Groton is next in line

I always enjoy my meals at Gibbet Hill Grill in Groton. Don’t know much about the town but seems like a nice area. If burglaries are happening in rich towns like Groton, that far from the city, it is not a good sign.
I thought all were welcome in Groton????
I remember when that marker on 225 was put in. Made the national news:
‘All Are Welcome’ signs tear small town apart

"The kooky crusade was spearheaded by 67-year-old Jack Saball, a former Groton selectman and retired police captain. He ultimately believes that the markers, which are actually engraved rocks, could open the door for illegal immigrants.
“It might include Groton as a sanctuary city,” Saball said. “We do not want someone to read this and think this town has a political agenda.”
Saball argues that because the rocks sit on public property, they should be apolitical.
Many people have been taking to social media to voice their opinion over the markers, which sit in various areas across town. One is situated at the entrance of a Hindu house of worship.
Local officials insist, though, that their positioning is in no way politically motivated.
“This was not a sanctuary-city issue, it was not a political or religious sign,” explained Petropoulos. “It was a way of telling people as they come in and out of our town that it’s a welcoming place.”
While numerous locals are upset about the markers, social media users from around the country have been showing their support.
“Imagine being so racist you can’t even pretend to be ok with a rock that says ‘all’ on it,” tweeted one person.
“When did the words ‘All are welcome’ become controversial?” another asked. “That’s the ultimate American ideal, engraved on the Statue of Liberty.”"
I have seen them many times, there is one engraved with "1977" on it IIRC, so they have been there a while. These days unless you have beaucoups money, you are welcome to visit but not live there, lol.
I lived in Groton for 15 years. To the best of my knowledge it did not and still does not contain any gun store. No, I'm not saying they should outlaw them but its kinda like saying Glock switches are more illegal. Giving the MA zoning requirements for operating a business there's not a lot of real estate available. Forget the center of town as the historic folks have that well tied up. Seems like more "see, we did something" and "feel good bylaws". Also, I had no issues with Groton PD when renewing my LTC. It was all straight forward and by the book.
Was Barnacle Bills in Littleton or Groton? I’m thinking Littleton but…
That town died with Gusty!!
You do realize that there is or was a manufacturer of Olympic competition pistols .
I think his shop was over on 225
Rep. Harrington (puppet) had it put on the double secret list so they could be sold and shipped from MA.
This was a while ago and memory might be fuzzy .
Is Harrington still the rep for Groton pepperell and a part of ayer?
The newcomers think Groton is special 1 it was a farm 2 your ruining the place!!

How's things down at the Fairgrounds?
I think Harrington might be a Judge now?
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