Granny Warren really an Indian?? She supposedly took a DNA test

I was on the job a few years in a different community before that happened, and it caused quite a stir at the time.
Rumor had it that my department did the same thing about reviewing older applications.
If true, nothing ever became of it.

About 5 years after that incident, we had one guy get on that was half black and half something else.
He was a good shit, and was whiter than me (went to school in Newton and played lacrosse for example).

Guys were joking around one day about new hires, and he mentioned that when he filled out the application,
and the question of race came up, he was told to put down black because he would have a better chance
of getting the job.
I was on the job a few years in a different community before that happened, and it caused quite a stir at the time.
Rumor had it that my department did the same thing about reviewing older applications.
If true, nothing ever became of it.

About 5 years after that incident, we had one guy get on that was half black and half something else.
He was a good shit, and was whiter than me (went to school in Newton and played lacrosse for example).

Guys were joking around one day about new hires, and he mentioned that when he filled out the application,
and the question of race came up, he was told to put down black because he would have a better chance
of getting the job.

My friend from South Africa(white) put on something he was "African-American" and they were like "no you're not". He said "I'm from Africa, I'm now an American, pretty sure that would be 'African-American'" they told him he was the wrong color. My FIL is from Senegal(family went from Portugal to Cape Verde to Senegal) so technically my wife should be half, she's closer to African roots than most black Americans(I think someone told her to use that at some point lol)
I think you all have your facts wrong... I believe Elizabeth warren. In fact, I was pleasantly surprised by the latest quote in the Globe: "as an expert in the field, I can say that with 100% certainty that Liz warren is full blooded Native American, I would stake my reputation on it!" -Annie Dookhan, chief chemist, Mass ancestory lab. This is all the evidence I need.
So she shops around and finds the DNA science equivalent of Chrissy Ballsy Ford to bend all the rules, and all he can do for her is say she's 1/1024th of something that might be Ecuadorian or some other Latin America native, and she takes that to the bank.

If I were Trump, I'd say: "Now that DNA test, performed by a Stanford professor who you all know is a rabid Democrat supporter, is about as credible as what you heard from "Professor" Ford during the Kavanaugh confirmation process, but I'm such a generous guy that I'll give 1/1024th of the bet amount to Fauxcahontas's charity. Here is my check (holds up a Publisher's Clearing House size, giant check) for $976.56 payable to the Indigenous Women's yada-yada representing the amount of dubious native ancestry her fake-news report shows. Just out of the kindness of my heart, because you all know that DNA report is ridiculous."
This kind of makes me want to get a dna test. I figure that with enough tries I'll eventually get a result that says I'm 1/1000 Native American. I'll frame those results.
So she shops around and finds the DNA science equivalent of Chrissy Ballsy Ford to bend all the rules, and all he can do for her is say she's 1/1024th of something that might be Ecuadorian or some other Latin America native, and she takes that to the bank.

If I were Trump, I'd say: "Now that DNA test, performed by a Stanford professor who you all know is a rabid Democrat supporter, is about as credible as what you heard from "Professor" Ford during the Kavanaugh confirmation process, but I'm such a generous guy that I'll give 1/1024th of the bet amount to Fauxcahontas's charity. Here is my check (holds up a Publisher's Clearing House size, giant check) for $976.56 payable to the Indigenous Women's yada-yada representing the amount of dubious native ancestry her fake-news report shows. Just out of the kindness of my heart, because you all know that DNA report is ridiculous."
I believe the test results were legit and on the up and up, in fact I hope they are, because for her to make the claim
she does based on those test results is laughable and only makes her claims even more ridiculous.

Even if the results came back as 1/16, it's bogus for her to go record as claiming American Indian heritage... as if she has
empathy for them because she shares and can relate to their misery and suffering.

She called Trump's bluff and it backfired on her.
A wiser person would have simply let it go, and get on with their life.
Now she's a laughing stock.

Elizabeth Warren May Be No More Native American than Average White American | Breitbart

Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr., who studies the genetic ancestry of Americans, wrote in 2013 (citing that the average African-American genome is 2% Native American. In 2014, the genetics website 23andMe said the average black American genome is 0.8% Native American, while Latinos have 18% Native American ancestry, on average. Among white Americans, there is considerable variation: 8% of whites in Louisiana have at least 1% Native American ancestry, for example, according to 23andMe.

The New York Times, citing the 23andMe data, reported: “The researchers found that European-Americans had genomes that were on average 98.6 percent European, .19 percent African, and .18 Native American.”

That falls within Warren’s reported range, and suggests she may be no more Native American than the average white American.

1/1024 in percent is 0.09765%. “The researchers found that European-Americans had genomes that were on average 98.6 percent European, .19 percent African, and .18 Native American.” So The Faux has ONE HALF the "Native American" ancestry of an average European-American... [rofl2]
Cherokee Nation responds to Senator Warren, says DNA test 'useless to determine tribal citizenship'
The Cherokee Nation responded to the results of Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren's DNA test on Monday, arguing that “a DNA test is useless to determine tribal citizenship.” The response came after the Democratic senator revealed that, based on tests, she has Native-American ancestry “in the range of 6-10 generations ago.”

"Current DNA tests do not even distinguish whether a person’s ancestors were indigenous to North or South America," Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. said in a press release.

"Sovereign tribal nations set their own legal requirements for citizenship, and while DNA tests can be used to determine lineage, such as paternity to an individual, it is not evidence for tribal affiliation," Hoskin continued. "Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong. It makes a mockery out of DNA tests and its legitimate uses while also dishonoring legitimate tribal governments and their citizens, whose ancestors are well documented and whose heritage is proven. Senator Warren is undermining tribal interests with her continued claims of tribal heritage."

Cherokee Nation responds to Senator Warren, says DNA test 'useless to determine tribal citizenship'
The Glob blows the math, completely:
BACKFIRE: 2nd Correction Made On Elizabeth Warren DNA Test Story
Due to a math error, a story about Elizabeth Warren misstated the ancestry percentage of a potential 6th to 10th generation relative. The generational range based on the ancestor that the report identified suggests she’s between 1/64th and 1/1,024th Native American.
which also means she could easily be less "Native American" than the average European-American
Even more embarrassing, a comprehensive study by geneticists estimated that the average European-American has 0.18% Native American DNA, which may be higher than Warren.
The real kicker though her so-called Native American ancestry, slim as it may be, isn't even Native American:
“To make up for the dearth of Native American DNA, Bustamante used samples from Mexico, Peru, and Colombia to stand in for Native American.”
To sum up, Picohantas has so little Native American DNA that it's essentially undetectable.
Hmmm, I wonder if they checked for Venezuelan DNA. Wouldn't surprise me a bit if there was more there. It would explain her politics.

Lifted from an old friend...
It's just fake news.. im not saying if you go far enough back were all related to Adam and Eve....but at the very least we all came from one or several types of monkeys.... she has about the same relation to native americans as i have to a monkey..
She just applied the gun control playbook to ethnicity....both seem pretty racist to me.
The backround check form says Hispanic/Not Hispanic for god sake.

In a battle of who says dumb shit and wins, trumps got her beat by a mile....trumps imune to the women card after hillary if warrens the best they got.
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