Great morning

Full moon tonight.
Cold temps and peak of rut is said to be 11/7 - 11/14.
I'm heading to NY on Friday for Saturday opener....My buddies seeing multiple bucks on hot does daily.
Keep your powder dry and shoot straight.....!
Right now bucks are should be seeing a few on camera if your in a decent spot. If they are there during the day, that's a spot to hunt.

Let me know how that same camera is in September.......doubt your seeing crap. That's how it is in MA, its OK during the rut, any other time its rough. Contrast that to my CT cams....I'll see lots of deer year round, that's when you know you have a good herd.
In September that same cam was very hot with deer. Another one not so much at all. Another one was very hot in October and that was not just does running full speed past it.
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