Great-grandma dared cop to Tase her, so he did

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I can't speak for M1911, but it doesn't bother me in the least...of course when she gets out of jail...I'll offer her a job because she has paid her debt to society [wink]


I'm not saying she isn't an asshat that needed arresting, I just have an uneasy feeling when tasers are used to subdue someone who didn't appear combative.
Combative or not, she did not listen to a police officer and was not compliant while under arrest. A lot of you are too blind to the real world. If she had struck an innocent person with her truck and killed them, but wasn't combative, should she just be left alone? She broke the law and paid for it. What part of she is a criminal don't you understand? Old or young a criminal is a criminal and they need to be treated as such. Our Police are tied up enough with stupid criminals that they should not have to deal with an old woman being a stubborn bitch. It's not fair to tie up the police for a 2 hour stand-off with a "non combative traffic offender" when he can just hit her with the tazer and be done with it in minutes. Be thankful he didn't pull out his baton and beat her, or hit her with pepper spray and have her walk into traffic.

Seriously, she deserves no sympathy for her self inflicted tazing.
What, we need to be "sensitive" to criminals now? I think not.

I'm the last person that thinks we should be sensitive to criminals. Wasn't the tazer employed to be a non-lethal means to subdue a combative? Now it seems like it's employed at times to soften up up a suspect before putting the cuffs on him. It was an elderly speeder who didn't appear to be combative.
Combative or not, she did not listen to a police officer and was not compliant while under arrest.

Ahhh yes. Don't listen to the police, get tazed. I get it now. [rolleyes]

A lot of you are too blind to the real world. If she had struck an innocent person with her truck and killed them, but wasn't combative, should she just be left alone?

I see. Now we taze speeders because of things they MIGHT have done if they were allowed to continue.

She broke the law and paid for it. What part of she is a criminal don't you understand? Old or young a criminal is a criminal and they need to be treated as such. Our Police are tied up enough with stupid criminals that they should not have to deal with an old woman being a stubborn bitch. It's not fair to tie up the police for a 2 hour stand-off with a "non combative traffic offender" when he can just hit her with the tazer and be done with it in minutes.

Maybe they should just taze at all traffic stops and leave the ticket pinned to their just. It's not fair to them to waste their time.

Be thankful he didn't pull out his baton and beat her, or hit her with pepper spray and have her walk into traffic.

Seriously, she deserves no sympathy for her self inflicted tazing.

Yeah. Lucky old lady. She deserved a beating. [rolleyes]

What planet are you from?
It’s unfortunate for the lady that she has such anger issues. She also seems to be delusional, or more likely, dishonest. I wonder if she will sign her next ticket.

This is one of the dumbest and most immature positions I have ever heard of in my life.

I most states, the law requires that you sign a summons as a promise to appear in court for your hearing or plead guilty by paying a fine IN LIEU OF ARREST. You are not refusing to sign employment papers, a legal waiver, or an insurance policy. You are refusing to acknowledge and abide by the summons of a court for a criminal or traffic infraction.

When you refuse to sign such summons, you have told the peace officer dealing with you that you DO NOT intend to appear in court or plead out the offense. He or she then HAS NO CHOICE but to place you under arrest and take you to a magistrate at the earliest opportunity.

If you think that physical force should never be used to compel compliance pursuant to arrest, how do you then propose to have police do their jobs? Would it be OK with you for rapists, robbers, drug dealers, and reckless drivers to avoid reckoning for their conduct unless they voluntarily get in the back of a police car?

WTF is wrong with you?

Jose, I think you are missing one of my main points. I stated that "Violence should only be used in the defense of one's self or the defense of others."

The police using violence to arrest a violent criminal would be doing so "in the defense of others." Deputy Chris Bieze wasn't defending anyone when he tazed the 72 year old woman
Ahhh yes. Don't listen to the police, get tazed. I get it now. [rolleyes]

How do you take a passively resistant person into custody? At some point you have to put hands on them and be physical even though they themselves are not being physical.

Given her age is it not likely that laying hands on her and getting physical would have actually run a higher risk of injury to her?

I see. Now we taze speeders because of things they MIGHT have done if they were allowed to continue.

She was not tazed for speeding.

What planet are you from?

Planet reality!
I'm not saying she isn't an asshat that needed arresting, I just have an uneasy feeling when tasers are used to subdue someone who didn't appear combative.

