Got my C&R License!!!


NES Member
Apr 26, 2005
"Live Free or Die" Hampton, NH
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Now I'm in trouble.... :D

I think it took about six weeks. Not absolutely certain, because the dog ate the check register.

I think I'll do a search and re-read all the info on this forum, then I'm sure I'll have some stupid questions...

Well, I have what I believe to be a Finnish M39 on hold at Kittery Trading Post. It's described on the website as:

Russian Nagant Rifle: Bolt, 7.62x54R Russian, 27" (barrel), Rare Sako Mfg, condition 93%, $250.

I called and got the following additional info:
- Bore is dirty but rifling appears sharp
- Serial # is 253,XXX
- Wartime stock with "rounded finger" splices
- Bolt serial number matches receiver serial number
- Reciever is stamped with "SA" in a box (Finnish Army) and "1944"
- Condition of stock - good, but really dark
- Overall length: approx 47"

I've been monitoring the various websites that sell these, and prices seem to be ranging from $139 for a "good" example, and $369 for a 100% unissued ( So, if it's as good a shape as they say, it's probably a good deal.

Any suggestions on what else to look for before I buy? I'm planning a trip up this afternoon or later in the week.


Be aware that KTP does NOT honor C&R FFLs (their prerogative).

Check their website and you will find this gem of info.

Not a big deal on FTF, as you'll do a 4473 and NICS and be out of there not much sooner than if you did C&R FFL.

You STILL have to log it in your Bound Book AND file a FA-10 (as "registration").

Believe it or not, they did accept the C&R License. Maybe because I was there face-to-face, I don't know. I could have just gone the regular route, I guess, but I wanted to try out my virgin C&R. :D

I have pictures to post, but they're at work - will post tomorrow. The rifle is in good shape, and worth the money based on what I've seen on the various websites.

I will make my first official bound book entry tonight, and send out the FA-10 tomorrow. Excuse me now while I go to to find a disassembly guide...

USMA-82 said:
I think it took about six weeks. Not absolutely certain, because the dog ate the check register.

Gee...can you use that excuse for when you're wife asks "So how much have you spent?"

[lol] [lol] [wink]


I'm shocked . . . they must have taken the "no C&R FFLs" BS off their website. Wonder what they would say if someone wanted to mail-order a C&R from them?
OK, guys... here are the pics. Actually, these were taken by Dennis at KTP BEFORE I went up, and emailed to me so I could take a look. Real nice guy, and very accomodating.







Of course, I immediately disassembled and gave it a good cleaning, and then proceeded to ruin the finish with drips of Bore Shine [cry]

Oh, well... like the first scratch on a new car. Any suggestions to fix the finish would be appreciated. Or, should I just re-finish?

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