Gun law opponents begin repeal campaign: Gun owners have taken the first step toward putting before Massachusetts voters a proposal to repeal law

There are in excess of 300k license holders in the state.
we only need less than 17% to sign.
We should be able to get 50k by hitting every club, gun store and all of our unlicensed family (not all will sign but some will)
I can get about 15 signatures within 50 yards of my house - and I'm zoned rural.
Walk around neighbors and I'm sure 50 would be doable.

It doesn't take a lot of people burning shoe leather to collect 50k
Especially if we get permission to collect at places like Bass Pro and Cabelas.
There are in excess of 300k license holders in the state.
we only need less than 17% to sign.
We should be able to get 50k by hitting every club, gun store and all of our unlicensed family (not all will sign but some will)
I can get about 15 signatures within 50 yards of my house - and I'm zoned rural.
Walk around neighbors and I'm sure 50 would be doable.

It doesn't take a lot of people burning shoe leather to collect 50k
Especially if we get permission to collect at places like Bass Pro and Cabelas.
I’ve heard the number of license holders is closer to 600K. I’d like to see 100K signatures.

Just make sure they are registered voters. Apparently one unregistered voter on a page and they shitcan the whole page.
I’ve heard the number of license holders is closer to 600K. I’d like to see 100K signatures.

Just make sure they are registered voters. Apparently one unregistered voter on a page and they shitcan the whole page.
I think its going to be a struggle to get 50k but not impossible. Remember most LTC holders in this state are politically useless.

ETA: i bet a substantial # of signers might not be gun people but "im signing it because that situation sounds f***ed up".
There are in excess of 300k license holders in the state.
we only need less than 17% to sign.
We should be able to get 50k by hitting every club, gun store and all of our unlicensed family (not all will sign but some will)
I can get about 15 signatures within 50 yards of my house - and I'm zoned rural.
Walk around neighbors and I'm sure 50 would be doable.

It doesn't take a lot of people burning shoe leather to collect 50k
Especially if we get permission to collect at places like Bass Pro and Cabelas.

Yes. I can get at least 100 signatures with just a text message.

I think its going to be a struggle to get 50k but not impossible. Remember most LTC holders in this state are politically useless.

ETA: i bet a substantial # of signers might not be gun people but "im signing it because that situation sounds f***ed up".
Depends how it is worded. If it is the word vomit we have seen, people's brains will short and they will walk away.

If it is presented in clear bullets points, written in such a way to get everyone to see how bad it is, they can get it done.
They wrote the law because they are Leftists living in a State that voted close to 70% for Biden in 2020.

They wrote the law because they believe they can get away with it.

And we are asking close to 70% of Leftists to over-turn an unconstitutional law that belongs before SCOTUS and not the Communist voters of MA.


But if we can preserve the rights we have left and save some our gun dealers from extinction in the meantime shouldn’t we?
47k is to get it on the ballot
15 is to get the initiative officially started.

But where is that 47k number coming from?

I’m reading 15k to get it suspended and submitted in the next state election for referendum. To get the initiative officially started, you only need 10 signers.

I’ve searched the constitution, as referenced by GOAL, and nowhere does it mention 47k or 50k.

I’m happy to be proven wrong with the correct information, but I can only go by what my eyeballs are reading on codified law hosted by official MA channels.
They wrote the law because they are Leftists living in a State that voted close to 70% for Biden in 2020.

They wrote the law because they believe they can get away with it.

And we are asking close to 70% of Leftists to over-turn an unconstitutional law that belongs before SCOTUS and not the Communist voters of MA.
Constitutional rights cannot be voted out. Losing the ballot initiative would simply fast track a supreme court hearing.
What the hell??? GOAL concocted this? What a bunch of morons. Please stop giving money to GOAL. They have done absolutely nothing for gun rights in MA. Whether or not it’s their fault is debatable. But this is what they come up with?

Zero chance this works in the favor of gun owners. 100% chance this fails and solidifies the public and political opinion that this law is justified. And probably doesn’t go far enough in a lot of minds.

Didn’t MA put out a ballot measure to repeal income tax, which failed, and then they raised taxes? Thats what this is going to do.
What you say here is the same thing said for years. Don't sue, don't fight or we will lose more. Don't rock the boat. Well what did that get us, this new bill and trust me it won't be the last.
I believe this law is nothing but bullshit designed to make gun owners spend money fighting it so even if it's overturned, they get what they wanted.
Exactly. Taxpayer money to keep this garbage is deemed to be unlimited. The goal is for 2A advocacy groups to spend $millions fighting them all over the country in hundreds of jurisdictions.
It's clear that our government overlords pass laws and regulations these days without regards to future judicial review. They push BS legislation to our detriment, and could care less if it is legal or constitutional.