How combative does someone need to get before they get tossed to the ground?

A taser is simply a less harmful method of getting someone to the ground. You could alternatively tackle, grapple, throwdown, punch in the face, or beat about the head with a nightstick.
I don't give a crap that batty cookoo granny got arrested, but come on, can we get serious here? A f*cking unarmed 120 lb 72 year old woman can be taken into custody by a 250 lb cop without f*cking using a f*cking tazer. Jesus. Please.

I don't care if he grabs her, nor if her shoulder is dislocated if she resists being cuffed, but she doesn't need to be tazed. Nor would she need to be choked out or slammed face first onto the hood of the cruiser.

The cop's a fag for doing it, whether it was legal or not, I don't care.
Jose, I think you are missing one of my main points. I stated that "Violence should only be used in the defense of one's self or the defense of others."

The police using violence to arrest a violent criminal would be doing so "in the defense of others." Deputy Chris Bieze wasn't defending anyone when he tazed the 72 year old woman

Texas law requires that you sign a summons being delivered to you by a peace officer. If you decide to not sign, you have to be arrested.

You can live in fantasy-land all you want but it is incumbent upon you (since you have taken an immature stance) to describe how a Texas police officer is to perform his duty to arrest someone who will not acknowledge a summons AND physically resists detention without using force.
How do you take a passively resistant person into custody? At some point you have to put hands on them and be physical even though they themselves are not being physical.

Given her age is it not likely that laying hands on her and getting physical would have actually run a higher risk of injury to her?

I honestly don't know. I haven't thought it through enough to say it was absolutely the wrong decision, I said it makes me uneasy. I don't think there's anything wrong with feeling uneasy when authority uses such force on citizens.
I don't care if he grabs her, nor if her shoulder is dislocated if she resists being cuffed, but she doesn't need to be tazed.

Maybe you don't care, but I bet his department and county care not to be sued for civil rights violation.
I don't care if he grabs her, nor if her shoulder is dislocated if she resists being cuffed, but she doesn't need to be tazed. Nor would she need to be choked out or slammed face first onto the hood of the cruiser.

The cop's a fag for doing it, whether it was legal or not, I don't care.

Sooo... you would be OK with him manhandling her and dislocating her shoulder but you have a problem with him using something that did not harm her at all?[rolleyes][rolleyes]
I have a proposal for all you taser haters.

Next time you get stopped by the police for whatever reason, get combative. Physically resist and tell the officers you want to fight them. Then tell us how that turns out.
How combative does someone need to get before they get tossed to the ground?

A taser is simply a less harmful method of getting someone to the ground. You could alternatively tackle, grapple, throwdown, punch in the face, or beat about the head with a nightstick.

Did it half to go to the extreme of tackling, punching, and sticking? We'll never know. Going straight to the tazer when someone is not compliant just raises concerns for me.
Yeah, as if there's not going to be a lawsuit now!
No, there isn't going to be a lawsuit. Or if there is one it won't go far at all. The deputy followed procedure and the department is backing him up.

The evidence is overwhelmingly damning to a plaintiff that already lied about what happened and clammed up only after the patrol video surfaced. [rolleyes]
I honestly don't know. I haven't thought it through enough to say it was absolutely the wrong decision, I said it makes me uneasy. I don't think there's anything wrong with feeling uneasy when authority uses such force on citizens.

It is one of those things that at first glance sounds horrible..but when you think about it.. it makes sense.
A f*cking unarmed 120 lb 72 year old woman can be taken into custody by a 250 lb cop without f*cking using a f*cking tazer. Jesus. Please.
I think the problem is further back than that... (though I have no sympathy for this lady... )

Why have we setup a system where a traffic violation can turn into an arrest without violence on the part of the offender?

I have never understood the signature BS... It's just that - BS, get rid of it, it serves no useful purpose...

Where I find fault, it is bigger than the officer, it is the system that caused this escalation in the first place... Could he have handled it differently? Sure... But she was being an ass, so he didn't...

But again, my issue is it should not be possible for a traffic citation to turn into an arrest without the offense itself requiring an arrest unless the driver/offender gets violent with the police and sorry, harsh language doesn't count...
Did it half to go to the extreme of tackling, punching, and sticking? We'll never know. Going straight to the tazer when someone is not compliant just raises concerns for me.

Look at the alternatives...the tazer was the least likely method to cause more serious injury to her because of her age.
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