Guide to gun rights in your Massachusetts town

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LTC/ALP is obsolete - the new "good license" is LTC/NR - LTC, No Restrictions.
"All lawful purposes" was changed to "none" some time after the wording "Reason for issuance" was changed to "Restriction" on the license (thanks GOAL).

So I have an LTC A ALP. What does that mean now?
Same thing it always meant; the only difference is that the new wording leaves no wiggle room for an attorney to argue that a "Reason for issuance" is not in fact a restriction under MGL. GOAL was concerned about that ambiguity, and arranged to have the wording clarified so that there is absolutely no wiggle room on a license less than "Restrictions: None".
Same thing it always meant; the only difference is that the new wording leaves no wiggle room for an attorney to argue that a "Reason for issuance" is not in fact a restriction under MGL. GOAL was concerned about that ambiguity, and arranged to have the wording clarified so that there is absolutely no wiggle room on a license less than "Restrictions: None".

Back in the day, I found that "reason for issuance is not a restriction" argument to garner very little traction in court.
I just renewed my Class A in Douglas last year. Sign on the door of the PD says that you need to have a proficiency test and a statement for reason to have a Class A for renewals. I provided neither and I have my now oh-so-tiny-compared-to-my-original Class A. No restrictions. Would that qualify as a "green" town?
ya i applied for my LTCA a few weeks ago closer to a month but ya i never did any of that either and when i had the interview which was not even a interview . you guys can yell all you want, but i just turned 21 and honestly have no desire to carry concealed and i told him that and he was like and i quote " Doesnt matter i dont restrict it anyway". then he was like see you in about 5-8 weeks when it comes in i will call you.
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honestly have no desire to carry concealed
So why would we yell? That is YOUR decision. We tell folks to go for the LTC-A because it allows the possibility to carry IF YOU WANT TO, and it allows you to purchase large capacity firearms.

Up to you if you want to do any of that or not - but you can't without that LTC-A.
LTC/ALP is obsolete - the new "good license" is LTC/NR - LTC, No Restrictions.
"All lawful purposes" was changed to "none" some time after the wording "Reason for issuance" was changed to "Restriction" on the license (thanks GOAL).

Was there a law change to "fix" that, or was it an administrative change? If so, when and what law (Ch. and Sec.)?
Back in the day, I found that "reason for issuance is not a restriction" argument to garner very little traction in court.

Yeah, but some people just can't be happy unless they can be as pissed at some pro-gun group (usually for some heresy) as the rest of us are at the Brady Bunch. Of course GOAL never asked that the wording "reason for issue" be changed to "restrictions", but why let that spoil it either. Of course the list of restrictions given by some departments was always good for a laugh or to hoeplessly confuse new licensees. What exactly was one allowed to do with a license issued for "All Unlawful Purposes", "All Awful Purposes", or "Protection of Life and Property"? Commit crimes? Make a rap video? Use deadly force to protect by TV?

you guys can yell all you want, but i just turned 21 and honestly have no desire to carry concealed and i told him that and he was like and i quote " Doesnt matter i dont restrict it anyway". then he was like see you in about 5-8 weeks when it comes in i will call you.

dwarven1 is right hun - it's your decision as to whether or not you want to carry. We won't yell if you don't. [smile] Not everyone does and that's a very personal decision that everyone has to make for themself. However, it IS good to get a no restictions Class A. Think of it like a fire hydrant. It's right outside your house...just in case. [wink]
Ya i understand and i am getting the ALP i may CCW but, mostly not since i am getting a new job hopefully at RI hospital in an IT department(have interview soon). so carrying into a hospital not the best idea and i cant carry in RI anyway unless i get a i believe they call it a blue card or A CCW there and i also go to college in RI. well to end the off topic disscussion Douglas is GREEN!
I think Waltham is red for new permits, but they will grandfather class A ALP permits. Mine has always been grandfathered so I'm not sure about new issue.
I just received a letter from the Criminal History Board telling me that my license is about to expire (in August) and to get busy renewing it. Never got one of those before. I guess something has changed somewhere.

Nice to know that I'm listed with the criminals.
I just received a letter from the Criminal History Board telling me that my license is about to expire (in August) and to get busy renewing it. Never got one of those before. I guess something has changed somewhere.

Nice to know that I'm listed with the criminals.

Ed got one yesterday too. His is the end of September.
I didn't see Attleboro on the list, but I think it should be red. I didn't have trouble obtaining the license, but when I put ALP, it was restricted to "Targeting, Hunting, and Employment" without any discussion.
I didn't see Attleboro on the list, but I think it should be red. I didn't have trouble obtaining the license, but when I put ALP, it was restricted to "Targeting, Hunting, and Employment" without any discussion.


Wow, I was under the impression that the 3 "boros" were all green. Major bummer.
You can put Charlton in bold black. Got a relative that lives there and was told by the chief that they dont give class A's.
Wakefield - Currently Green, as long as you give a good reason (All lawful will get you a restricted)

Then it's not really green... that would be more like a yellow. Green means
ALP, no questions asked, no BS. A lot of PDs will give you ALP(or is on the
new permits, None) regardless of whatever you supply as a reason... those are the "true" green towns.

Seekonk Update

Hey guys got my FID today. (Just in time for Gobblers).After a conversation during my application,I learned that in an out of state hunter saftey course is good enough for the FID. But for the LTC I do need to take a MA certified course. No idea if this pertains to other towns.
I asked about doing that next time for the LTC and I was not given any reason why I would not get it. Although I was not given a direct answer either.
However the officer in charge of this was very pleasant and offered that the main reason folks get denied in this town is because of dishonesty. Even if it was something that is on a record, if the applicant is upfront about it, things could be worked out. Whatever that means.
Also some folks omit some stuff in their history that they wouldn't think would effect the application, but because they withheld info it caused a denial. Even though it did not seem like a heavy infraction.
So I won'y quite say green yet. But I did get the FID with a RI course and I can use my Shotgun this year for hunting. And it did not seem difficult for an LTC. But again I only applied for the FID for now.
Thanks guys for your imput. It was very helpful

A pump shotgun and muzzle loader are covered by an FID. The FID is shall issue.
I don't know what course you are referring to. The only courses that are sufficient for an FID or LTC are those that are certified by the MA State Police and taught by an instructor certified by the MA State Police.

The list of approved courses is here:
The typical hunter safety class is not sufficient.
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