Gun Lobby's Anti-Obama Panic Triggers Short-lived US Gun Sale Spike

Oct 8, 2006
New Vermont
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According to National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre, gun owners are uniting in "political spontaneous combustion."


In the most recent edition of the NRA's America's 1st Freedom magazine, LaPierre cites a "tsunami of Second Amendment consumerism" in the wake of the election of Barack Obama and his appointment of Eric Holder as Attorney General. Says LaPierre, "Americans are speaking with their wallets--buying firearms, accessories and ammunition in quantities never seen before," driven by fear of "Obama's hostile gun-ban agenda." The scary part is that most of the gun-shopping Krooks participating in this alliterative buying spree are those simply adding new military style weaponry to an existing arsenal. Over the past few years the gun industry has become increasingly dominated by manufacturers selling only AK-47 and AR-15 type assault rifles (newly christened "black rifles" by gunmakers to make them a little more cuddly and a little less killy), new high-powered handguns ranging from revolvers with the penetration power of rifles to AK-47 pistols, to anti-armor 50 caliber sniper rifles. Don't believe me? Pick up a copy of Shotgun News and compare the number of gun ads for "traditional" hunting rifles (a handful) to those for assault rifles (all the rest). Military-style weapons are the guns that are flying off the shelves and into the homes of people frightened about the "change" that an Obama Administration represents. (Left unstated by the NRA is that this short-lived sales peak will, if history is any gauge, be followed by a predictable sales slump, and gun ownership in the U.S. will continue its steady decline.)

And where some might see this latest sales bump as nothing more than the predictable result of NRA and gun industry fear mongering, LaPierre sees it as more, a whole lot more. To the NRA, there is nothing more patriotic than stocking up on the gun industry's latest and most lethal wares. In fact, the NRA equates the gun-buying binge with the Congressional election of 1994: "The last time we saw such an outpouring of anger and frustration...." Ballot box, bullet box? Tomato, tomahto. Only the NRA could equate buying a gun with exercising your right to vote.

This, of course, ignores the fact that angry and frustrated people might not be the best candidates to own that extra assault rifle.

Political spontaneous combustion? More like cynical spontaneous generation.

-Josh Sugarmann


The hyperlinks are the authors original links. I've heard the Huffington Post was a rag, and I know this is just an editorial, but this is pales in the face of reason and common sense. Even past the name calling and outright lies, the self quoting? [laugh] Yeah......
While somewhat irritating to read, this should be no surprise. The author is the Executive Director of the Violence Policy Center in DC...

If you really want to feel ill, take a visit to their web site...quite amazing

By way of example, there is a paper on there, under the AW page, titled
Bullet Hoses ; Semiautomatic Assault Weapons—What Are They? What's So Bad About Them?
So, that gets ones attention for sure, but then go into it and see the "Ten Key Points about What Assault Weapons Are and Why They Are So Deadly"

Mind numbing drivel and very dangerous BS. Take number 3 and 4 for example...

3. Civilian assault weapons are not machine guns. They are semiautomatic weapons. (Since 1986 federal law has banned the sale to civilians of new machine guns.) The trigger of a semiautomatic weapon must be pulled separately for each round fired. It is a mistake to call civilian assault weapons "automatic weapons" or "machine guns."

4. However, this is a distinction without a difference in terms of killing power. Civilian semiautomatic assault weapons incorporate all of the functional design features that make assault weapons so deadly. They are arguably more deadly than military versions, because most experts agree that semiautomatic fire is more accurate—and thus more lethal—than automatic fire

What moron wrote this? More deadly because they are semi auto? Doesn't this idiot realise that even full auto rifles have a semi auto setting???

Just to really make you get pissed off, read the section on "Gun Violence"...and I quote:

"Firearms are the second leading cause of traumatic death related to a consumer product in the United States and are the second most frequent cause of death overall for Americans ages 15 to 24. Since 1960, more than a million Americans have died in firearm suicides, homicides, and unintentional injuries.

Public health research has shown that firearms violence is directly related to firearms availability and density. What separates America from other Western, industrialized nations is not our overall rate of violence, but our rates of lethal violence—which can be directly traced to gun availability. In 2004 alone, 29,569 Americans died by gunfire: 16,750 in firearm suicides, 11,935 in firearm homicides, 649 in unintentional shootings, and 235 in firearm deaths of unknown intent, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. More than twice that number are treated in emergency rooms each year for nonfatal firearm injuries.

Most Americans are surprised to learn that most gun deaths are not homicides, but preventable suicides. Even in homicide, the vast majority stem not from criminal activity, but are the result of arguments between people who know one another. Less than eight percent of all gun deaths are felony related. The most common scenario for homicide in America is an argument between two people who know one another.

Gun violence places a tremendous burden on America's health care system. Direct medical costs for gunshot wounds total more than six million dollars a day. Nonfatal gunshot wounds are the leading source of uninsured hospital stays in the United States, with an estimated half of such costs borne directly by the public. These numbers reveal that while most Americans view gun violence solely as a crime issue, it is, in fact, a broad-based public health issue of which crime is merely the most recognized aspect"

Emphasis added...
Gun violence places a tremendous burden on America's health care system. Direct medical costs for gunshot wounds total more than six million dollars a day. Nonfatal gunshot wounds are the leading source of uninsured hospital stays in the United States, with an estimated half of such costs borne directly by the public.

An actuarially sound analysis of the cost would look at the medical expenses incurred, future contribution to society, and late life medical care costs when figuring out the economic impact of gun violence.

For example, in some cases, society will not have to pay for welfare or a lifetime of medical care including the ravaged of old age. If the shootee is a criminal, add in the cost of a public defender; the court system; incarceration or court supervision; and, of course, the financial impact on future victims on the "savings" side of the ledger. As long as the VPC is tallying up "expeneses", the should be subtracting any "savings". Tragic though it is in most cases (except for certain terminal illnesses) suicides end to save medical expenses rather than increase them.
They are arguably more deadly than military versions, because most experts agree that semiautomatic fire is more accurate—and thus more lethal—than automatic fire

Yup. So lets ban the semis and allow the fullys for civillian useage.
My wife looked at a similar stupid article on EBRs with a picture of one several months ago.

Her comment: "It's not gonna go all 'splody killing spree by itself!"
Who cares? Let the gun-grabbers get selected out. When the Greatest Depression hits full tilt, who's going to survive?

Sounds like a Robin Williams line from the movie The Survivors:

"Society is heading for the big flush, and those of us with guns will be the ones clinging to the rim when everything else goes down"

[rofl] [rofl2]
Pack em', stack em' and rack em' deep in the safes!

If this Porkulus / Screwulous bill went through the intestinal track of the Congress with the fortitude of a f*cking Goose, how long do you think it will take for a "Public Safety and Crime Prevention" bill to take... can hold your breath on that one. I am buying everything I can and am maxing myself out. The s*it is going to hit the fan in this country when unemployment goes above 10 Million and Inflation is at Jimmy Carter levels...

I want the best protection for my family and that is what I am buying.

Who cares? Let the gun-grabbers get selected out. When the Greatest Depression hits full tilt, who's going to survive?

Damn right. The s*it is going to hit the fan soon enough... US Autos are going down in flames. Inflation will be on the rise since the dollar will be as useful as Monopoly money. Yea... I want to be the one coming out on top when this blows over.
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