What Would Happen If A Civilian Decided To Walk Around Town In Full SWAT Combat Gear??? (No Guns)


NES Member
Dec 13, 2006
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If a civilian decided to walk around town in full SWAT tactical gear - what would happen?

As in making a fashion statement by wearing all the gear from helmet to boots and everything tactical in between?

Maybe the cops will question him and note who he is in case of future calls?

But, unless such a person is creating a disturbance - I think wearing such a costume is totally legal.

Lots of people might be scared at first but if it's a regular occurrence and they whole town knows he's not a threat after a while - he might be accepted.

There was a guy is Keene who walked around with a AR and another guy who walked around with a large sword.

In Massachusetts, I think swords and machetes are legal, too.

I think this all falls on 1st Amendment and 2nd Amendment rights which are protected.

Under Bruen - I think people can push their rights to the extreme since suitability can be fought and won in court by a person who wants to make this his cause in life.

Of course being a grey man may be a better choice but I'm curious what the outcome might be be such a eccentric individual who wants to express his tactical side.
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It’s not a crime. If you get enough calls, they may come down and arrest you for disorderly conduct or some similar BS just to make the phone stop ringing. As long as it doesn’t have anything that looks like a badge or police patch, I don’t see a problem.

Even open carrying a firearm is legal, but that’s only because nobody really does it. If people started OC their handguns, it would be illegal within a month tops.
There are already plenty of towns that have at least one whackjob that goes around dressed in full fatigues telling the little kids that they served in the Gulf War. So what's wrong with taking it to the next level? I can see it happening and I can see a NES member snapping one day and being THAT person. You will definitely draw attention to yourself for sure but that's what screwballs want to do when they crawl out of Mommy's basement to start their day. I don't think there is anything legal that could be done considering how some people already dress when they're ready to start their day. All you have to do is peruse a WalMart, Dollar Store, Family Dollar, or even a hospital Emergency Dept. and see for yourself. Halloween could be considered everyday now.
It’s not a crime. If you get enough calls, they may come down and arrest you for disorderly conduct or some similar BS just to make the phone stop ringing. As long as it doesn’t have anything that looks like a badge or police patch, I don’t see a problem.

Even open carrying a firearm is legal, but that’s only because nobody really does it. If people started OC their handguns, it would be illegal within a month tops.
Some towns are very forgiving for unusual and or bizarre behavior being that the local mental hospital got shut down and now they are all on the streets.

The police might want to "have a little chat" to see what his intentions are.

I think an otherwise "responsible and respectful" individual can pull this off. Maybe even get a body cam to go with the gear to record any actions against him.

The police around here deal with some of the nuttiest people in Massachusetts and some crazy criminals, too, who get away with much worse than this behavior.

We have a lot of furries walking around town as of late. My neighbors kids told me that the local school has 3 certified furries (I forget what animals exactly but something dog or wolf related). The furries wear their outfits in school and the school administration actually goes along with this under the guise of DEI and diversity.

The inmates are literally running the asylum. They run the schools now.

When certain immigrants and Blacks came to town - their children were scared of me because they thought I was a cop because of my pants. After observing me they are no longer scared or getting deported as they know I'm not ICE.
There are already plenty of towns that have at least one whackjob that goes around dressed in full fatigues telling the little kids that they served in the Gulf War. So what's wrong with taking it to the next level? I can see it happening and I can see a NES member snapping one day and being THAT person. You will definitely draw attention to yourself for sure but that's what screwballs want to do when they crawl out of Mommy's basement to start their day. I don't think there is anything legal that could be done considering how some people already dress when they're ready to start their day. All you have to do is peruse a WalMart, Dollar Store, Family Dollar, or even a hospital Emergency Dept. and see for yourself. Halloween could be considered everyday now.
If a SWAT guy ever interacted with kids or hung around playgrounds in that costume he would be rightfully due for a beat down from their dads.

I would hope than anybody in costume would only do normal things in stores and on the street as they would be under extreme scrutiny and people might try to test them and pick fights.

When I wear my Oakley Ski Goggles in town, people might think that is suspicious. As if I'm going to rob the place. However, their are cameras all over, people have cell phones to take pics and video - so as long as I act accordingly it's never been a problem.

Over the past few years all the adult furries in town have integrated into society.

Many of the nutty people in town have nick names.

What would be a good nick name for SWAT Guy?


It is Halloween every day. Lot's of LARPERS walking around on a daily basis.

What are the downsides of being SWAT Guy?

Are there any dangers of having such a costume?

I mean, the furries might get shot if they are hiking in the woods and SWAT Guy might get shot by bank robbers if the bank robbers think he's a cop.
If a SWAT guy ever interacted with kids or hung around playgrounds in that costume he would be rightfully due for a beat down from their dads.

