how did your friend get no restrictions in Cambridge? handle large sums of money?
They dont just give those out there.....
You aren't kidding. He doesn't handle large sums of money or own his own business...just an everyday citizen. He literally walked into the station sometime in February after filling out "the pacakge." A secratary took his photo/fingerprinted/asked the necessary questions and told him he was all set (that's right, he didn't even need to see the detective in charge!). 3 weeks later he gets a call from Cambridge PD saying his LTC is in. He walks in, picks up the card and walks out. It was only after he walks out that he sees "Restrictions: None" on the card. He even showed it to me to give me crap...its legit!
EDIT: I should add that it is definitely a Class A LTC with no restrictions (like I said, he showed it to me). Also, he doesn't know anyone at Cambridge PD, nor is he affiliated with any politician either. He walked in, applied, and walked out. Less than a month later, LTC-A ALP.
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