There needs to be a change, such that governments officials are held accountable for the financial or legal damages suffered because of their BS laws. Perhaps the government is responsible for making victims of crap laws whole. Businesses that close or go out of business, as I expect we'll see with MA guns stores, have a right to recover their losses.

There's no honor anymore. There are too many laws that are complete nonsense.

Those enabling this BS should have their feet held to the fire.
It comes from the legally required percentage of the number of voted the current governor received in the last election.
Makes it easier to override an unpopular governor.
Depends how it is worded. If it is the word vomit we have seen, people's brains will short and they will walk away.

If it is presented in clear bullets points, written in such a way to get everyone to see how bad it is, they can get it done.
Most people signing petiitions don't really read it - they are convinced to sign or not in a few tens of seconds by the person asking them to sign.

But if we can preserve the rights we have left and save some our gun dealers from extinction in the meantime shouldn’t we?
We should, before SCOTUS and not before the court of MA Communists.

The day will come when the folly of allowing a Leftist State to vote on a 2A right will be a lesson of the road to Hell being paved with good intentions.
What you say here is the same thing said for years. Don't sue, don't fight or we will lose more. Don't rock the boat. Well what did that get us, this new bill and trust me it won't be the last.

No it’s not the same. I’m giving an example of how this went wrong in MA previously and made things worse. I am saying fight in court and sue. Just don’t do this. This is pointless and will make things worse.
We should, before SCOTUS and not before the court of MA Communists.

The day will come when the folly of allowing a Leftist State to vote on a 2A right will be a lesson of the road to Hell being paved with good intentions.
We don't need to go through the Mass system
But we do need to start at ground level in the Federal courts and the 1st Circus is the most anti-2A circuit of all of them.
Hard to believe they are worse than the 9th but they are.
And the most important: rifles and shotguns are not part of the roster so they can be sold and dealers stay in business.

This alone is reason enough to do it.

If the time it takes to sign your name is too high a price to help maintain firearms sales as a viable retail sector in a beleaguered state, then your priorities suck.
47k is to get it on the ballot
15 is to get the initiative officially started.
It comes from the legally required percentage of the number of voted the current governor received in the last election.
Makes it easier to override an unpopular governor.

Again, please provide references so we can all learn.

The text of the MA constituon that I quoted seemed very explicit in that:

- 10 signatures are needed to get it officially started
- 15k signatures are needed to get it suspended and put up for referendum at the next state election.

50% or greater of votes are needed make it null and void at the referendum vote.

Where a percentage of votes from the past election comes into play is that the repeal votes (if I’m reading this correctly) need to be at least 30% of the number of votes in the past election. So we need to not only get 50% of the repeal votes in the referendum, but those 50% need to amount to at least 30% of the past election votes.

This 30% stipulation is with the referendum voting, not with signatures required to suspend.

But really, I don’t think any of us think a repeal is achievable in the referendum. So, it boils down to that 15k number that is very explicitly mentioned as the threshold to suspend the law and get it put up for referrendum.

”Section 3. Mode of Petitioning for the Suspension of a Law and a Referendum Thereon. - A petition asking for a referendum on a law, and requesting that the operation of such law be suspended, shall first be signed by ten qualified voters and shall then be filed with the secretary of the commonwealth not later than thirty days after the law that is the subject of the petition has become law. [The secretary of the commonwealth shall provide blanks for the use of subsequent signers, and shall print at the top of each blank a description of the proposed law as such description will appear on the ballot together with the names and residences of the first ten signers. If such petition is completed by filing with the secretary of the commonwealth not later than ninety days after the law which is the subject of the petition has become law the signatures of not less than fifteen thousand qualified voters of the commonwealth, then the operation of such law shall be suspended, and the secretary of the commonwealth shall submit such law to the people at the next state election, if thirty days intervene between the date when such petition is filed with the secretary of the commonwealth and the date for holding such state election; if thirty days do not so intervene, then such law shall be submitted to the people at the next following state election, unless in the meantime it shall have been repealed; and if it shall be approved by a majority of the qualified voters voting thereon, such law shall, subject to the provisions of the constitution, take effect in thirty days after such election, or at such time after such election as may be provided in such law; if not so approved such law shall be null and void; but no such law shall be held to be disapproved if the negative vote is less than thirty per cent of the total number of ballots cast at such state election.] [Section 3 amended by section 2 of Amendments, Art.LXXIV and section 4 of Amendments, Art. LXXXI]”
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