I would hope than anybody in costume would only do normal things in stores and on the street as they would be under extreme scrutiny and people might try to test them and pick fights.

When I wear my Oakley Ski Goggles in town, people might think that is suspicious. As if I'm going to rob the place. However, their are cameras all over, people have cell phones to take pics and video - so as long as I act accordingly it's never been a problem.

Over the past few years all the adult furries in town have integrated into society.

Many of the nutty people in town have nick names.

What would be a good nick name for SWAT Guy?


It is Halloween every day. Lot's of LARPERS walking around on a daily basis.

What are the downsides of being SWAT Guy?

Are there any dangers of having such a costume?

I mean, the furries might get shot if they are hiking in the woods and SWAT Guy might get shot by bank robbers if the bank robbers think he's a cop.
I'm not interested in playing the "what if" game. Have fun with others though!
They would look like an idiot. On par with fat incels walking around with shotguns at Starbucks. Searching for their 15 seconds of fame because their. On the upside, it’s much better than the same losers shooting up a school.
They would look like an idiot. On par with fat incels walking around with shotguns at Starbucks. Searching for their 15 seconds of fame because their. On the upside, it’s much better than the same losers shooting up a school.

Maybe a bad idea!

Especially for someone who doesn’t want to be on YouTube!

The guy I know doesn’t want to do this anymore.
There was a dude who used to do this in one if the most leftist cities in MA. And he would just walk the streets all day talking to people. Everyone knew about him. No one cared.

You’re asking about what would happen if someone walked around without weapons. That’s generally what people do. No one’s being arrested for walking around without a weapon.
If a civilian decided to walk around town in full SWAT tactical gear - what would happen?

As in making a fashion statement by wearing all the gear from helmet to boots and everything tactical in between?

What if he had NO gun but still had a tactical vest and belt loaded to the max with a dozen 10 round magazines - BUT NO GUN?

I think this all falls on 1st Amendment and 2nd Amendment rights which are protected.

1st Amendment? Perhaps, even likely. 2nd Amendment? Problematic, as it’s hard to justify carrying ammunition without a firearm as a self-defense measure and there is no precedent on body armor.

IMO, you are good until the wrong person gets pissed at you. For example, a LEO could stop you and “find” a standard capacity magazine among your stash. Then you’d be facing a felony charge for both the magazine and wearing body armor while committing a felony.

Isn’t that illegal? Sure. Is that likely? No. Would you be convicted? Again, unlikely. But despite your tacticool gear, you are violating a key tactical principle— don’t unnecessarily make yourself a target.
Try it out and get back to us.
beat me to it...:(

reptile - believe that is you on the right...

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Let’s see, what would I do? Point the finger and laugh, most likely.
You clearly are not very inclusive.

Around here, men wear skirts, women have beards and everyone gets along.

Surely SWAT Guy can walk around with his Gimp suit with impunity.

The Gimp jacket also has a Imperial Star Wars Insignia (not to be mistaken for a badge) - although I was once yelled at for being a "fake cop".


Now, @frenchman - this might really get you...

I wear a bright yellow vest that says "Harley Davidson" when I ride my Ruckus!!!

Never had a problem!

Now, up in Laconia driving past the 1% club houses, the 1% may take issue with my attire but not around here.

99% of bikers are LARPERS anyway, right?

Freedom to be as weird as I want to be!

just fine as long as you don't forget the codpiece
View attachment 949300

Codpiece, by Kitanica!

There used to be (20 years ago) this mentally-challenged dude in FR. He would take his spare $ and go to hte Army/Navy store up teh street from me. (Cool store - sad it's gone. Old asian couple ran it.)

Anyhow, he'd have all sorts of things on. I think he culminated in Backpackextravaganza! He had a full ALICE pack, a pack on that, side packs, fanny packs, leg packs. All in black. He looked like a black StayPuft Marshmallow Man.

No one lost their minds. But then again, it was 2004, not 2024.

I recall 30 years ago walking down Boylston St with my mom - tkaing her back to work after lunch. Some guy walks out a shop/building wearing a blue shirt nad blue work pants. Holding a revolver in his hand. Mom is blathering away. I move her AWAY from him (Boyslton sidwalks are VERY wide there) and around, watching the whole time.

Then his buddy comes out. Brinks guys. He had barely a badge on. No hat. Nothing. Just some dolt holding an ancient Smith down by his side.

I was flummoxed that no one else noticed at all. Broad daylight. Boston.
Seen guards off duty open carry and no one batted a eye. Seen one small Brinks patch otherwise wouldn't know he was.
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