Gun ban in Manchester (NH) city schools floated

May 8, 2011
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Jim O'Connell has his sights set on getting a ban on guns in city schools passed in 2021. The at-large school board member raised some eyebrows last week when, in the waning minutes of a policy committee meeting, he said he is working on a policy banning guns in school buildings, with some exceptions — like firearms carried by police officers. O’Connell said school boards are given wide latitude to devise policies that provide for the safety of their students and believes a “well-crafted policy” could be enforced locally. He plans to bring up the gun ban issue when the school board reviews the district’s safety policies in February. “Allowing guns in school buildings, especially during the school day, is inherently dangerous. It makes no sense that a principal in one of our schools cannot challenge a person entering the building for carrying a firearm.” O’Connell said he isn’t worried about the “well-disciplined, responsible, safety-conscious” gun owner. “It is the idiots and yahoos who carry their firearm in their sweatpants waistband and have no clue about gun-management or safety that I worry about,” he said.
Jim O'Connell has his sights set on getting a ban on guns in city schools passed in 2021. O’Connell said school boards are given wide latitude to devise policies that provide for the safety of their students and believes a “well-crafted policy” could be enforced locally.
Yeah, good luck to O’Connell on that, the city & school can make whatever rules they want, they can't override state law, which isn't changing in the next 2 years.

So basically he's just throwing away time, and also money spent on lawyers defending their policy when it comes into conflict with state law and ultimately is overturned. Elected officials like this, wastrels of taxpayer money, need to be publicly named & shamed.

He plans to bring up the gun ban issue when the school board reviews the district’s safety policies in February. “Allowing guns in school buildings, especially during the school day, is inherently dangerous. It makes no sense that a principal in one of our schools cannot challenge a person entering the building for carrying a firearm.” O’Connell said he isn’t worried about the “well-disciplined, responsible, safety-conscious” gun owner. “It is the idiots and yahoos who carry their firearm in their sweatpants waistband and have no clue about gun-management or safety that I worry about,” he said.

So nobody has bothered to notify O’Connell of the long-standing federal GFSZA'94 which already covers this?

If the school were to post a sign citing RSA 193-D and quoting the Federal prohibition on carrying a firearm within 1,000 feet of a school without a valid pistol/revolver license, that would probably stand up to a challenge and satisfy their need for virtue signaling.
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My guess is the firearm prohibitionist is trying to up his profile for a future campaign. This will play well with The Party.
The at-large school board member raised some eyebrows last week when, in the waning minutes of a policy committee meeting, he said he is working on a policy banning guns in school buildings, with some exceptions — like firearms carried by police officers.
Yes. The people most likely to leave handguns in bathrooms, shoot themselves, or shoot others should be exempt.

“It is the idiots and yahoos who carry their firearm in their sweatpants waistband and have no clue about gun-management or safety that I worry about,” he said.
Those are called students, and they already are not allowed to carry firearms in schools.
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