Greeting, and please be careful about what you post

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When we are afraid to speak, even to our families, we will be where Russia was when the communists where taking power.

You are more than welcome to waive your right against self-incrimination at home with your family. Don't do it here.

Look, the bottom line here is that it's incredibly stupid to post about illegal behavior on the internet. It's also strictly against this forum's code of conduct. Don't do it here or you'll be banned.
Keep It Legal

Northeast does not allow any illegal activities. You cannot use Northeast’s services to publish, post, distribute, or disseminate defamatory, infringing, obscene, or other unlawful material or information, specifically, but not limited to, child pornography, bestiality and incest. Also, you may not use these forums for posting information relating to illegal drugs.

You may not use any of our discussion boards for the purpose of linking to external sites that violate this Code of Conduct. Do not post messages that contain materials protected by intellectual property laws, rights of privacy or publicity or any other applicable law unless you own or control the rights thereto or have received all necessary consents. Northeast is not responsible for any use of anything you say or post.

Do not post any materials (including software and other information) that could harm (or is designed to harm) other users' computers or would allow others to inappropriately access software or Web sites.

Does this require further clarification?
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Who said anything about being afraid to speak to your family?

We haven't reached the point wherev we are afraid to speak to our families. When we reach the point where we are afraid to speak to anyone we will have reached the point where Russia was when the communists were taking power. We are not at that point yet. I speak here, and I know it is public. I know my CoP could figure out who I am and could deny my LTC based on suitability, since I have openly said I will defend the Constitution.

Imagine the poor people who have posted that they have 30 round p-mags. in MA. I fear for those people.
We haven't reached the point wherev we are afraid to speak to our families. When we reach the point where we are afraid to speak to anyone we will have reached the point where Russia was when the communists were taking power. We are not at that point yet. I speak here, and I know it is public. I know my CoP could figure out who I am and could deny my LTC based on suitability, since I have openly said I will defend the Constitution.

Imagine the poor people who have posted that they have 30 round p-mags. in MA. I fear for those people.

Speak all you want, just keep it legal like Derek asks. It's his forum, his rules.
Speak all you want, just keep it legal like Derek asks. It's his forum, his rules.

The point is, that the police can deny you an LTC for subjective reasons. You don't have to be a criminal to be denied an LTC in MA. The rules on NES are clearer than in the Commonwealth of MA.
The point is, that the police can deny you an LTC for subjective reasons. You don't have to be a criminal to be denied an LTC in MA. The rules on NES are clearer than in the Commonwealth of MA.

Yes, I'm well aware of that. That's not what Atty Foley is warning us about.
I ask attorney Foley:

Could someone posting on NES be deemed unsuitable for an LTC based on posts that did not admit to illegal activity?
I ask attorney Foley:

Could someone posting on NES be deemed unsuitable for an LTC based on posts that did not admit to illegal activity?

I'm not Atty Foley, but the answer is yes. Chiefs have wide discretion (too wide in my opinion) to decide suitability. There have been known cases of people being [STRIKE=found]found[/STRIKE] deemed unsuitable based on comments made here. It's not a hypothetical, it's a fact.
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I ask attorney Foley:

Could someone posting on NES be deemed unsuitable for an LTC based on posts that did not admit to illegal activity?

Could they? Absolutely. Has it happened? I don't know.

There have been known cases of people being found unsuitable based on comments made here. It's not a hypothetical, it's a fact.

I'm not familiar with these specific incidents, so I cannot tell if the comments mentioned actually admitted to criminal activity or not.

Mr. Simkin was found unsuitable because he was lawfully carrying concealed and used a pseudonym to protect his privacy. Nothing illegal in either, but he was found unsuitable. That was overturned by the Mass Supreme Judicial Court, but I'm he paid his lawyer plenty for that.

Mr. Plouff was legally transporting a shotgun but was deemed unsuitable to hold a FID (where suitability is not supposed to be a determining factor) because the police chief thinks he violated the storage law.

The Worcester Police Chief has found people unsuitable because they are known to associate with gang members. (Which is why I'll never send a friend request to anyone named after a Hun.)
I'm not familiar with these specific incidents, so I cannot tell if the comments mentioned actually admitted to criminal activity or not.

In the case that I'm aware of the comments were not admissions of guilt. The person was expressing excitement about getting his license and the CoP decided that he was too excited. (At least that's how I remember it, there may have been some other details.)
That's what my wife says.

You poor bastard ~ [laugh]

I would like to take this time to let law enforcement reading this know that I am a responsible citizen and have no criminal record, despite my love for gags and a willingness to act like a goofball.
I also do not resemble my avatar in any way and do not possess any Acme explosives, though I do wish I lived in a cartoon world so that I could escape this horrifyingly real world that the politicians have created around me, I somehow keep it together and find my way into work everyday so I can pay my taxes and keep things working at the embarrassingly slow pace this state seems to work.

Thank you and have a nice day

Tim [smile]
You poor bastard ~ [laugh]

I would like to take this time to let law enforcement reading this know that I am a responsible citizen and have no criminal record, despite my love for gags and a willingness to act like a goofball.
I also do not resemble my avatar in any way and do not possess any Acme explosives, though I do wish I lived in a cartoon world so that I could escape this horrifyingly real world that the politicians have created around me, I somehow keep it together and find my way into work everyday so I can pay my taxes and keep things working at the embarrassingly slow pace this state seems to work.

Thank you and have a nice day

Tim [smile]

Nice try, but you're still a patriot who supports the constitution.
Nice try, but you're still a patriot who supports the constitution.

I just want to point out that one can be a patriot who supports the Constitution while at the same time being smart enough to stay off the ridge line. In my opinion we don't need any more martyrs.
I just want to point out that one can be a patriot who supports the Constitution while at the same time being smart enough to stay off the ridge line. In my opinion we don't need any more martyrs.

I agree with all you say here, including the "martyrs. I do not care, however, if some idiot wants to tell the world about the stupid thing he did. Let him hang himself (metaphorically), for all I care. He is not "using" the forum for illegal activities, he is merely providing a confession, "in writing", for all who wish to see it.
I agree with all you say here, including the "martyrs. I do not care, however, if some idiot wants to tell the world about the stupid thing he did. Let him hang himself (metaphorically), for all I care. He is not "using" the forum for illegal activities, he is merely providing a confession, "in writing", for all who wish to see it.

Sometimes, sure. In any case it's Derek who gets served and has to deal with the aggravation and expense. Plus it draws even more unwanted attention to people who post here who aren't doing anything illegal.
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